Anyone dropped out of life?

Yes, I entered into a self-imposed exile from friends and family (other than my immediate family who I was and am now living with). I stopped working and mainly retired to my room where I'd lie in bed all day lapsing in and out of a deamless sleep.
Eventually, I began smoking heroin and ironically it was that action that gave me purpose and motivation to begin reparations.

That room was a tomb. I never want to be in that situation again although I am appreciative of the struggle and how working through the darkness made and is continuing to make me a stronger, more capable individual.
Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Seems like there are positives and negatives.

I often think about it. Or at least start taking the easiest, stress free road.

I wouldn't recommend it for a young person but as you get older I believe a time for this will come.
When I say dropped out of life I mean:

stopped caring about working
stopped caring about relationships
stopped caring about gym and exercise
stopped caring about social life

How was it?? What did you do?? Positives and negatives?
I've been like that for much of the past 18 months. Haven't been to a gym. Exercise consists of walking and hiking. Have had sex like twice in the past year. Only talk to friends on the phone. I work at about 25% of the capacity I was doing three years ago.

Honestly, it's lonely. Very lonely. My dog is my sole companion. I am reinventing my life shortly, up to and including buying a professional services business. I almost fear I won't be able to function in any of the categories you mentioned. I've been clean of illegal drugs for 18 months and benzos for 14 months. I drink occasionally, and usually regret it. Had 4 drinks last weekend - first in some months - and all I could think about was ordering cocaine. Still smoking cigs.

I am seriously considering joining AA or NA just to learn how to socialize again. I'm not sure my mind is capable of increasing my work load. Eventually, I will have to hire and manage people. Not sure if I can do that again.

So in short, dropping out of life is easy if you can afford it. Climbing out if you want to seems to me to be a challenge.
I do have experience with dropping our of society for a few years, although i didn't completely abandon social life and basic health needs.

I felt very out of place in everything, having vivid and serious ideas about life quality but no avenues to express them and many frustrations. I was a stereotypical young man trapped in overpowering thoughts - thoughts which in themselves were profound, valid and important, but which tended to occur at the expense of basic emotional regulation due to pride and fear, leading to a state of emotional paralysis or psychological dissociation.

Nowadays i tend to view this period and its aftermath as a positive. My life hasn't been rough like some others on here, but i do feel like i've been through a lot of mental struggle resulting in a very interesting headspace as well as a reservoir of repressed self-love that essentially makes every day an improvement. But i'm also keenly aware of what could've been different and better.
I've been like that for much of the past 18 months. Haven't been to a gym. Exercise consists of walking and hiking. Have had sex like twice in the past year. Only talk to friends on the phone. I work at about 25% of the capacity I was doing three years ago.

Honestly, it's lonely. Very lonely. My dog is my sole companion. I am reinventing my life shortly, up to and including buying a professional services business. I almost fear I won't be able to function in any of the categories you mentioned. I've been clean of illegal drugs for 18 months and benzos for 14 months. I drink occasionally, and usually regret it. Had 4 drinks last weekend - first in some months - and all I could think about was ordering cocaine. Still smoking cigs.

I am seriously considering joining AA or NA just to learn how to socialize again. I'm not sure my mind is capable of increasing my work load. Eventually, I will have to hire and manage people. Not sure if I can do that again.

So in short, dropping out of life is easy if you can afford it. Climbing out if you want to seems to me to be a challenge.
So it was not a good thing for you
I started dropping out in 2015, doubled down in 2020. Every year more things drop out. It's not a positive experience. I think it's a coping mechanism to deal with everything that's broken (trauma, myself, family, society). I'd not recommend allowing yourself to fall too far from the train. It's a real fucker if you ever try and get back on.

If you're certain you want to go all the way and end things, then I guess you'll eventually reach a place where you feel so dissociated and depersonalized that you've nothing left to lose and the jump off this plane of existence becomes a no-brainer. I think that's kinda how I'm still headed. Tiny embers of hope still exist inside though, that have me thinking I should try to recover.
In my daily dealings (not drugs), there are actually very few that actually want to be here. Comes up in conversations all the time. People I work with/for, myself and many more.
They/we would rather not be here so are stuck looking for answers that seemingly never come.
It's so common and a side effect of something or many things that we see or go through. IDK
I am told to stay in the now and try to find things you appreciate... doesn't always work but it is always now. We can live nothing else. Opinion? Maybe but changes come and are. Trying to wrap my head around that one at this point and embrace that cause if I put my cat - which I love and cherish - as a "comfort/safe zone" and it passes I'm pretty much fucked, no?
Can we embrace that which bothers us most? Working on that and other stuff bout to go mad. 😆
All my best
I have, but I can’t.. Death wouldn’t be far for me if I did.

I need work to keep a roof over my head or I’m homeless. I’ve gotta exercise or I’ll become suicidally depressed and angry. I need a partner or else I feel hopelessly alone.

I guess it’s doable but it’s not living IMO.

Sometimes just breath.
Very intelligent question, actually. I haven't seen or heard a news report in 6 months, and I can't tell you what a difference that's made in my mental and emotional well being. I finally realized that keeping my "desktop" clear of all that nonsense is crucial to my health.
When I say dropped out of life I mean:

stopped caring about working
stopped caring about relationships
stopped caring about gym and exercise
stopped caring about social life

How was it?? What did you do?? Positives and negatives?
I have been this way more or less for the past few years and it has become really pronounced over the last year. I'm about to turn 29. Having several episodes of psychosis when I was younger started the more extreme isolation and for the last couple years I've collected ssi disability payments. Currently I live in Colombia on this payment and supplement it teaching english online. I don't really keep up with anyone besides my mother and occasionally this other guy who also lives in Colombia who is struggling heavily with addiction. I've pretty much given up on having any kind of career or real social life. As far as intimate relationships are concerned, forget it. Basically I've dropped out of the rat race and am trying to get used to the isolation, but admittedly I would like to feel a bit more connected.
When I say dropped out of life I mean:

stopped caring about working
stopped caring about relationships
stopped caring about gym and exercise
stopped caring about social life

How was it?? What did you do?? Positives and negatives?
Hard, but relieving. They came not all together, as if that matters. Firrst no job.
Then a bad relationship in which I lost a lot of time that could have been filled with fun.

Physical injuries that wasted my condition, as well as my age

Futile atttempts to connect with old friends and new people. Dissapointing.

Positive knowing who do love you, my parents. The time I can spend on my art is very welcom. Aswell as other project's. Negative missing like minded.

Cause is probably complex-PTSD in my case. How do you feel @garygroundwork?
Cause is probably complex-PTSD in my case. How do you feel @garygroundwork?

I have not dropped out yet but I often think about it and are close on some things. The older u get the more jaded you can become.

I have one friend, well friend of a friend. He hasn't worked for 20 years. Never had a relationship. Lives lone in a tiny flat with his pet cats and smokes weed. Only leaves house to buy food. I am not close enough with him to ask about his mindset. My friend thinks he's ok and chill. I saw him once and he is white and gaunt.
He didn't really drop out because he's never done anything.

I have anther friend who s female and on the cusp. 50 years old. She is a completely lost soul. dropped out of work, no friends, no relationship, estranged from family. She is not happy. no good mentally. refuses to take any type of medication.

But I can see how people get to a point where they give up... especially with relationships and socialising etc. Getting dumped by someone you love, being let down in some way by friends etc

I am intrigued by this and also people that hermit.