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    European & African
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Americans fucking suck

Americans fuckin suck because the war on drugs came about due to learning absolutely fuck all from their failed experiment with alcohol prohibition.
Please put that in stone for all dumb politicians to NEVER FORGET! You probably know who was the first DEA Agent! Ehrenposten ( dunno in englisch, something like " out of Honor ".) ELVIS PRESLEY!! When he was already a fat Nembutal pill on legs.
Guess who must have been on Presley's arse? The very fairy Godmother J. Edgar Hoover himself.
Wanted to send you " Bitter ' from the Band Stahlgewitter. Cuz of the intro. Heard it years ago and NOW " Dieses Video ist in DEINEM LAND NICHT ERLAUBT " WTF ( they CENSORED IT!!!!).

Ich sehe und höre ein Lied von Stahlgewitter. Wunderbare Worte, Heilige Musik.

Sehen Sie, was als nächstes kommt!

Mind you and in just thinking about this:

The fact that South Africa has a huge immigration problem is testament to how fucked the REST of Africa is! Lol! But it's the same old shit here too. So as to not cause another all out war I'll not mention a particular nationality that comes across our borders freely (or pays corrupt officials or "marries" woman here that don't even know their details have been compromised and are married to some individual they're never heard of and would in all probability have nothing to do with the person in question anyway and not on ANY level). Just this last week: their Prime Minister announces that he REFUSES to let his nationals be known as criminals in South Africa. 90% of them are fucking drug dealers or human traffickers. It's there business(s) and the only way they can make money here. But you know: we ALL (over the world) have to be SO accommodating and understanding and politically correct so it just slides. Fuck the facts of the matter.

And where this notion comes of us all HAVING to be the same is beyond me. But bring THIS shit up at a dinner party and a food fight will be the result! I'm white. I'm South African. I'm not black. I'm not Greek. I'm not Portuguese. I'm not Russian. We're all just different. That's the way it is. And the way it should stay. Because at this rate: we're all going to end up being ONE SINGLE nationality and race and we're all going to eventually look the same. Sounds pretty fucking boring to me! Lol!
You said it!!!! The guy i had the discussion with what caused me getting fired said, i quote him " they should mix all races till we ALL look the SAME, then there will be no more racism ". NO, just NO!!! If God had intended us to look all the same, we would and i wont elaborate on my opinion, just NO!
You said it!!!! The guy i had the discussion with what caused me getting fired said, i quote him " they should mix all races till we ALL look the SAME, then there will be no more racism ". NO, just NO!!! If God had intended us to look all the same, we would and i wont elaborate on my opinion, just NO!
maby theres a god for each color
maby theres a god for each color
I dont think so! But we will wipe ourselves off the Planet and it will slooowly recover, hopefully to its lost beauty, then it will either flourish or someone else comes along and History repeats. Or we fuck it up so bad, think worldwide thermonuclear war, that Earth as we know it will be a dead Rock in space. Grim thoughts.....
You said it!!!! The guy i had the discussion with what caused me getting fired said, i quote him " they should mix all races till we ALL look the SAME, then there will be no more racism ". NO, just NO!!! If God had intended us to look all the same, we would and i wont elaborate on my opinion, just NO!

I have known your typical authoratative Islam elder gentleman and would like to see his face turn to mash after reading that post.
I hate Americans and I'm America, ppl are so xenophobic here, keep that shit a melting pot

Passive-aggression is a culturally acquired trait.
Der Galgen in beiden Fällen!!

Göttliche Gerechtigkeit! Divine Justice!

Loved that post!! Watching it now again.
The teaser- a film i wouldnt miss!! Ever thought what wouldve happened if Hitler sucked in Poland ( das Sudetenland war Deutsch!) then stopped! Not kicked off a War but built a strong infrastructure...! Food for what ifs. I remain a friend of the old version of the original democracy.

Nicht vergesse Danzig! Schopenhauers Geburtsort (is jetzt in Polen)!

The world would have order imposed from the top and would very likely be a planet of less chaos and disorder. Contemplation and thinking is the base nature of every true German; living in a sun-less, dry and swampy land will make anyone stop in their tracks and brood over the nature of this hideous world. The best of both government types was embodied in the Bismarch era, wherein the Sovereign kept at helm, and his servant the Reichskanzler, governed together. Germany would have been the model of constitutional monarchy done right over Britain.

I dont think so! But we will wipe ourselves off the Planet and it will slooowly recover, hopefully to its lost beauty, then it will either flourish or someone else comes along and History repeats. Or we fuck it up so bad, think worldwide thermonuclear war, that Earth as we know it will be a dead Rock in space. Grim thoughts.....

These views are on point especially with what the intellectuals in Amerika have to say today (renowned ones like Noam Chomsky).
But I'm now unashamedly a xenophobe and a rabid racist. And that's because of

Thats because of you dude. If you're an out-and-proud xenophobe and rabid racist, you have no one but you to thank for having become a turd of a person. You've let yourself turn to shit and want to point the finger in blame of others. No. Its entirely your own doing. There were people in concentration camps that didn't end up hating Germans. Of course, they were in Chinese concentration camps but you know what I'm saying :D

You come in the world a silverpiece and its entirely up to you, not your circumstances, whether you upgrade to a goldpiece or downgrade to a copperpiece.
So don't you go fooling yourself that I'm just bitching now because I'm fucked.

Nope, I was simply saying, you could have been gangbanged by a whole platoon of people of a different race, and it can STILL only make you racist if you turn yourself racist. So you yourself are to blame for letting yourself turn racist, adversity has nothing to do with it, because some shine more despite adversity and others get dimmer by advantage. Its really up to you and what you make of it.

The only fucked thing I knew about you was your deliberate and conscious racism and xenophobia, while not having been raised that way. Then, its on you.

You can be forced to fellate the entire obese population of Hawaii without having to end up prejudiced against Hawaiians or obese people. Any xenophobia and racist conclusions drawn from this traumatic event are entirely your own.
Since 40% of Britons apparently think BoJo the clown and his zombie mob of useless Tories are actually doing a top stellar job atm, it must surely be nearing the time we had an even more accurately titled "Britons fucking suck" thread instead...
I sincerely wish the best for you, which in my view would include dropping xenophobic and racist views for ones that are more tailored to the individual and the works they put out into the world, rather than their ethnicity, and that your, what I consider, flaw in judgement (ethnic generalization) will stay confined to you, and to thoughts and words rather than actions.

Problem with racism is, you are placing yourself into a world that is perceived as more hostile than it is.

Is the best X inferior to the worst Y, simply for being an X?

To me, individual actions outweigh group attributes, especially as they most often don't even apply to the whole group.

Ok I’ll say it. I’m an American.
ATM a bunch of idiots have the loudest voice here.
My family has been here since the late 16th and 17th centuries. So I guess I’m about as American as one can be without counting the indigenous people.
The orange motherfucker in the White House does NOT represent me.
He does, however, represent too many people. People who are foolish enough to think he cares about them.
This country is full of money grubbing nasty ass hateful racists. Plain and simple.
My best friend lives in Germany. I know how we are viewed by the rest of the world.
The problem is, too many people here don’t care.
They don’t care about tax fraud. They don’t care about racism. They don’t care about morals and decency.
Jesus, even the Jesus freaks don’t care about this overwhelming hate and divisiveness.
Yep, America sucks right now.
ppl are funny I'm getting of this thread,
us was founded as a melting pot that they stole from the native Americans, fuck xenophobic pussy, I bet lots of u closet racist have minority blood in u, hahaha