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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Benzos Alcohol withdrawal and Ativan

That’s a rough time, no? I have a lot to live for so I am gonna try new tactics.
Yes it's rough mate. Destroyed my life. That and heroin. I have been offered a job at my local drug clinic as they have known me 20 year and know I would be helpful in harm reduction etc. But I need 3 months of clean tests and stop drinking (or drink like a normal person) before I can get the job. It's something I really want to do.
Thanks, jasperkent.😂. I am not a loser. Just a alcoholic who is trying.
I am convinced that there is a genetic factor involved in alcoholism, just like with cancer and many other diseases/disorders.
Can you imagine a friend telling you:
"I just got the lab results. I have cancer."
And you responding with:
"You fucking loser."

Yeah, I don't think so.
I am convinced that there is a genetic factor involved in alcoholism, just like with cancer and many other diseases/disorders.
Can you imagine a friend telling you:
"I just got the lab results. I have cancer."
And you responding with:
"You fucking loser."

Yeah, I don't think so.
Agreed. Still not sure if it's genetic or being a product of our environment.

Edit- or both.
So, I am back at 48+ hours since last drink and I am gonna give this another go! Last night I did my first ever AA online. I enjoyed it I believe I will attend every night. Very knowledgeable and friendly.

i was good two weeks ago, I had 7 days under my belt, than Friday I told myself I can drink just one day, maybe I have the willpower to be a weekend warrior. So , I was drunk Friday, and than no alcohol Saturday or Sunday, I was proud of myself. I achieved what I wanted. Than Monday after work I caved and drank, an than drank every day till Friday.

here I am quitting alcohol for the thousandth time. 😡

anybody ever try a drug to help them not drink? Something a doctor prescribes.
So, I am back at 48+ hours since last drink and I am gonna give this another go! Last night I did my first ever AA online. I enjoyed it I believe I will attend every night. Very knowledgeable and friendly.

i was good two weeks ago, I had 7 days under my belt, than Friday I told myself I can drink just one day, maybe I have the willpower to be a weekend warrior. So , I was drunk Friday, and than no alcohol Saturday or Sunday, I was proud of myself. I achieved what I wanted. Than Monday after work I caved and drank, an than drank every day till Friday.

here I am quitting alcohol for the thousandth time. 😡

anybody ever try a drug to help them not drink? Something a doctor prescribes.
Benzos help or even stop alcohol WD but I strongly advise against taking them regularly for more than a week or 2.

(Or you may end up with an additional addiction)
so what if you cant quit? i cant quit too. the biggest issue is your liver. gonna end up like my sister in the hospital swollen like a yellow colored blowfish with her eyes leaking out, like some nuked out zombie. died within 4 days of no water or food.
but anyway, being dead is death. no matter if you die sleeping in your bed dreaming of hanging out with your first crush as child or suffocating begging for air for hours drying up. i apologize to say this but death is always the end. might as well enjoy yourself. drink while you can, because you wont be able to drink when gone.
that was terrible of you to say
So, I am back at 48+ hours since last drink and I am gonna give this another go! Last night I did my first ever AA online. I enjoyed it I believe I will attend every night. Very knowledgeable and friendly.

i was good two weeks ago, I had 7 days under my belt, than Friday I told myself I can drink just one day, maybe I have the willpower to be a weekend warrior. So , I was drunk Friday, and than no alcohol Saturday or Sunday, I was proud of myself. I achieved what I wanted. Than Monday after work I caved and drank, an than drank every day till Friday.

here I am quitting alcohol for the thousandth time. 😡

anybody ever try a drug to help them not drink? Something a doctor prescribes.
my aunt went on antabuse (lol pardon) she would get so sick on it, wouldnt stop her from drinking though, she was that bad off, this was 40 years ago, so i bet they have others drugs now, but yes she suffered horribly on it but thats the deal with antabuse if you drink you get sick, just keep quitting please, she was the worst alcoholic and shes amazing now, she did burn up her esophagus and has barrets syndrome something or another but other than that she is happy and she quit a 1000 times, so never give up, oh and she had like half of her liver working and it regenerated, so yes keep trying and know you can quit and heal .
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so what if you cant quit? i cant quit too. the biggest issue is your liver. gonna end up like my sister in the hospital swollen like a yellow colored blowfish with her eyes leaking out, like some nuked out zombie. died within 4 days of no water or food.
but anyway, being dead is death. no matter if you die sleeping in your bed dreaming of hanging out with your first crush as child or suffocating begging for air for hours drying up. i apologize to say this but death is always the end. might as well enjoy yourself. drink while you can, because you wont be able to drink when gone.
"the way you die is the most important thing you ever do"
—Timothy Leary, a lapsed Catholic said that towards the end of his life
So, I am back at 48+ hours since last drink and I am gonna give this another go! Last night I did my first ever AA online. I enjoyed it I believe I will attend every night. Very knowledgeable and friendly.

i was good two weeks ago, I had 7 days under my belt, than Friday I told myself I can drink just one day, maybe I have the willpower to be a weekend warrior. So , I was drunk Friday, and than no alcohol Saturday or Sunday, I was proud of myself. I achieved what I wanted. Than Monday after work I caved and drank, an than drank every day till Friday.

here I am quitting alcohol for the thousandth time. 😡

anybody ever try a drug to help them not drink? Something a doctor prescribes.
Everytime I use a drug to help WDs it absolutely helps and I'm told (by medical personal) using benzos to help WDs shortens the overall WD period also.
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so what if you cant quit?
allone, I know your going through some stuff but I care. my posts are more positive and I would appreciate some respect in my journey.
might as well enjoy yourself. drink while you can, because you wont be able to drink when gone.
I feel so much better when I don’t drink! Life is great, I am happy, and can do things that don’t revolve around drinking. I don’t want to be dead that’s why I am doing what I am doing.

if not already said, sorry about u sister.
Everytime I use a drug to help WDs and I'm told (by medical personal) using benzos to help WDs shortens the overall WD period also.
yeah, I am good with the Ativan. I don’t abuse it. I can take .175 or .25 most days Than 0.

I am back at …. 5 days sober, now I just need AA, medication or some help in staying sober longer than my 7 day or months at a time.
OK. Here's some stuff to think about.

If you relied on alcohol to make you feel good when you want to celebrate or feel better when you're down or have anxiety or emptiness, those types of situations will regularly come up while you are sober but you won't have alcohol to deal with them like you used to. When you don't have alcohol, sobriety can feel like you've gotten nowhere and have nothing to show for it because there's mentally nowhere to go - drinking isn't an option anymore - so you just kind of sit there and stew in your own shit so to speak. Doing things like working, praying or working the 12 steps isn't neccesarily the answer you want to hear when it feels like you're falling apart sober, and I'm not even sure those types of things would help anyway. A lot of people say they do. For some people they do for some not. I do think that you don't suddenly become some happy well balanced person just because you stopped drinking mid-alcoholism about a week ago. You're the same unhappy unbalanced person with poor coping skills that led you to becoming an alcoholic in the first place (I'm being facetitious here to make a point). You'll have to figure out ways to deal with your ups (drinking to get drunk and high, euphoria) and downs (drinking to ease anxiety or depression, kill pain) some other way if you want to maintain abistinence. I don't know if that's AA, medication, or some other help, or a combination of them, but I think you're spot on about getting more support to stay sober longer.
OK. Here's some stuff to think about.

If you relied on alcohol to make you feel good when you want to celebrate or feel better when you're down or have anxiety or emptiness, those types of situations will regularly come up while you are sober but you won't have alcohol to deal with them like you used to. When you don't have alcohol, sobriety can feel like you've gotten nowhere and have nothing to show for it because there's mentally nowhere to go - drinking isn't an option anymore - so you just kind of sit there and stew in your own shit so to speak. Doing things like working, praying or working the 12 steps isn't neccesarily the answer you want to hear when it feels like you're falling apart sober, and I'm not even sure those types of things would help anyway. A lot of people say they do. For some people they do for some not. I do think that you don't suddenly become some happy well balanced person just because you stopped drinking mid-alcoholism about a week ago. You're the same unhappy unbalanced person with poor coping skills that led you to becoming an alcoholic in the first place (I'm being facetitious here to make a point). You'll have to figure out ways to deal with your ups (drinking to get drunk and high, euphoria) and downs (drinking to ease anxiety or depression, kill pain) some other way if you want to maintain abistinence. I don't know if that's AA, medication, or some other help, or a combination of them, but I think you're spot on about getting more support to stay sober longer.
axe, even though your Attitude comes off as “I am better than you”, you still make some great points.

The problem is when alcohol really becomes a problem there isnt any highs or lows. A drunk doesn’t drink to celebrate, nor do we drink more because we are anxious, or at a low point. i Drink because it’s a routine, I am addicted and it makes me feel good.
I do think that you don't suddenly become some happy well balanced person just because you stopped drinking mid-alcoholism about a week ago

I disagree, when I quit drinking I feel so much better, I enjoy life, friends & family,food and being healthy. My problem is I think I can go back to just a couple drinks, or just one night of getting F**K*d up. Than it’s a downward spiral from there. Because like you said, I don’t want to face my issues but in reality by biggest issue is alcohol. Drinking amplifies everything! It takes a minor thing and makes it major And instead of working on that minor problem we mask it with alcohol and than it grows and grows until your addicted to the poison and your brain thinks this is the best way forward but in reality we know it’s not.

thanks for your reply.
keep them coming.
allone, I know your going through some stuff but I care. my posts are more positive and I would appreciate some respect in my journey.

I feel so much better when I don’t drink! Life is great, I am happy, and can do things that don’t revolve around drinking. I don’t want to be dead that’s why I am doing what I am doing.

if not already said, sorry about u sister.

i know its the addiction itself keeping you imprisoned i can relate to that, but IF YOU UNLIKE ME actually find life to be great and enjoy living and enjoy the shitty people and society we are surrounded with, then that should be the biggest boost and reason to fight off the few grueling first days of sobriety. not sure why you cameback to it, after a week sober? i understand the addiction element, as i have it too. but ill say it once again, i hate life!!! this prevents me from quitting, at all! YOU love life! huge reason and power to quit, no??

anyway i quit alcohol a lot easier in my 20s. then my early 30s, not so easy but doable. now as im gonna hit 40s, i think fuck life. fuck everything! honestly.

watch this monumental ART animation about hitting 40s BASED ON Dostoyevsky
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so what if you cant quit? i cant quit too. the biggest issue is your liver. gonna end up like my sister in the hospital swollen like a yellow colored blowfish with her eyes leaking out, like some nuked out zombie. died within 4 days of no water or food.
but anyway, being dead is death. no matter if you die sleeping in your bed dreaming of hanging out with your first crush as child or suffocating begging for air for hours drying up. i apologize to say this but death is always the end. might as well enjoy yourself. drink while you can, because you wont be able to drink when gone.

That's a pretty graphic image. I don't think you hold court for all matters of pain and misery because someone died. I know it might seem like insignificant shit to tell an Alcoholic that they'll never stop drinking, they shouldn't stop drinking or that they don't have a problem. You're sure the Alcoholic is gonna do what they're gonna do anyway right? I say, why put that out there anyway? Does it make you feel something that you're after? Alcohol is pretty shitty, even as drugs go. It's just not helpful.
axe, even though your Attitude comes off as “I am better than you”, you still make some great points.
Well my kids enjoy it when I lecture to them from my perch on high but then again I usually end my speaches to them with something like "Or maybe I'm wrong and you should ignore everything I say and do it your way." They usually do. ;)