Acid In Canada

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i had some wicked good acid a few weeks back. the blotters were scooby doo. there were pictures of velma and the mystery machine on it lol. people were tellin me its triple dipped i dont know if thats relevant but they must have been jus saturated with lsd cuz i took 4 on canada day and had the craziest trip ever it felt like at least 10 hits.

before that though i had this pokemon stuff that was going around (you know the energy things from the trading card game lighting, fire, water, plant etc) anyways they were pretty weak. i took 4 and had noticable visuals and a great body high but i wast tripping really like in my head and stuff. my other two friends claimed to barley be high and didnt see shit. but i am really sensitive to psychedelics i noticed. i tried em a few more times and they were weak every time. scooby doo acid hands down blew the pokemon stuff out of the water i sure hope i see more of the scooby doos :)
i had some wicked good acid a few weeks back. the blotters were scooby doo. there were pictures of velma and the mystery machine on it lol. people were tellin me its triple dipped i dont know if thats relevant but they must have been jus saturated with lsd cuz i took 4 on canada day and had the craziest trip ever it felt like at least 10 hits.

before that though i had this pokemon stuff that was going around (you know the energy things from the trading card game lighting, fire, water, plant etc) anyways they were pretty weak. i took 4 and had noticable visuals and a great body high but i wast tripping really like in my head and stuff. my other two friends claimed to barley be high and didnt see shit. but i am really sensitive to psychedelics i noticed. i tried em a few more times and they were weak every time. scooby doo acid hands down blew the pokemon stuff out of the water i sure hope i see more of the scooby doos :)

Welcome Winnipegers! :)

I've heard conflicting reports of both the Scooby Doos and the Pokemon. Apparently with the Pokemon whoever laid them ended up laying them unevenly. Some of the hits were strong and some were weak. My friend took some from the same shit and had fairly intense trips, while others noted they were underwhelming. People were talking about how they were laid unevenly earlier in this thread.

It seems the same might be true with the Scooby Doos. My one buddy told me that 5 was needed for a good trip and others have said they are really good. Fortunately more positive reports than negative ones. I'm glad you enjoyed the Scooby's.

Winnipeg needs more acid! The heiros are on hiatus, the Kiss hits were weak and it seems the Scoobys are in low supply. I still have about 20 hits of the Madhatters from last summer though. Absolutely loved the Madhatters. Feels like a very clean high.
i met some winnipegers last week, and they say the cid supply is pretty low too.
Although there are a bunch Madhatters around from the BC region.
i met some winnipegers last week, and they say the cid supply is pretty low too.
Although there are a bunch Madhatters around from the BC region.

Are you saying there are Madhatters from the BC region that are in Winnipeg right now?!?!? I still have 20 Madhatters from last summer. They were a very smooth ride. Not the strongest, but very good quality. 4 is a solid dose. How strong are these Madhatters? Did you try last summers batch that I have to compare to the new batch?

You've got me excited! The Madhatters are great quality.

There is a bit of a drought in Winnipeg right now, but you can still find acid.

Buddy was importing the "heiro" blotter from BC for the last 10 years or so and has recently stopped. The "heiros" were the most common and reliable form of acid that you could always get in Winnipeg.

Apparently a couple batched synths and/or shoddy uneven lays hapened a little over a month ago and they haven't shown up since. They'll probably reappear unless these stories of bad synth or improper laying are just a cover up for a bust? Who knows, but there are people in BC claiming to be working on sending out more our way.

I'm pretty sure there is only one guy bringing in the heiros to Winnipeg.
Anyone in Winnipeg getting heiros from Vancouver at the present?
Anyone in BC around Vancouver getting heiros still?

On the plus side, a new batch of scooby doos came in recently.

My friend, a seasoned tripper, took 3 hits and said they were great. Far superior to the Kiss hits going around. There should be quite a few Scooby Doos doing the rounds and it looks like they'll be a winner. Yay!

Winnipeg has had clean, quality acid, but it's about time we got clean, quality acid in larger doses per hit! No matter how clean the hits are, it is inexcusable to need to take as much as 10 hits to get a full trip. Bring on more Scooby Doos!

Shout out to all the Winnipeger Bluelighters (and Greenlighters and alike)!
Enjoy the great summer while it lasts everyone ;)
A lot of the cid that goes to other parts of Canada is all the same.
Most cid does come from BC.
Even here in Ontario, we have the Maddhatters in Toronto.
The heiros are available in Montreal right now, so maybe something happened to your guy?
Woo hoo. I would love for mad hatters to come around again. If they are anything like last time it will be awesome. Can't wait for some quality acid.
A lot of the cid that goes to other parts of Canada is all the same.
Most cid does come from BC.
Even here in Ontario, we have the Maddhatters in Toronto.
The heiros are available in Montreal right now, so maybe something happened to your guy?

Good chance something happened. I'm not sure what the deal is, but the heiros were coming in consistently since as long as I remember and probably even longer. Oh well, the heiros are never the strongest, so if someone can fill in the void with some stronger acid I'm all for it!

Scooby Doos should be doing the rounds within the upcoming week/weeks, but from what I can can gather they are expensive. After paying normal prices for the Kiss blotter, I wont mind paying twice as much for Scooby Doos which are seemingly more than 4 times as potent! Still a much better deal considering how weak the Kiss hits were.

Normally there is a lot of variety for acid in the summer here in Winnipeg. What's going on!? Anyone else experiencing this? Last year I came across about 4 or 5 different kinds, and there were undoubtedly many more. Now I only know of one or two prints going around at any given time.
Colourful Albert Hoffman portrait.
They do appear pixelated.
Most of the hits have the appearance of a multicolour (red/orange/yellow/blue/green) cross-hatch pattern on them.
Lines are drawn by middleman (whoever is purchasing the book).
Strength is less than that of Hunabs that were around several years ago. About three fourths, in my opinion.

I tried them, Id say half or less the strength of hunabs, but coula been set/setting.

I have 3 more so Ill taste them again in a week or so.
I live in the Kootenays in BC.... and there is a lot of acid around here. lol
Kitchener, Ontario here. I haven't seen any in a while but I'm sure it's around

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there is a huge amount of acid out here in the west! lots of good clean potent tabs, and some good liquid once in a while
I'm 99% sure I just picked up those hoffmans. The part I got looks like it fits right into that picture, and there was no lines on it. However my dealer get its from Van not Tor.

Edit: The cid I had was bunk. I took 2 tabs (2nd time ever doing a psychadelic) and only had minor breathing melting. My buddy took 7 and still wasn't seeing anything.
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were the hoffmans printed on cardstock instead of blotter? that's what i had (in bc), and while the paper itself was shitty (too big and a pain in the ass to cut), the quality of the lsd was pretty great. i dug it, as did everyone i know who tasted it...

i just picked up some beautiful liquid, i'm torn between laying it and just dropping it on sugarcubes. hmmm.........
Hi all, been lurking the site for a while and finally decided to join to put out a warning about some bad blotter. Picked up in Toronto, paper was hard, not so much thick but hard, taste was super bitter, gave me horrible gas and a headache for the entire trip, body load was very harsh, felt like my skin was burning off at points and made my jaw sore and my face twitch, there was a sense of unrelenting intensity throughout the experience no matter how serene my surroundings were, visuals were very uncharacteristic for LSD, colours were very much like greasy, gasoline rainbow colours and everything looked kind of disgusting, and the trip lasted around 18 hours and came on very slowly. Print was Alex Grey's Bardo Being on the front and what looked like part of Cosmic Christ on the back. The print was very faded. Avoid at all costs. I have a lot of experience with LSD and this stuff was definitely not LSD. Apparently the chemist is a local so if someones pitching blotter from a local chemist that you're not sure about be wary.

were the hoffmans printed on cardstock instead of blotter? that's what i had (in bc), and while the paper itself was shitty (too big and a pain in the ass to cut), the quality of the lsd was pretty great. i dug it, as did everyone i know who tasted it...

i just picked up some beautiful liquid, i'm torn between laying it and just dropping it on sugarcubes. hmmm.........

To preserve potency:

(a) Use paper and an eyedropper.

(b) If you find it necessary to use water, do not use tap water. Buy distilled from a pharmacy.

(c) Do not use any paper containing electronegative compounds (bleached with chlorine, bromine, flourine, etc.). Try watercolor paper #14 (cold pressed) from a large art supply store.

(d) Be sure to cut off any watermarks (watercolour paper tends to have watermark indentations)

(e) If you want to print something, do it before you lay the drops.

(f) If you want to perforate, use a washing machine.

(e) Store, cool, dark, dry, as always.
were the hoffmans printed on cardstock instead of blotter? that's what i had (in bc), and while the paper itself was shitty (too big and a pain in the ass to cut), the quality of the lsd was pretty great. i dug it, as did everyone i know who tasted it...

i just picked up some beautiful liquid, i'm torn between laying it and just dropping it on sugarcubes. hmmm.........

Yea it was printed on cardstock. it cut out to bigger tabs then usual. No perferation or cut lines on the back. Completely Bunk.
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