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alchohol withdrawls

if youre just gonna drink on the benzos theyre not gonna help you, theyre only gonna make things worse. what you need to do is stop drinking, use the benzos to cope with the withdrawal and then get sober and go to AA or something. ive never been to AA so i cant vouced for it but i did listen to two guest speaker representatives from AA and from what they said it sounded like a good organization. obviously not for everyone but it seems to have worked for some people. what impressed me about it was the "sponsor" idea, i think if nothing else AA can help you meet someone who will knows what youre goiing through and has the experience to help you.
The first thing you can do, although it sounds simple, is switch to beer.

You simply can't get as drunk on beer as you can on vodka.
id also recommend switching to beer, i dont know how true this is but it may be true, is beer less bad for your stomach? i know that i can drink 17 beers in one night and while my stomach certainly doesn't like it, it causes less pain than drinking vodka. i cant even imagine drinking a fifth of vodka in one night. it would eat right through my stomach.
Vodka and all hard liquor is very bad is all I can say.

They are serious fucking drugs not to be toyed with.

I had drank a huge amount of vodka in one night, and let me tell you, it will put you in a mind state that is fucking highly dangerous to say the least.

On top of that, it is just toxic.

I remember chugging a huge mouthful of vodka, vomiting on myself, and continuing to drink.

That type of shit just won't happen with beer, or if it does, it happens on a much smaller scale.

Hard booze is serious fucking business, it can ruin your life in a single night.

Trust me I have been in prison, and I met people who hit the bottle, and ruined their entire lives in a single night and didn't even remember it.

With booze you lose with dope there is hope.

Seriously I talked with people face to face who killed people, or fought the police, or robbed a store, or did any other number of activities that ensured they would be in jail for years, and they didn't even remember doing it.

I saw alcoholics and heroin addicts side by side withdrawing in prison, and let me tell you, the alcoholics had it the worst.

People will jump off the top tier during alcohol withdrawal.

Shaking like a leaf on a tree, not being able to eat for 10+ days, and crying like little girls.
burn out said:
id also recommend switching to beer, i dont know how true this is but it may be true, is beer less bad for your stomach? i know that i can drink 17 beers in one night and while my stomach certainly doesn't like it, it causes less pain than drinking vodka. i cant even imagine drinking a fifth of vodka in one night. it would eat right through my stomach.
i've found that when i switch back to beer, i find it almost impossible to get drunk (i'll drink a 30 pack to myself and fucking give up)
lurkerguy said:
Shaking like a leaf on a tree, not being able to eat for 10+ days, and crying like little girls.
that about sums it up
yes thank you for all the replies. i ve got a ecision to make google a rehab or trade n my equipemnt again for nstanthappyness. i wont make it this way.

i want to go to high shool in spetmber like a normal person, if i not i will be dead by then since things are now lowering to silicide/l levels.

i really need help i need to talk to someone reall badly. thanks
^you can IM me netime "oOEnd JoyOo" on AIM
i'll sign online right now if you want a quicker response. i feel for you man because you are near identical to me when i was your age.
guineaPig said:
i've found that when i switch back to beer, i find it almost impossible to get drunk (i'll drink a 30 pack to myself and fucking give up)

that about sums it up

well i havent gotten to that point yet (and i dont plan to) i can still get totally hammered off beer. it just takes a while. have you tried drinking higher alcohol beers because there is a huge difference between drinking a beer with 4% alcohol and a beer with 6% alcohol.
^this is true, but for a habitual drinker you can run yourself broke on the higher proof shit.
also, add in the fact that i drink 100 proof vodka on a nightly basis and the 6% doesnt really make much of a difference lol
ive known an alcoholic that drank almost exclusivley beer and he still managed to get wasted off it on an almost nightly bases. he would just drink a lot of it. how long did it take to get such a tolerance that you cant get drunk on beer?
howdo uuse your im>
i use aol instant messanger. i dont have msn, sorry.
goto http://www.aim.com and sign up for a screen name if you dont have one already. if you dont want to download nething click on the link that says "aim express"
^if you dont wanna make an AIM account then just PM me. i'll respond fairly quickly as i am online
i dont think you sent it right. i just sent you a PM so just reply to it.
the link for the private message box is in the top right hand of the screen.