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annoying people

people who talk to me when i am just really getting into a track i like.... and people asking me if i am after any pills....
some of you are right bitches!!!
i wont point the finger and erupt an argument but some people just cant appreciate things unless they've not had them.
If they annoy you that much, fuck them off and dance in the corner by yourself.
i have a friend that everytime she blows up (and we've been doing it for a few years now) she gets hella weird like will roll herslef up in a little ball or refuses to walk and people always call me to come help her when all i wanna do is enjoy myself and not babysit.
I hate people telling me i talk to much, i talk alot already when straight and my friends know that. If someone doesn't want to listen to me just go away, they dont have to talk to me. Really annoys me because it was this guy that was supposed to be a really good friend and he made me all paranoid now.
I also HATE it when you are sitting there with your eyes closed/head in your hands and maybe getting a massage and like someone you dont know comes up and is like "you right" like you are fucked, or like "wots wrong" especially that one. If something was wrong i would have a friend there to look after me. I dont need strangers looking after me, even if i am fucked. They can fuck off coz they just wanna peek at the fucked up girl in the corner.
People that dont have fun, or enjoy the music and complain about crap. Everyone should make the most of the night. If they are not having fun, go away!!!
Not meaning to be rude but god i go to have fun and if ya piss me off then i am just gonna run away.
Boppychick: Nasty attitude... What if you were in trouble, and your friends weren't around (for whatever reason), would you still crack it at someone who came up and asked you if you were ok? ...If they just wanted to 'peek' at a fucked up girl in the corner, they would do so from a distance, they wouldn't need to talk to you...
When somebody asks me for a light, smoke or whatever when i'm dancing, in a state of trance, or having a romantic moment.
Or when somebody puts pressure on me to find them stuff, thus wasting my high time doing illegal acts.
I don't mind people coming up and asking for a light or "got any pills?" since the answer is always a "no" for both but I don't mind. People who just say "drugs are killers" tick me off. I'm aware of the risks and the up/down sides of drugs, after all use them and I don't need someoen who knows shit about them telling me how I'll be dead by 2am on Saturday night guarenteed!
Tarsarlan- sure i guess i was being a bit harsh. But honest to God. I always get dodgy guys coming up and asking if im ok and like wanting to give me back rubs and stuff. I hate it when guys do that to me. I dont go to a rave or woteva to pick up.
I dunno, there are a few things i dislike, but if you knew me (and im sure we'll meet one day), you'd realise these thoughts dont even cross my mind when i am out, because i am having too much fun and not really paying attention. I always am nice to these people that would at normal times piss me off. Its just the next day, or a bit later that i realsise their intention that i get pissed off.
Im a happy person and i dont let shit like this get to me, the person just asked what annoyed me about people when i am out and so i replied as honestly as i could.
Neways i really dont think i would ever get fucked up enough that i would need looking after. Well i hope i wouldn't anyways :) :) :) :) :)
Wot ticks me off is that ppl who are annoying dont know their annoying while they are rolling.(if that makes sense)
Do wot I do, ignore them like they r glass. But i do admit i do get in a shitted mood when Im rolling and ppl cant dance for shit and step on ya toes.
Major ingredients for a excellant pill is half to do with the pill and half to do with the atmosphere/who with/where/music. Combine these together and not even the little bastard that asks for a ciggie wont bring ya down.
You guys make me feel so bad now because I am one of those people who talks shit when I am on a pill. I know I do and I make an effort to find someone in a simliar state of mind. Also I ask people if they are alright because I have seen some people when they are in a really bad state and it become a force of habit. Also I love everyone when I am on a pill so I really want everyone to have a good time like I am thats whay I ask if anything is wrong. The only people that shit me are the ones who think they are better than everyone else and have attitude if you know what I mean.
If I am rolling really hard, I want to be in my own little world - just listening to the music, watching the lights. I have this one super annoying - incredebly energetic friend who can not shut up for more than five seconds. Sometimes I will be in my own world and a thought will pop into my head and I will say it out loud. Then he starts in with the 'I though you didn't want to talk
I KNOW!!!!
we must have the same friend...
JMB I have to say that I am exactly the same. We shouldn't be made to feel bad that we enjoy the social element of the scene. So don't let these self absorbed cynics get you down.
If were ever at the same rave then feel free to yak your head off at me. Cheers to you.
I can't believe so many people get upset over such trivial things....thumbs up to JMB etc.
People: if your friends annoy you so much, go rolling without them. If the vibe of a rave annoys you, don't go. Part of what makes raves so great (for me anyway) is that anyone can come up and start a conversation with you, that everyone shares everything (cigs, water, gum, weed, whatever). Don't be so uptight about it all.
JMB- hey sweetie, i dont think my post was directed at people like you. I too run around and talk to everyone and talk shit and always want everyone to be happy. I am just mainly talking about the sleazy guys that crack onto me all the time- thats the thing that pisses me off the most, coz MOST OF the people that approach me are SLEAZY guys.
And asking someone if they are okay is alright if you really are interested and want to help if it is needed.
I dunno- when people ask me "What's wrong" when nothing is, if i am on a pill or not, i get pissed off. They are assuming something is wrong. If they ask, "Is something wrong" it is much more polite and it wouldn't bother me.
Basically I am completely comfortable with whatever anyone wants to talk to me about when I'm pilling - providing that my brain isn't about to start leaking out my ears...
However, as I mentioned earlier, there is one person that I can't stand to pill with, yet the last two times (over a month apart too!) have been with this absolute wanker. Two nights ago, when me, him and another friend were getting ready to come up, 'wanker' started talking absolute aggressive shite (he can't make himself come-up or get into the right mood as it was only his second time...). He spent the whole night taking our friend up the wrong way about stupid things that didn't matter and telling him stuff like 'your opinion means nothing to me'!!!! I was fucking raging, but in too good a mood to be able to say anything critical. Our friend spent the whole night trying to dig himself out of a whole that he hadn't dug in the first place, which really hindered the come-ups. This resulted in me thinking the pills were shite, taking more than I should have, and then coming up all at once.
I know I shouldn't be so angry, especially because he's only new to pills, but he really did fuck the night up. I kept on saying to him 'lighten up, neither of us are going to say anything intentionally nasty on pills, blah, blah, blah' but he ignored it and was eventually sick (serves him right!). The worst part is that wanker still thinks he's right and has completely reinvented every conversation that he had to try and make the other friend look as bad as possible. It didn't help that the other friend was sitting telling wanker that 'when I see you in the street I feel sorry for you', but he meant it in such a good way. By the end of the night he was being forced to say 'I have nothing against Jews', and even tried saying they were 'noble'! This just resulted in more arguments from wanker. There's just no winning with some people!
1.) Peoplke at the end of the night bumming my Newports. Never fails, people sit there and wait for you to pull out a pack.. Gonna start chargin .50 for loosies..
2.) Massage girls bugging you, and flirting to get a massage. I don't want you touchin me after your hands have been allover someones nasty sweaty back. I'll just wait til after the rave, throw her a bean and she's mine anyways.
3.) People who give you stiff shoulders. You know the tough guys who don't move outta your way and give you the stiff shoulder as you walk by. I get it a lot cause I am 6'2 240lbs and look like a bouncer and they like to try me.
4.) Sloppy drug dealers who sell pills right in front of your face, and people who talk about it.
I have heard on several occaisions a dealer selling pills for $25 and saying these are double stacks man, they are the bomb shit.. Screw your double stacks and your $25.00.. I pay $9 mutha fu@ker.
5.) The punk as kids that don't belong at parties, walkin by people while they are line askin "need cid' need "beans"
From reading & re-reading all the posts in this thread I think I've narrowed down to one major flaw that all the "annoying people" have: THEY LACK EMPATHY. They are SO into their own heads that they don't give a rats ass how anyone else feels. I know exactly what Bobbychick means about "dodgy guys asking wots wrong"--these schmoes know there's nothing wrong they just want to feel up a girl or muscle in on the guy who's massaging her. There's a big difference between asking whats wrong because you care & asking because you fancy a shag. What enrages a lot of us about the jackass that talks shit all night is that he doesn't care about how his actions are affecting the rest of us. Likewise the whole thing with giving lightshows, its all in how you do it. Someone who asks "hey want a light show?" or makes the motions as if they're about to do it & waits for a positive reponse before giving it is a person who genuinely likes to see other people happy & gets off on making someone else's night fun. On the other hand the jerk who just jams glowsticks in your face just wants to use you for his own amusement. Don't even get me started on the morons who just blow Vicks in your face without asking.
One of the first posts describes a person who hogs the CD player at parties. We all know fuckwads like this--they want their music for their heads, everyone else be dammed. On the other hand we all have friends who may play what they like BUT they also play what everyone else is in the mood for. I can say from (limited) experience that there's nothing cooler than seeing a bunch of your friends totally go wild over a track you've played.
These annoying people are the one who have made the agressive move. The moron talking inappropriate shit, the hippy who tortures the crowd with The Grateful Dead, etc are so un-empathetic (is that a word?) they make you feel petty & defensive which makes your roll suck. Hey its one thing if someone is freaking out a little bit & needs a shoulder or if a usually cool friend has one bad night. But a friend who repeatedly acts like a moron while rolling & is warned about it & still continues is a thoughtless fuck who deserves to be deserted at a rave. The jerk who keeps switching to his music that nobody wants to hear should be ejected from the party & the doom & gloom serial talker deserves a group shout of "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU NINNY!" from the crowd. Then & only then perhaps they'll learn. So to everyone who has vented on this thread I say: BRAVO! Lets stop these pipshits from ruining our raves!