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Americans fucking suck

Oh okay well there's no such thing as American in my mind then. Like there's no such thing as any commonwealth country or South Africa in my mind. Oh damn well :) I don't need to explain it to you guys as I order various drugs from these continents

For the record, my kindergarten teacher was from the UK
Green Day is a band from California. I'm from California. Many good rock bands in the 90s were from the Pacific Northwest. Still, I don't feel American :)

Thanks for that, though
I saw an American try to claim inventing the scotch egg the other day. "Oh check out this sausage meat wrapped egg thing I do for breakfast sometimes" get to fuck mate, don't piss all over one of the most majestic elements of British cuisine.

Yanks out.
What the duck is a Scotch egg? Not that I care, as I'm allergic to eggs, but i'd never heard of this

Also, please don't call me a yank because I don't chew gum or twist tobacco :)

I'm one of those people that come to your country and don't say anything or I kick the shit out of you for saying the wrong thing to me - till you can't move. My ancestors were kings and queens over your country. Emma of Normandy, Canute the Great :)

Now, I'll stop talking ;)
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They surely suck alot of food down their throats. Weird country though, boast freedom but imprisons people for a joint. What they try to pass as milk and cheese is an abomination.
And playing World police, blood for Oil, feeding weapons to tyranns, so trigger happy that they call it " friendly fire " if they wiped out some of their own. Nearly WW3,had Kennedy not been a cool guy, hence shot. ( cuba crisis )
Nixon, Watergate, Clintongate, Bay of Pigs, Contras, Army dealing Coke in Tons, War on Drugs, private run prisons ( how fucked is that), DEA,.....a never ending sadly not Story.
Home of the free, huh? More non- violent prisoners on petty drug charges than...just STOP.
What the duck is a Scotch egg? Not that I care, as I'm allergic to eggs, but i'd never heard of this
loads of other recipes to be had out there. You can even buy them pre wrapped at most petrol stations but they tend to be a bit yucky.
Been trawling BL all night and i've come to the conclusion that Americans are just whiny, emotionally retarded dim witted cunt's.... I hate to generalise but it really is true. I have had a good giggle especially in the Words forum reading
"Poetry" haha its just laughable. Moan moan moan blah blah blah i'm addicted to a drug, life is bleak use 5 descriptive words per sentence to convey the pain. Oh fuck off!

Tell us more genius. clownawherevervthefuck..
I don't even pay attention to presidents, even though I'll vote this year simply because I feel it's needed. Presidents don't rule over the country, as so many people like to proclaim/exaggerate. The power they have is laughable, but in these times it's important to know who they are

I say this from a Western perspective. Not an American one. The United States is just one country. It's not even the richest Western country, but the most populous. As I hate people and half of my relatives are still in Norway (where my family emigrated from), I don't care at all about the US or what it stands for. All I care about is my well-being

I can definitely understand why people hate the States because I don't like anything about it here. Actually, I probably won't be here forever so there's no point to what I'm saying except that I do understand outside perspective. I've been to Norway and the Netherlands and studied music in Canada. I like all those places much better than here. People are just way nicer, patient and will listen to you if you have a question. You don't have to worry about getting shot if you're out after 10pm, etc

I guess voting says something about people but in the States it seems like it's everything, which can't be true in my mind. There are just a lot of people here so I think popular culture reflects that. There isn't any more to it than that, in my opinion
Americans with all the englishing and americanisms have contributed more towards the death of the English language than the very English themselves. In all my many years of dealing with Americans, the experience has reinforced the rather old idea that America has been constructed with the vision of being like a panacea to the inhabitants. Everything about the USA and americans tells me that they live in a world of their own. No one can really blame them for it, however, because the whole nation is like a giant and aggressive defense mechanism.

That is their fault.
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maybe it has something to do with rape, pillage and plunder... perhaps mass murder/genocide? greed?
americans suck, i say
what say you?
in one of my last posted pics i changed metadata to location in ghana with a bunch of baldheads running around
anybody catch that?
thought it was hilarious when i did it
some exif editing app for android
was fun
where da hell im at?
who cares?
americans are something
what, what?