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alchohol withdrawls

Oh man, please be careful. Vodka will fuck you up. Get a different doctor or hospitalize yourself. DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF THOUGH. Tell somebody to take you. You need to get into detox and after that decide what you want to do. I've been close to where your at (I think you are drinking more daily then I ever have, but I don't know your size) and you can get really stuck in there. Whats your living situation like? Do you have roommates or family nearby?
I drank every bit as much as you. More actually during my last bit of alcoholism. I was drinking atleast a 26oz bottle of whiskey, vodka, rum or whatever and often a 6 pack of beer with it. It was not an unusual day for me to drink a 40oz bottle of liquor with some beer's.

I was a drunk for 3 years and tried to quit cold turkey numerous times and i simply couldnt do it. I would have horrible hallucination's, delusion's, paranoia and id get the shakes so bad id feel like i was having a seizure. Looking back i may have had a few seizures. I got so bad that i would be paranoid and delusional even when i was drinking.

When i finally quit for good i used benzos and opiates. In my case i used temazepam and i think percocet. A longer acting benzo like valium would be better though. This pretty much killed the withdrawal's and took the craving's away. But i still had intense craving's month's after and i still get craving's now and again. Hell i was walking past the liquor store the other day and i was thinking how nice a bottle of jack daniel's or canadian club would be. I could almost taste the stuff.

It is the hardest thing to kick. Ive been through opiate withdrawal's twice and the physical withdrawal's and psychological craving is nothing compared to what you get coming off booze. Not to mention the fact that with opiates atleast you arent doing any damage to your brain or body. Alcohol totally screw's your head and body right up. One of the worst drug's you can get addicted to by far.

Keep trying to quit but at your point you cant go cold turkey without some kind of medical supervision even if it's just a valium script to keep you from going into seizures. No doctor in his right mind would just tell you to tough it out after drinking that much booze. You could actually die from withdrawal's.

Anyway if you ever want to you can PM me anytime you want. It might help to know that someone has been in your situation and has actually lived through it.
im done fellas, i want to commite suiceide i got 17 bottles of vodka so i am happy now. im going to use vodka and sleeping peille to settle me off thank u blueligh u cared.
usdathashield said:
im done fellas, i want to commite suiceide i got 17 bottles of vodka so i am happy now. im going to use vodka and sleeping peille to settle me off thank u blueligh u cared.
Thats a pathetic way to go. You are 20 years old, you havent even lived 1/3 of you life and you are already thinking about killing yourself and giving up? I feel sorry for you now, after you are dead no one will even remember you.
Good luck
usdathashield said:
im done fellas, i want to commite suiceide i got 17 bottles of vodka so i am happy now. im going to use vodka and sleeping peille to settle me off thank u blueligh u cared.

Dont fucking give up like that man. Your just an addict no big deal you can eventually get off the stuff. If a fucking rummy like me can quit anyone can.

I suggest you check into a hospital, rehab center or even a mental hospital if you are feeling like killing yourself. I know what alcohol does to your brain the shit makes you crazy. You just arent thinking right at the moment that's all. But this will pass trust me.

Get some kind of help man if you are this bad. Anything is better then suicide. Do you want to be known as one of those thousands of people that kill themselves everyday just cause they where drunk?
mna im a nashhole but i want to got oa hispital so thys can make me feel ok! otherwise im going t ocomite ciucicde
i just want to be dead so people on here sont gte disguysted like jurukie i failed i want to put a knfe in my bneck
Somebody in this world cares about. You mentioned you had a sister, i'm sure she cares about you. Tell somebody immediatly how you are feeling. Get to a hosptail right away.
what is bothering you so much that you feel like suicide is your only option? all i can is, you cannot think clearly while youre addicted to drugs so if you're going to commit suicide at least make the effort to get sober first and give yourself time to think it over from a clearer state of mind. you may feel different then. you at least owe that much to yourself.
ive been wanting to commit suiced for moths, wont work tho ium su fucking weak, even when im drunjkk if a grab a knife to my wrist i cant do it, imve alwyas been a fucking wea kp ersoni hope i die during wd's i can cut my throat
ps than ku guys for caring im cryin a lil as i rtie this im real messed up i dont want to seem mean in my posts i read and cherish every message
months isn't that long, you need to give yourself another chance. ive always been a weak person too, i know how much it sucks.
usdathashield said:
ps than ku guys for caring im cryin a lil as i rtie this im real messed up i dont want to seem mean in my posts i read and cherish every message

you dont seem mean, just messed up. i am messed up too so its difficult for me to offer you much inspiration because life seems pretty bleak for me too right now and on top of all this i am sick right now with a sore throat. all i can is hang in there. if i can do it, you can do it.
Most people can't kill themselves.

It only proves you have intelligence.
lurkerguy said:
Most people can't kill themselves.

It only proves you have intelligence.

yeah, not be able to kill yourself is something to be proud of, not ashamed of.
usdathashield said:
ps than ku guys for caring im cryin a lil as i rtie this im real messed up i dont want to seem mean in my posts i read and cherish every message
you fuckwit! do i have to buy a plane ticket to wherever you are just to smack some sense into you??? DONT FUCKING KILL YOURSELF! GOTO THE HOSPITAL! i must have told you this about 10 times in the 2 hours we spent exchanging PMs earlier today! i leave for like 6 hours and i come home and you have 17 goddamn bottles of vodka!
its not worth it man, fucking goto the goddamn hospital drunk if you fucking have to. they'll put you on a salene drip and you'll be fine. if you let them know you are suicidal then they'll watch you carefully to make sure you dont do something so stupid while ur still drunk! FFS sakes man! its not worth it! you have alot more of your goddamn life to live and i'll be damned if i just sit around and dont try to virtually beat some goddamn sense into you!
we fucking care dude. we dont know you personally but nobody on this board will cast you aside if we think we can help. BL is for harm reduction and i think i speakk for everyone when its extremely painful to lose one of our own.
usdathashield said:
ps than ku guys for caring im cryin a lil as i rtie this im real messed up i dont want to seem mean in my posts i read and cherish every message

shit man, your makin my pathetic drunk ass start to cry... keep in communication w/ guineapig please....?:|

and us all.
had an interventon typ show talk with my dad, im so weak god i hate myself i want to kill myself even when imdrunk i cant manage to cut my wrtists im s oweak