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Benzos Alprazolam vs Valium vs Clonazepam

Alprazolam > Clonazepam > Diazepam.

I prefer temazepam to diazepam even though it's a metabolite, but it gives me a better feeling. I find diazepam to be boring, very mild even in large doses (when it just becomes sedating) and it leaves me groggy the next day. Good medicine for hangovers, comedowns, insomnia etc. but that's about it.
clonazepam used to be my favorite when I was being scripted it.

Diazepam and alprazolam have always been favorites of mine as well as ativan and librium.

K-Pins are great.. maybe it's because im bipolar and it lasts so long (although diazepam does also) it helps keep my mood stable.
It's always best to start off with weak benzos (ie. lorazepam, diazepam, librium, oxazepam etc).

When you build up a tolerance to those, move on to stronger ones (clonazepam, alprazolam, bromazepam, etc).

When you build up a tolerance to those, then you have to go with the strong hypnotics (flunitrazepam, temazepam, nitrazepam, estazolam, triazolam, midazolam, etc).

i wish i knew that then (march/april 2009) but especially from september 2009 when the benzo abuse really began and not now.

i know have a pretty insane tolerance to pretty much every benzo i try :(

my problem is i was mixing and matching from the beginning (september 2009) of my benzo abuse days...


im still yet to try flunitrazepam, librium, oxazepam, estazolam, triazolam,although i find them very hard to track down. (i live in the UK)

although to be honest if i could track them down as it would be a waste due to my tolerance :|

anyway excellent post,very informative and helpful %)

thanks and take care
According to clinical data issued by a famous medical collage in Japan, Alprazolam 0.8 mg, Clonazepam 0.25 mg, and Diazepam 5 mg is equivalent. I'm confused that this equivalent dose rate has so broad depends on an article, it's not considered as the extent of a margin of error.
It might not be different to metabolise Benzodiazepine derivatives by the races so I wonder why these different exists.
So the consensus seems to be that clonazepam is more effective than diazepam for the treatment of anxiety?

My girlfriend is currently prescribed diazepam and clonazepam. I was suggesting that she exchange her diazepam dose for an equivalent amount of clonazepam so she would be taking clonazepam only. Diazepam is more popular recreationally, but do most people agree that clonazepam is more effective for anxiety?

I suggested that she try to exchange her 10 mg doses of valium for an equal number of 1 mg doses of clonazepam. Equivalency charts seem to differ with some stating that 1 mg of clonazepam is equal to 10 mgs of diazepam and other stating that only 0.5 mg of clonazepam equalling 10 mg of diazepam.

What about panic atacks? She has begun to experience panic attacks and rarely uses benzos other than when experiencing a panic attack, and I am curios what benzo is suggested for panic attacks? I'm assuming clonazepam would be recommended over diazepam for both general anxiety as well as panic attacks.

She experiences panic attacks more frequently at night, so do you recommend that she take benzos during the day to try and prevent a panic attack? I don't think she has found taking benzos earlier in the day effective for preventing panic attacks, so she generally doesn't bother taking any benzos until she is starting to feel the onset of panic.

If there are any benzos better suited for panic attacks than clonazepam or diazepam I welcome any suggestions, although I would hope that my girlfriend would not require a benzo with more intense withdrawal effects such as temazepam.

I am also wondering if people generally agree that phenazepam is poorly effective for anxiety. My friend noted that phenazepam made him drowsy but did little to curb his anxiety. Does anyone know if it is generally considered true that phenazepam is not very effective for anxiety and does anyone know why this is the case? I'm wondering why phenazepam would be prescribed in certain countries if it is in fact poorly effective for anxiety compared to other benzodiazepines.

Sorry for the long post and I am very appreciative for any replies, but where does etizolam fall in with all of this? I have purchased some etizolam for her to try out and it seems to be rather effective. It seems to be more hypnotic, so does this mean it will induce more intense withdrawals like the hypnotic benzos such as the harsher withdrawals from temazepam compared to the withdrawals from valium or clonazepam?

And can anyone comment on the speculation that etizolam is effective as an anti-depressant as well? I believe wiki states that etizolam has an effect on anxiety, insomnia as well as depression and I have never heard of any benzos that have anti-depressive properties. Although etizolam is a thienodiazepine (or "thienzo" if I can create a new word hehe) I was interested and surprised that it is reported to have anti-depressant properties.

Any comments are appreciated and if anyone has knowledge on:

- the differences betwen valium and clonazepam for anxiety and panic attacks

- the effectiveness of phenazepam and reasons for its effectiveness or lack thereof and

- the effectiveness of etizolam for panic attacks and depression

I am very grateful for any knowledge you can share!

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yes there is a cross tolerance between all benzos.. i would go for valium myself from what you cited
i thought kpinz are stronger than xanax or valium? but sumhow i get euphoria from valium they are just not as long lasting as kpinz, and i wd assume ppl think xanax is stronger than clonaazepam because it hits u way faster and is fast acting, but kpinz 2 mg'z are bomb ass benzo's let me say, i get 90 a month and 3 a day helpz with anxiety, careful tho, mixed with alcohol or a few oxy 30z, it leaves u slammedddd, and u dont remember. my dr said kpinz and alcohol could kill you, but itz a great combo, i guess i stick to kpinz with oxys im prescibed. any way subliqual kpins (holding under tongue) works faster?
So the consensus seems to be that clonazepam is more effective than diazepam for the treatment of anxiety?

My girlfriend is currently prescribed diazepam and clonazepam. I was suggesting that she exchange her diazepam dose for an equivalent amount of clonazepam so she would be taking clonazepam only. Diazepam is more popular recreationally, but do most people agree that clonazepam is more effective for anxiety?

I suggested that she try to exchange her 10 mg doses of valium for an equal number of 1 mg doses of clonazepam. Equivalency charts seem to differ with some stating that 1 mg of clonazepam is equal to 10 mgs of diazepam and other stating that only 0.5 mg of clonazepam equalling 10 mg of diazepam.

What about panic atacks? She has begun to experience panic attacks and rarely uses benzos other than when experiencing a panic attack, and I am curios what benzo is suggested for panic attacks? I'm assuming clonazepam would be recommended over diazepam for both general anxiety as well as panic attacks.

She experiences panic attacks more frequently at night, so do you recommend that she take benzos during the day to try and prevent a panic attack? I don't think she has found taking benzos earlier in the day effective for preventing panic attacks, so she generally doesn't bother taking any benzos until she is starting to feel the onset of panic.

If there are any benzos better suited for panic attacks than clonazepam or diazepam I welcome any suggestions, although I would hope that my girlfriend would not require a benzo with more intense withdrawal effects such as temazepam.

I am also wondering if people generally agree that phenazepam is poorly effective for anxiety. My friend noted that phenazepam made him drowsy but did little to curb his anxiety. Does anyone know if it is generally considered true that phenazepam is not very effective for anxiety and does anyone know why this is the case? I'm wondering why phenazepam would be prescribed in certain countries if it is in fact poorly effective for anxiety compared to other benzodiazepines.

Sorry for the long post and I am very appreciative for any replies, but where does etizolam fall in with all of this? I have purchased some etizolam for her to try out and it seems to be rather effective. It seems to be more hypnotic, so does this mean it will induce more intense withdrawals like the hypnotic benzos such as the harsher withdrawals from temazepam compared to the withdrawals from valium or clonazepam?

And can anyone comment on the speculation that etizolam is effective as an anti-depressant as well? I believe wiki states that etizolam has an effect on anxiety, insomnia as well as depression and I have never heard of any benzos that have anti-depressive properties. Although etizolam is a thienodiazepine (or "thienzo" if I can create a new word hehe) I was interested and surprised that it is reported to have anti-depressant properties.

Any comments are appreciated and if anyone has knowledge on:

- the differences betwen valium and clonazepam for anxiety and panic attacks

- the effectiveness of phenazepam and reasons for its effectiveness or lack thereof and

- the effectiveness of etizolam for panic attacks and depression

I am very grateful for any knowledge you can share!


I might be able to answer quite correctly about Etizolam because in my country it's very popular medicine approved for many diseases even out of psychiatric disorders, for example to treat muscle stress of chest, and it's original Thienodiazepine of my country so there are many articles and information about this. According to the prescribing information issued here, it has norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor property as potent as it of Imipramine, thus it is effective for depression (=has antidepressant property), different to most benzodiazepines, do not have any antidepressant effects. For panic attack it's putative effective from structural similarity to Alprazolam which is approved for panic, however, due to its short half-life (about 6h) and strong dependence forming property it's not a good choice and in my country not approved for this. Frankly speaking, it's "Strong and more intense Xanax" so it is harmful to abuse or misuse, especially not have adequate level of psychopharmacologic knowledge.

And it's only from my knowledge of psychopharmacology so there isn't adequate evidence 'll comment about Phenazepam. It's made in former soviet union and not approved in Western countries, this could be understood from the fact that it's out of control of Psychotropic treaty 1971. And, its property is considered to be close to Clonazepam, at least popular medicine in Western. The most important difference between these two is the half-life, whereas Clonazepam is about 27h and Phenazepam is 60h. Both share the unique property that is not so strong "drugged" or "intoxicating" feeling however very effective to treat panic or anxiety that is not usual stress but something psychological disturbance, so they seem to be ideal to treat anxiety or panic that comes from not usual stress and dependence of other benzodiazepines like Xanax or alcohol.
I vote clonazepam....because it tastes minty fresh as opposed to chalk and...idk how to describe the bitter horror that is alprazolam.

this^^ i love the taste of klonopin...but recently i have been getting the generic and they taste chalky :( but atleast it isnt as bad as xanax, fucking god awful almost as bad as tramadol...

anyways, i like the long acting benzos the best, xanax usually makes me pass out and i've had many blackouts on xanax....none on klonopin though!! valium is probably the most euphoric out of the 3, but its harder for me to come by so i usually just stick with klonopin...i can usually feel calming after effects the day after dosing that is also awesome (especially with tagamet)....

so for me klonopin > valium > xanax....i would still take xanax in a heart beat but if i had a choice it would be that order...
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When times are tough and need to calm down it would have to be Xanax aka Alprazolam.
Alprazolam > Clonazepam

Though I haven't tried diazepam, so I can't speculate on that. Alprazolam is a favorite though, across my entire drug spectrum. I generally don't partake in "downers," but the synergetic effects of Alprazolam in combination with either (or both.. almost always) marijuana or alcohol is astounding and amazing. I wouldn't describe it as "dream-like" per say, but the best description of the combination I can come up with is "dreamy," weightless, care-free, a feeling of almost losing your body in a dreamy state of pure bliss. The confidence it builds (though I'm already pretty social and confident myself) is fantastic, almost like doing cocaine but in downer form (doesn't make sense, I know, but to me it does). It's my favorite combinations for just relaxing and having a good time with some friends, but it's also a very fantastic party combo. Sex on it is phenomenal and long-lasting. Amazing afterglow, somewhat sedating and relaxing in a way, the following day.

Really can't find anything about this combination that I have yet to enjoy, other than the memory loss that can come with it, but I've never straight up blacked out while on it like some others have. I usually limit myself to 2mg within a 24-hour period if I have more than that. 2mg without a tolerance will fuck just about anyone up, especially in combination with what I mentioned previously. Anymore than that, and most people end up getting sloppy, blacking out, etc. This is all without tolerance, of course, cause I've seen kids eat 10-20mg and be fine. I broke my own rule this previous weekend though and consumed 4-6mg within about 12 hours in conjunction with smoking herb and a few shots of Skyy vodka, and hardly remember a thing of the night, but I do remember glimpses here and there and I know it was an amazing time. Have really only been eating Xanax on a regular basis for the past 6 months.
I have been suffering from excruciating anxiety the last three days for some reason. Last night it came to a head. I took 15 mgs of valium and it completely knocked it out and gave me much needed relief. I do not take benzos that often, but I was happy to know that it worked when I really needed it the most. This is why I will only take benzos in an emergency because last night I thought I was going to stroke out and didnt think anything was going to work.
Not a giant fan of ativan as I did not feel it is recreational, and many people will agree. Started out with xanax, love it. Tolerance is up though so I need a good 3 mg for rec. dose. I do love combining Valium with xanax in moderation as I feel veryyy benzo'd out. Clonazepam is good. Good euphoria. But believe it or not I enjoy the feeling the next morning from Xanax after taking it the night before.
Yup , people are smart! Vote klonopin for the taste! Or you could go get some mint ice cream instead. I think they all have there own uses, alprazolam seems to work the best for everything.

Klonopin seems to be good if you need something strong with a decent half life. Although I think the effects can turn paradoxical quite often from klonopin. Which makes it end up sucking, in my opinion.

Diazepam is like a modern old school drug, it works great and everyone knows that. It's probably best for tapering off benzo's.

My vote goes for alprazolam, it works the best. The only problem is the half life is so short. Which can be good for people that use it as needed and dont want to feel hung over the next day.
I'm new here and hoping some of you knowledgeable individuals can help me out :) I don't trust doctors too much and I have some questions regarding klonopin and xanax. I'm a big fan of xanax, have a legit script, and a decent tolerance...at least what I consider decent. I can take 3-4 mg at a time and it just barely calms me. It doesn't knock me out or make me feel high or anything. It just keeps my panic attacks at bay. Although, if I take enough on an empty stomach, I do feel nice and fuzzy for a little while :)

So my doc didn't like the idea of me taking so much at once, especially a few times a day, so she prescribed klonopin and that shit kicked my ass. 1mg and I was out cold. Slept for 8 hrs and woke up feeling like shit. So what did I do? I tried another one and it knocked me out again, for 9 hrs!! After I had just slept for 8!! So I tried half a mg and it just made me feel like crap. I felt fucked up, but not in a nice way. So I gave it one more shot, a half mg, and it sucked again. So I called the doc, told her I hated them and just wanted to stay with my beloved xanax and she wants me to keep taking the damn klonopin. She says my body needs to adjust, but I don't want to. I have messed up dreams from it and when I manage to stay awake I just feel really weird and then I almost get panicky because the shit scares me. The doc said she'll give me some more xanax, but wants me to slowly switch over to the klonopin--taking xanax, 1mg 2x per day, 1mg klonopin at night, then eventually 3mg klonopin per day. I don't understand.

So, has anyone had bad experiences with klonopin? I don't understand why i do so well with the xanax, but not the other benzo. Does anyone know if this means that my body is just reacting badly to it and it needs to adjust or can it actually be dangerous?

I appreciate any info you guys can give. Often times, the people who experiment with these things know more than the damn doctors.

Diazepam is one of the best benzos you can find, the only downside to it is that its dosage is relatively high mg per mg compared to the other 2, some people needing up to 50mg (5 pills) to get a proper buzz.

The reason I say diazepam is the best out of the 3 is b/c it has all the propeties of a true benzo which the other 2 do not cover entirely.

Clonazepam is also a good benzo and much more tolerable in the sense that you can get a light high from it like the high you get from heroin or cocaine in the sense you can still function while having a good benzo buzz, though eazy to increase and dose off do sleep. Also it lacks the hynoptic propeties that my favorite benzos posses..diazepam not so much but diazepam on the other hand possess all the characteristics of a benzo including the hypnotic effect.

Alprazolam is very strong and also very similar though slightly weaker than Midazolam (Dormicum). If your not used to benzos its like a brick to the head even in doses of 0.5mg and you get very cloudy amnesia state for 1-2hrs in which you most likley wont know what happend...if not at 0.5mg at 1mg surely if not experienced. Also the downside is that it doesn't last as long as the other 2.

p.s. My favorite benzos are 1. Temazepam and 2. Nitrazepam
u say kpins are as strong mg for mg as xanax , and last longer and have longer half life ey

interesting , do they come in lots of 50 like xanax? well 150 in my case ;)

if so im gona ask to change over , iv been thru xanax hell and its not fun , seizures and all , prety scary esp wen got no one around and u cant even walk to a fone , crawling is tyring enuff for me in that state