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Alcohol - Our Main Legal High Discussion


Bluelight Crew
Jul 25, 2008
Hey Guys, as alcohol is a drug, and this is the aussie drug discussion forum I thought this topic could use some discussion.

note: not trying to start a discussion as to why alcohol/ethanol is legal and other things arn't there are other places to discuss this.

Point of Thread
It is whether or not you like the drug, have you had good times on it, do you drink, do you drink to get drunk, do you drink to chill etc?

Personally I enjoy maybe 4/6 beers then I stop drinking, because the buzz/drunkness after that is not really for me anymore. I have had a lot of fun getting drunk as people don't look down upon me for getting 'pissed' compared to sharing a spliff to relax etc.

It is so sociallable acceptable to drink a beer and get smashed. This is why I enjoy this drug, is because not many people will look down at you for drinking a beer with friends in a public bar, or park. And this freedom, and openess of this drug is what I like the most about it, not the affect it gives me.

Last weekend I got plenty smashed. Like form 10am onwards on a camping drink, that evening/arvo I was apparently smashed/off my face but to myself I didn't feel gigly, or high, or any other kind of feeling I associate with drugs. And honestly It wasn't that much fun.

After the social relaxing of 4/5 drinks, why do people continue... For me when I drink I seem to be chasing some drunk high, but never get there, and just do shot after shot, till I do something I regret, not what I call a good night out. Some people use it to manage depression, but thats why alot of people take illegal drugs.

I enjoy a cold beer as much as anyone, don't think i'm a hater. A couple a night really helps you relax, but how many people here use alcohol for recreational usage as in, lets go to town and get fucked!!!. Me I think that stopped about a year ago. Which might have something to do with the incredable increase in price over the past couple of years due to the banning of advertising of drinking prices killing compertition. Also waiting for 20+mins to get a beer in a crowded club is the worst thing going, like seriously, how can people enjoy that.

Maybe it's part of growing up, you start drinking, start taking drugs, stop taking drugs cause society only allows that sort of thing when your a silly 18-20 odd, and start drinking again cause its the responsible thing to do. (for most people, not for people reading this post most likely)

So what are peoples thought on this drug, how do you use it? And do you enjoy it recreationaly ie. LETS GET FUCKING DRUNK AS TONIGHT WOOHOOO
I use alcohol a lot. I use it most nights to wind down so as to avoid benzodiazepine and opiate dependency because I gotta have something.

I enjoy going out for a big night on the piss but it is my least favourite 'social' drug. It can still be fun as hell to go get drunk as fuck with your mates. The socially acceptable aspect of it is definately a big plus, especially when it comes to chicks.

Alcohol is definately one of the inferior drugs out there but it is a drug none the less and a perfectly enjoyable one at that.
i have always thought that the whole marketing of alcohol has been off track, instead of producing it as liquid in bottles, they should have decided to turn it in to base form, crystallise it then sell it in little baggies.....racking up a few lines of alcohol is far more efficient that sinking a 6pack
^ I assume you're taking the piss =D

Alcohol as a vapour was set to take off here, but the practice was quickly outlawed.
I used to drink alot, like ALOT especially during first year of uni, I had a blast.. I think. Problem being that there's entire weeks that i cant remember 8o. Also the health problems assosiated with alcohol abuse (which almost every teenager is doing) is quite frankly, scary. I managed to score myself seriously high blood pressure at the tender age of 19 solely through alcohol. (my liver function is somewhere between 50-100%, meant to go for further testing but didnt have the money, and didnt really want to know that badly)

But yeah, I still definately enjoy a few beers with mates, anything up to 8 beers I find pleasurable but upwards of the number, then i just tend to go stupid, loose all memory and make a fool out of myself.

Alcohol is still good, but mainly due to its sociably acceptable nature, if other drugs were just as well thought of then I highly doubt I would have done myself that much damage in such a short period of time.
I have been drinking alcohol since around year 9 (would of been about 14 years old) alot of my friends started around the same time maybe even earlier. We only drank to get drunk no other reason. Not much has changed which is pretty scary although I do limit myself on occasion but thats usually cause im not in the mood, tired, sick ect. in which case ill have 4 or 5 beers. Im 18 now and in my last year of high school and now use other drugs aswell. The fact its socially acceptable is allways good and the fact its easy to get is a plus as well (mind you can get most other drugs fairly easy).

Compared to other drugs its pretty average although is better than other shit like BZP and crappy stuff thats on the street at the moment. I find its best in combination with weed, people allways say that beer before grass your on your ass kinda thing but I seem to love those two together never feel sick or bad just feel reall good haha.
Depends on my mood but usually drink to get fucked up, nothing like waking up with random bruises and a bunch of funny stories that you can barely remember.
After the social relaxing of 4/5 drinks, why do people continue...

I think this might be an inbuilt human flaw that thinks "well if you feel good now, then taking more <insert drug here> is only gonna make it better". :|

I just can't get excited about the prospect of getting drunk. I still do it and occasionally enjoy one too many (see above) but I don't ever really plan to get drunk. If anything, drinking is something I do to either chill (on its own), or enhance another substance.
Alcohol is the intoxicating drug that I use the most. I drink when catching up with friends, for dinner (if eating out) and at the start of each night out. Before taking other drugs I'll often be drunk, and will continue to drink on drugs like speed.
I like alcohol. Though the high is not euphoric or trippy, it is a very social drug, more so for me than even MDMA and speed (most of the time). If I'm drinking for a night out I'll drink until drunk, and so slow my drinking down from there (I rarely puke at the end of a night). For dinner or catch ups, maybe 3 to 5 drinks, less for dinner.
I think alcohol is great due to social lubrication. I also find MDMA makes me very non sexual, so I prefer alcohol in some cirumstances because that will put me in the mood more to go out and chat up women. If I'm having drugs on a night out I'll often mostly pre drink at a mates place because you can easily spend close to $100 in a night just on beer.
Forgot to add. I always thought its kind of funny on bluelight how so many people diss alcohol, and also plenty who dislike it. For me I think it is a drug that can be used the most flexibly compared to any other intoxicating substance.
I drink all the time. It's my favourite drug, although i dont really think of it as a drug.

I generally buy a carton of beer on thursday (payday) and drink between 2 and 6 beers most nights, if i run out and i want more i buy more.

On weekends if im not going out i'll probably still only have 4 - 6 beers or something and just get stoned instead and have a good sleep in the next day.

If I'm going out I'll generally drink 6 - 10 beers before town, a couple more at the club then switch to double vodkas as soon as my biccies kick (absolutely love vodka redbull/cranberries on pills). At the afterparty I'll generally stop taking drugs and buy a carton of piss - i've noticed it helps the come down a lot more than weed or more pills/mephedrone does - alcohol on a comedown really takes away the scatteredness almost completely and puts me in a warm positive tipsy frame of mind, its almost like a healthy feeling second wind imo.

I've been a douche on alcohol before but i think these days i dont really binge on it, im a 85ish kg guy so 6 beers in a few hours is just a mild buzz really, i enjoy the social aspect of it and i enjoy the beer-tastes-great aspect of it.

I rarely (like maybe 3 times a year) get so drunk that i do something silly and cant remember anything the next day, i think since i started taking pills alcohol is just like an old friend that never fails to be good company - but i dont feel the need to overstay the welcome :p You see so many pissed dickheads out these days and i guess im glad i dont get like that.

The social lubricant factor of it is good, although lately ive been an absolute fiend on mdxx pills and instead of having a super platonic outlook on pills ive been a bit naughty ;)

Love to hang out with the blokes from work on friday and have a few beers though, and beer is my go-to substance when im in a "ughh, i am so over drugs" mood which happens now and then.

<3 Alcohol, although really i only drink beer and vodka when im beaming my tits off.

P.S Although i smoke a fair bit too i'm that token guy you see on other less civilised drug forums advocating alcohol in the alco vs weed topics.

Like all fun things in life - moderation is key. drink too much alcohol and you'll get bored, frustrated, angry. etc.
I have a problem with alcohol, I drink it a lot, but I don't particularly like it.

The high is one of the shittiest of all drugs IMO, but it being the first drug I tried, and with my addictive personality, it soon became a big part of my life.
Although the more addicted to it I get, the more pleasant I find the effects - especially the first few drinks (probably because the first few drinks relieve withdrawal symptoms).

It's also very intertwined with my meth use - I always drinks while coming up on meth as it takes the jitteryness away, and I drink for the same reason on the come down.

I've found it the hardest drug of all to completely rid from my life - well I've never been succesful yet. But I take baclofen and naltrexone for my alcohol addiction and they help.
Alcohol is the only drug I am dependent upon, and has caused me by far the most problems in both the short and medium term. I go through phases with other drugs, but alcohol has always stayed with me. I am 22, and I think this is probably a very crucial time. How I address how much I am drinking now, will probably determine how much I do so for the rest of my adult life.
I hate alcohol.
So much.

It's an idiot drug. The drug you get the least from.
That being said I go through stages of 3-6 months of heavy drinking then quit, then do it again, then quit. It's good for the first few weeks after the break then shit.
I never relax when drinking. Gets me hyped up, more than say MDMA(with no euphoria of course). But at least I can sleep.

I dunno about this drug.
<doesnt drink anymore.. have dabbled in it heavily at times looking back i wish i found better drugs earlier:p and didnt waste so much money

Firstly its too expensive...
its a depressant and ontop of that it makes you physically sick!
is probably around 50 percent placebo effect^^
Alcohol is fun in small amounts as a social thing, I don't enjoy getting smashed so much anymore but a few drinks on a quiet afternoon is always fun. I'm wary of heavy drinking because it's so harsh on the body and brain (more concerned about the latter). As a drug it's a little boring in itself, but as a social thing it's fun on occasion. I did go through a phase earlier this year where I was drinking pretty heavily because I was bored and it was a good way to cope with stress, but I forced myself to cut back because it wreaks absolute havoc with my health when I'm drinking daily, and now that I have and I've made an effort to convert to better coping mechanisms I don't really miss it.