Alcoholism discussion thread v. 5.0

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I've always maintained that alcohol is the ultimate boredom-killer. It's not being drunk, but the process of getting there that just makes the hours more enjoyable.

YEP! and for some of us... looking forward to it is almost as good. I can usually keep myself busy enough to not drink until 5-6pm. But then feel almost programmed to start around that time and not stop until I've drank at least 120z of vodka. Try to limit it to that but doesn't always work. That's just when I'm home... when I'm out... no control. Anyway at home, I measure out each drink... a ritual a bit like former IV heroin use. ANTICIPATION is making me wait... ha ha. I rarely smoke weed now because it no longer works like it did. Those were the good ole days when you smoke first and only drink to take the edge off. I doubt anything is going to change unless I have some kind of serious medical problem or injury or the other....
I tend to slowly cycle through periods when I'm in a good enough headspace where I can smoke weed and not get anxiety, and periods where I can't touch the stuff for fear of going insane.
YEP! and for some of us... looking forward to it is almost as good. I can usually keep myself busy enough to not drink until 5-6pm. But then feel almost programmed to start around that time and not stop until I've drank at least 120z of vodka. Try to limit it to that but doesn't always work. That's just when I'm home... when I'm out... no control.
Man I am exactly the same hey! I can easily wait until about 5:30-6pm to have my first drink, but then, it's on. However I find that I am the opposite in terms of having more control at home vs. when I'm out. When I'm out socialising I can abstain from alcohol reasonably happily, and most of the time I designate myself as the driver so that I CAN'T drink, and then if I have that reason to not drink, it's so much easier. But when I'm at home, I have no reason to control my drinking, especially on Friday-Sunday nights....hell, who am I kidding, on weeknights too. If I drink enough water and go to bed before 11pm, I pretty much avoid a hangover for the next morning, which makes it harder to have a reason to abstain from drinking each night.

I think that, as opposed to pain killers and benzos, drinking is so reinforced by our culture and environment that it stays in the back of some people's heads. Not to mention it's generally more accessible than any other drug.
Oh, absolutely man!! It absolutely disgusts me how many pop songs there are floating around at the moment which blatently advocate and glorify binge-drinking. What kind of message is that sending to the pre-teens who listen to that crap?!?! :!
Also, blahman, I'm not sure what country you're from but here in Australia drinking is very much an ingrained part of the culture. Every single social event is doused with alcohol, there's no real escaping it :|

Hm. I'd say if you don't count the holidays (yeah, let's not count those..) then I'm still averaging about 3 nights a week, which is maybe only 1 less than before. What has changed however is what I drink, and how much. For about a year there, I was getting into a habit of picking up a 26oz bottle of vodka a couple/few nights a week, and supplementing it with beer.
That is really good that you've changed that part of the habit Cyc. Keep it up man <3

I can have oxycontin in the house for weeks without touching it. Ditto for benzos. A bag of weed will last me a couple months. I know that I can leave most things alone. I still don't really get why this should be any exception.

I've always maintained that alcohol is the ultimate boredom-killer. It's not being drunk, but the process of getting there that just makes the hours more enjoyable.
I wholeheartedly agree man. I too can easily have various recreational substances including benzos, opioids, stimulants, psychedelics in the house for weeks and weeks, and MONTHS without using them. But I can't have any alcohol in the house without having to drink it immediately, until it's all finished. I hate that.

For me, alcohol drowns out the negative self-thoughts and obsessive worrying that plagues me every day, and it numbs the negative emotions caused by those thoughts. Moreso in recent years alcohol has also become my self-medication for anxiety (which is CAUSED by alcohol abuse!). I've recently come to the realisation that every part of my evening routine after work/uni has a part to play in drowing out/blocking these thoughts and emotions. I come home, turn on some loud music, have a few drinks, surf the net, help other people with their problems in TDS, have a few more drinks, turn on the TV and watch anything funny (it has to be something funny, cartoons etc), drink some more, until I take some OTC sleeping tablets and zonk myself out for the night. That's what I do every night, and each task plays a part in me avoiding my thoughts. I've been doing this for years and years, so it's gonna be a tough cycle to break. But it has to be done.
I don't know what's going on with me. I can't even have 2 or 3 beers without needing to lay down, and I fall asleep. I can't even enjoy alcohol anymore. But I need it.
I tend to slowly cycle through periods when I'm in a good enough headspace where I can smoke weed and not get anxiety, and periods where I can't touch the stuff for fear of going insane.

me too. interestingly enough, the anxiety issue goes away if i've even had a single drink first.
me too. interestingly enough, the anxiety issue goes away if i've even had a single drink first.

I wonder if there is something going on mentally... because if I could feel 1 drink I would be happy as a lark. For me it takes about 2 doubles before I feel anything and I'm using 1 mg xanax with it. But then everyone is different... I have a couple of friends that drink before their feet hit the floor in the morning and seem to get drunk really easy. I suppose I use them as a reference to think I'm OK??? I forget which one of Freud's defence mechanisms that is, but it's only one among many I use...
I don't know what's going on with me. I can't even have 2 or 3 beers without needing to lay down, and I fall asleep. I can't even enjoy alcohol anymore. But I need it.
blahman, your body is trying to tell you something, PLEASE listen to it! PLEASE go and see a doctor, I am begging you. No-one here wants you to die from alcohol-related problems, and I know that deep down inside you don't want to die this way either. Please get some help, as soon as you can <3

SubDude said:
I suppose I use them as a reference to think I'm OK???
SubDude, I think you know this but you really shouldn't compare yourself to other people, especially when it comes to substance use/abuse. You are YOU, and there really is no comparison to be made with anyone else because we're all completely different.
You know that though :)
alcohol is without doubt the hardest drug to get away from - It's simply everywhere. Go to a friends house and they offer you a beer / glass of wine etc - if you accept it then the fire has already started. You do the social drinking but crave the next step - that 'private' drunk feeling.

Vodka is my vice - and at time's I've had it for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
SubDude, I think you know this but you really shouldn't compare yourself to other people, especially when it comes to substance use/abuse. You are YOU, and there really is no comparison to be made with anyone else because we're all completely different.
You know that though :)

First off I believe it's human nature to compare ourselves with others... especially those we know and interact with and have much in common. However, I agree with you if you're saying there is nothing much useful in doing it unless it influences and motivates one to make changes for the better.... I also acknowledge there is really no good reason to post about others with problems here. Yes we are all different and cannot totally relate too or validly compare ourselves with anyone without the old saying "walking in thier shoes". It reminds me of a book I read long ago: "Im OK, you're OK" I believe the author said many of us looked at others with a different position than that. I'm Guilty!
Damn beautful summer sunday afternoons and their desire to make me drink. It's such a nice day here in Melbourne today that i decided i couldnt resist, my girlfriend has gone out for the day so i left myself with enough money for 3 beers and gave her my ATM card so those 3 beers don't turn into a bender

If sunshine, weekends and a great soundsystem is not a trigger for drinking i don't know what is, almost makes me wish winter would hurry the fuck up
I don't want to do this anymore. Most of the time, I cannot even get out of bed. But alcohol seems like the only cure. I want to be sober. Seriously, if I could check into rehab, then walk into a fucking time machine and skip the next week, I'd be satisfied. But being awake, conscious, and aware all that time, makes it feel impossible.

I've posted this before. Alcohol makes me feel like shit now. I become very tired. I become sick. It's a physical reaction now and all I can do is just lay down and nap. But when I'm sober, there is an emotional/mental reaction, and every mental problem I have ever had seems to just bury me. I was unhappy even before I was drinking. For a while, booze offered me some relief. Now it's just causing me more problems. But temporarily (VERY temporarily now), it lifts that burden and I can almost feel okay. It used to have that lasting effect, where I'd drink and finally feel okay for a while.

Now I'm taking double shots in order to accomplish that effect, and I end up experiencing some brief reward out of it all, and then I just feel like I need to go to bed. I take several naps a day. I can't say for sure, because I've been fucking drunk all the time, but I think I spend the vast majority of my day laying down in bed, feeling like shit, and feeling unable to even fucking move.

I feel like I'm going to die. When I take a couple shots, that used to keep me going. But now it's changed. But I don't know if I can handle sobriety. I think I have completely fucked myself. I think it's over. I've spent almost half my life seeking substances, one way or another, and it's too late. But the drugs don't work anymore. In fact, they make it worse. I took a couple vikes recently (for the first time in quite a while) and all I felt was misery. When I take ecstasy, I still just feel alone and miserable. Hallucinogens practically traumatize me. Weed makes me feel anxious and depressed as hell. Booze just makes me cry and fall asleep. I don't have a crutch anymore. I no longer seem to have what used to keep me from jumping off a fucking roof. I guess I abused all this stuff so often for so long that now I can't even feel it. All I want to do now is sleep.

I know you guys are going to suggest detox and rehab, and you're right, in a way. But I think I'll continue to be unhappy. I've been so fucking sad for as long as I can remember. It's honestly pathetic. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe the only reason I haven't just fucking off'd myself is because I've had drugs to take so I can feel somewhat okay. But they don't even work now.

This isn't a suicide threat. I'm going to finish my drink and go to bed. But I'm saying that maybe I really am not meant to be alive. I was deeply unhappy before I even started drinking, or before I started using drugs a lot. I don't remember how it is to be happy. I don't remember how it is not to be sad.

There is a person I knew when I was a teenager, and she was the best friend I've ever had. I've known a lot of people over the years, of all different types. Almost none of them cared about me. And sometimes I just think about hugging her and fucking crying.

This post is pathetic, and I understand that. I don't know what else to do anymore. I don't think I can handle living with the mind that I have anymore. Yet I'm going to have to.
My issue was nowhere near as bad as yours, I had no dependence (well to something else), but for 4 years in university I was having 50 to 60 drinks per week, all in nighttime binges, and the negatives far outweighed the positives. So I was a problem drinker but the opposite of an addict - I never wanted any part in the shit but got sucked into it time and time again. I kept drinking even though I despised it because it was impossible to get away from the shit in university, getting drunk and partying is all my friends ever did. I'd look weird and awkward without a drink in my hand, and I just wanted to go out, have fun and meet cool girls. I didn't realize that if I had never drank I would have had it way better.

I haven't had a drink in a month and I plan on never drinking again. I have been drunk 3 times in the past 6 months with no casual drinks in between but still my body can't handle it anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if my liver is completely fucked from it. And each of these times something horrible happened - I had sex with someone 31 years older than I who is a distant relative, I lost a $500 camera the next time, and then I hungoverly ruined a very promising job interview the last. This shit just makes me a dumbass... it ruined years of my life.

My hangovers can last 3 to 4 days now, even if my drink count doesn't go into double digits. During this time, I feel like an old man with cancer and it is honestly indescribable the torture I experience in these hangovers. I am bedridden the first day, it's a fight to stay alive. Not to mention my brain becomes retarded, so dumbed down. My liver no longer possesses the enzymes required to process the toxins from this shit.

And it was a gateway to hard drugs. I was in a tough program and couldn't deal with the hangovers so I got into Mdma hard for 4 months, doing it once a week. I always felt wonderful afterwards, and it made the epic nights out happen that I couldn't make happen with booze. Once I realized it wasn't the Godsend I thought it was, I started sniffing coke every weekend for another 4 months which led me back to drinking a lot. This was all a while ago and I've stopped using these 3 drugs entirely.

I think man that you seriously need professional help and there is no better time for it than now, before the liquor kills you. This stuff is the devil.

And by the way, recovery is possible! Not 100%, it sounds like you've been through some serious abuse, but time will heal you enough for you to live a functional existence. In my drinking days, my body felt like garbage 24/7, and I was noticeably braindead. Since I've stopped abusing my body, I feel wonderful now, and I am a hell of a lot smarter than I was before.

Not to mention I'm more of an outgoing and social guy then I've ever been. ALL the time, not just in transient blackout phases, where I couldn't even carry on intelligent conversation..
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Blahman, reading your last you sound to be seriously depressed, the depression probably preceding the drink problem, and to try and get some momentary relief from that you're turning to alcohol and finding it's making you worse cos guess what, alcohol's a depressant in its own right and makes you feel even worse, so you wake up the next morning feeling like shit and the whole cycle begins again. Rationally you know that's what you're doing, and you know it doesn't work, don't you, but your alcoholic brain doesn't do rational. It just wants a drink regardless.

You must see a doctor mate. You know you need help, you wouldn't be posting here otherwise, and I can hear the despair in your writing. Your body's clearly not processing the booze like it did, enough to cause you to worry about what you're doing to it at least, that much is evident. You have got to get some help with it, put something in place that will help you break out of the cycle you're locked into. Whether that's anti-depressants and counselling, AA for some support, Antabuse to discourage you from drinking cos you're gonna feel god-awful if you do on it, or a whole package of things, whatever, you have to try something and see which of the treatments available work for you. More than likely you're not gonna be able to treat either the drinking or the depression in isolation, so it's likely a package of measures to treat them both.

I feel for you, I really do. I'm a depressive struggling with the booze myself, really struggling. My head's so far up my arse I don't know what I'm fucking doing anymore, but I just have to keep trying things. If something doesn't work for me then I try something else, and keep trying till I beat the thing. It's either that or drink myself to death. I don't wanna do that. Do you? I don't think so reading your posts. I think that's the last thing you want, so you've only really got one option. Get some help.
I absolutely 100% agree with Sepher. Good post man <3

blahman, you really need some help dude, and there is plenty of help available if you just try. Please don't give up yet. You're only young man, there is plenty of time to turn things around. I agree with Sepher in that you might want to consider getting some help for your depression before you contemplate giving up the booze. But of course you should try to cut down your drinking at least a little bit, give yourself a chance to feel better. I know there is a person inside of you waiting to live again, please listen to them. <3
Lately I've been so depressed, alcohol has completely ruined my life. I'm almost 44 and I can look back at my life which has been intertwined with alcohol since I was a teenager, and I have nothing but regret. My last blow out which lasted from morning till night and included drugs left me hungover sick and depressed for days afterwards. I feel like i really compromised my liver and I'm also afraid I've also done a number on my brain, as I'm not as good as I used to me in so many ways. The sad thing is it often takes alcohol to get me interested and motivated to do anything but that only lasts so long until i go overboard and end up drunk. This is followed by a serious hangover which could last for a few days so i feel compelled to drink the next day to take away the pain and fatigue. Alcoholism has to be one of the worst maladies and if you have depression on top of that good luck. The last few days I haven't even felt like talking to anyone because it takes to much energy. Getting old sucks, I'm definitely not not half the man I used to be to quote paul...because of booze and drugs.:|
Thank you very much to those who responded to my previous post in this thread. I am definitely seriously thinking about finding some help. People around me are clearly beginning to realize that I'm having problems. It's obvious. And I can't continue to live this way. I'm only in my mid-20's. I can't waste any more years of my life getting fucked up and being miserable.

With that said, I hope that the rest of you are doing well, too. We're all in this together. We all want to find a better path, and fortunately some of you have. I'm beginning to realize that I truly want to accomplish 100% sobriety. There have been times not too long ago that I've decided, "Hell, fuck it, I can't do sobriety. Sobriety doesn't suit me. I'll just drink myself to death and that'll be it." As if that's something peaceful and worthwhile. Yet now I've got this combination of insanely high tolerance to alcohol, yet my body is so broken down and tired that being drunk isn't fun anymore. It's just exhausting. Obviously it provides a certain relief for certain things, but I'm no longer going out and having a blast with alcohol. Now I'm drinking in the morning and repeatedly taking naps and feeling sick.

I've got to beat this. The problem is that the only time I feel capable is quitting booze, is when I'm drunk.
I got so used to taking a couple of xanax with my drinks to relax.

But it's not a good thing to get into. Between the blacking out and not remembering anything. Ahh memories. Or lack there of.

Hopefully some of you guys that have the desire to quit can; before something bad happens. IE DUI, Drunk hit and run, or doing something really bad while drinking. Dont let it get to that point.

If your just drinking to manage your anxiety. Your anxiety is eventually going to increase 10 fold.

I dont have any answers, but would encourage those that are in a real bind with drinking to learn from others mistakes. Drinking can make for a wonderful evening. But it can also make for complete destruction if not done with caution. Alcohol causes so many fucking problems. I was able to quit benzos/drinking/ and opiates and I thought it was impossible to turn back where I was. So what i'm trying to say is no matter how deep you think you are you can always change your life around. All it takes is a desire.
^ You are absolutely right about the anxiety. I knew that it was getting bad for me when the worst symptom of my hangovers was the anxiety. I'm sure a lot of you know what I am talking about - where you feel really dehydrated (yet would rather fix that with booze than water), you get that "drinkers throat," your heart is beating like crazy and your hands tingle. I don't miss any of that at all.

Also, what rave_itsrealfun!!! wrote about his body eventually no longer being able to tolerate drinking, I definitely understand this. When I used to go on several-day runs, I'd eventually get to a point where I could barely hold beer or liquor down, and if I drank too much or too fast I'd be on the verge of puking. Even if it was just my first drink of the night. That got really horrible, especially when the anxiety was in full-swing and I desperately wanted the WDs to end, but yet my body wouldn't process the only available temporary fix. And now that I'm sober, I feel like if I even took one drink, I'd still have the same physical response. My body wouldn't want to handle it.

With regard to the benzos and booze, these two can go hand-in-hand for a lot of us. For me, I used alcohol + clonazepam almost daily for several years. I'm not a doctor, so anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, but I always found it much, much easier to taper/quit the alcohol before the benzos. I couldn't even imagine trying to taper benzos while still drinking the same amount. I went into benzo withdrawal one month when my pharmacy screwed up my refill and tried to drink my way through it, and it's up there with acute heroin withdrawal in terms of my most painful drug experiences. While I can understand sometimes the desire to just give up everything at once, it's really not a good idea to try and simultaneously quit alcohol and benzos. People have died in jail this way.
I'd like to echo everyhting that's been sid in this thread.

My alcoholism's reared it's head again. I am absolutels sick of alcohol, yet I am struggling to do without it. I haven't slept in about 36 hours and am now sat, in the middle of the night, having a can of Strongbow to help with my shakes for typing this. I am worried for my sanity too, I think I have made myself a little bit insane after twenty years of abusing alcohol.

I really want to get sober and stay sober this time. I was worried that I might be going into withdrawal but I am just managing to hold a drink down. I f I close my eyes to try and get some sleep it is even filling me with fear and anxiety.

Alcohol gave me confidence wen I was younger, now it's tken the confidence away and then some. What a horrible drug. Does anyone know what warning signs to look for for when you might have withdrawal DT's? I think I am just on the OK side but just feel very depressed and guilkty with myself.
I am worried for my sanity too, I think I have made myself a little bit insane after twenty years of abusing alcohol.

I really want to get sober and stay sober this time. I was worried that I might be going into withdrawal but I am just managing to hold a drink down. I f I close my eyes to try and get some sleep it is even filling me with fear and anxiety.

Alcohol gave me confidence wen I was younger, now it's tken the confidence away and then some. What a horrible drug. Does anyone know what warning signs to look for for when you might have withdrawal DT's? I think I am just on the OK side but just feel very depressed and guilkty with myself.

LaserHosen, you'd be unlucky to suffer from proper withdrawal DTs. Only affects around 5% of heavy drinkers when they quit anyways causing the stereotypical delusions, hallucinations, nausea, tremors, palpitations. etc. More commonly you'll be suffering the effects of alcohol poisoning as much as anything I think after a bender cos you've maxed out what you're liver can metabolise and you've depleted the stores of Glutathione causing a toxic build-up of acetaldehyde, and the familiar effects of alcohol poisoning: vomiting, sweats, sensitivity to light, sound and movement, coupled with the physical effects of your anxiety over the uncertainty of what might be coming.

You're worried about your sanity because you know that rationally you're on a dangerously destructive path but seem powerless to do anything much about it? It is crazy, and that's what makes alcoholism a genuine disease IMO. It sustains itself and resists treatment very effectively despite and in spite of the expressed rational individual's desire for control over alcohol and his choices as regards to it, just wishing he could go back to how things used to be when he got drunk cos that was a socially expected part of the weekend's fun and harmless. It certainly messes your emotions, making it very hard to seperate for instance what's a cause of unhappiness, and what's a symptom, what are the things we can do something about, and which are out of our hands, and there too we feel that we're powerless in the face of emotions and circumstances beyond our control.

Stopping drinking is the hardest thing I've ever had to try and do. I'd do a heroin detox standing on my head in comparison because at least there the primary cause of the addiction was a physical dependency that took a known amount of time to fix and that was that. I'm not dependent on booze. I don't suffer withdrawal symptoms when I quit, that can't be explained as the body's natural reaction to too much booze and too little sleep and too little food to soak up the stress of it rather than as an objectively measurable need for it to stave off the shakes and the delusionsl, but the compulsion to buy a quarter of vodka and a 4 pack of stella on a night knowing I'll be up drinking all night, and assuming I actually get up for work and go in will be next to useless and stinking of booze, the option of a sicky unavailable cos time off work is already running at 3 - 4 national average annually and I've been on you last final, final, written warning for months and still failing in my obligations and breaching the rules but the boss has let it go, again, cos 1) he needs my expertise, because he doesn't know half the stuff I know about the stuff he sells to other manufacturers who expect us to know the answer to any question they care to throw at us, with evidence in writing to back it up and frankly he wouldn't have a clue where to start with half the stuff he asks from me daily and would need me to train up any replacement and 2) he's actually a decent guy who's tried to be my mate and help as best he can but there's only so much he's prepared to give if I refuse the help and keep on taking the piss.
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