• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Answer joeraver

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so your saying most rich ppl dont care, not paying attention, what is it usually? they just write the checks?
Could you please stop making off-topic and joking replies? I have had to remove two of your posts today. If you want to joke around, The Lounge is the place to do that.
Thank you.
Its not a matter of being rich, but a matter of "Which is more valuable/important to me at the moment, £10 or 2 hours of my time?" Sometimes its £10, sometimes its 2 hours.

If I found my room rent for uni has increased by £10 from the previous term then I'd just write the cheque and not think about it, the overall increase isn't much. If I was in a store and the person at the checkout asked for £10 more than my items should be, I'd ask them if they're sure about the total (though rare to happen since its all done by the computer).

If it was quick and easy to sort out a problem like that, I'd do it. If it only takes your dad 15 minutes to sort his cable bill, then do it.
my brother asked my dad how many cities are in the dallas area? he said "dallas county, dallas proper" what did he mean by that? can a city be called another city but still be part of that same city its next to? like we have addison, but i consider it a part of north dallas, is it?
im saying in a big city, there's more idiots, but also more smart types, right

like if u compared new york with dallas, who would have more intellectuals?
more population, more idiots, obviously, but more intellectuals too, right? how would u break that down per ratio?
Joe, have you considered maybe doing a simple Google search for some of these questions? You would find your answer(s) much more quickly.
do drugs make ppl slow to react and stupid. not just while ur on them, but following days, i mean my friend would ask this guy a question he'd be like "huh"? then realize someone is talking to him and answer, does it slow u down that much? i wonder, im alwayss saying u can be ok if ur smart enough, but does it slow down reaction times and turn people into dopers?

paradoxcycle said:
Joe, have you considered maybe doing a simple Google search for some of these questions? You would find your answer(s) much more quickly.

Paradox. Please tell me you are kidding, and you already realize he does this on purpose.
Intelligence can be plotted as a bell curve. The center is IQ=100 with standard deviation of about 15. so 68% are between 85 and 115, 95% are between 130 and 70 and 99.75 are between 145 and 55. so basically .125% of pop is genious and 2.5% are retarded. This trend should continue if a population has an adequate size.

My numbers may be a little off but thats the gist of it.
tonight my girlfriend and i are going to see dj irene, she's running fever of about 100.6 degrees, would it be safe for her to take 3 tabs of x and some ice?/
why, how much does x raise your temperature? ive done it sick b4, sick as a dog b4, not sure im following.
i guess all im saying is that if x raises your temp, the avg temp 98.7, wouldn't u be running fever then if u took x and risking death? i mean ive taken x at least 400 times in my life.
wouldn't everyone who tried x be dead then? i mean if we're at 98.7 then when we take it it raises our temps up a little, wouldn't we all be dead? im serious here, any comments?
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