Acid in America 2011: The 68th Coming

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no they were layed in RI openly as DOC but as they trickked down people were just calling them amazing LSD because you can take one and feel like your on 5 but they got old fast when you did them in my opinion i did 8+ one night and when i took the last one i fell asleep 5 min later =/ fun stuff but def not lsd idn how much got produced but i no i am still able to get basically as much as i want
You're talking about these?


If so, you're dead wrong.

*Unless someone locally bought up the same print and has been putting DOC on them, but it just seems a bit farfetched. Like I said earlier, these come from a european supplier, and are definitely LSD. Clean crystal, no, but LSD (or an LSD analogue), yes.
those tabs are reportedly DOC ..thats from the guy who layed them....i had the same tabs very bitter fast comeup and mind melting trip but not pure enough to be LSD if u had asked me after i took them and when i got the word last week or so i wasnt surprised at all

no they were layed in RI openly as DOC but as they trickked down people were just calling them amazing LSD because you can take one and feel like your on 5 but they got old fast when you did them in my opinion i did 8+ one night and when i took the last one i fell asleep 5 min later =/ fun stuff but def not lsd idn how much got produced but i no i am still able to get basically as much as i want
Dude, quit talking nonsense. Fast comeup? Not DOC. Not pure enough to be LSD? That is gibberish. Take one blotter hit and feel like 5 hits of cid? Not DOC. Took 8+one night and fell asleep 5 minutes after last one? Not DOC8)
I had heard whisperings those tabs were DOC, although that completely contradicts the reports I've read of them being tested and confirmed LSD at 80-100 mics per. That, coupled with my own personal experiences, I too agree they are infact L.

its these but these exact ones were laid in euro most likely the ones in mass that you will get will be DOB not DOC sorry i was mistaken yeesterday. There prob are some with real LSD floating around to but if your in RI or SEMA its GOING to be DOB and that is from the sorurce
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Again, definitely NOT a DOx, especially not DOB.

People claim any not amazing tab is DOB, when truthfully, its just not high quality LSD.

1.) DOB is rarely seen anymore, and when it is, it has a market of its own. (This is said from personal experience with it. I rarely see DOB and when I do, and its offered as DOB, its bought up in an isntant. Shit I feel lucky enough to have just 20mg of it!)

2.) Going with #1, since DOB has a market of its own, its a waste for suppliers to be using it instead of LSD, especially in mass.

3.) DOx's, especially DOB take a good while to come up, almost 2-3 hours for it to fully manifest, in my experience.

If your tabs come up fast, I can almost guarantee its definitely not a DOx.

4.) DOx's last anywhere from 14-30 hours, depending on the chemical. DOB being one of the longest, lasts a good 24-28hrs. My DOB trips have all been well over 20 hours long.

Again, you're NOT getting this from the source, I can absolutely guarantee it. All of those tabs that are being mass produced are from Europe and are LSD or an LSD analogue (my bet would be the former), and just not of high quality/dosage.

Please, stop trying to pass off these bassless assumptions as fact, in the name of harm reduction.
im sorry that you cant belive the fact that someone else could possibly be prodcing sheets of the same print with a DOx on them. As i said its from the source, the person that is laying these sheets is not marketing them as LSD, people on the street are, especially in boston/providence, the rave secne is so hectic and the drugs are mostly dirty, when someone is buying 1 or 2 tabs they are most likely going to be told its acid because in a club it would be bad for business to say that its a DOx especally 1 not seen very often as alot of people dont no wat they are
and I might be more inclined to believe that if you hadnt completely gone against what you're saying in your description of the trips.

no they were layed in RI openly as DOC but as they trickked down people were just calling them amazing LSD because you can take one and feel like your on 5 but they got old fast when you did them in my opinion i did 8+ one night and when i took the last one i fell asleep 5 min later =/ fun stuff but def not lsd idn how much got produced but i no i am still able to get basically as much as i want

1.) DOB and DOC in large amounts will wreck your fucking world, guaranteed.

2.) DOx's are substituted amphetamines,
DOB - 2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromoamphetamine

Guaranteed you're not sleeping on that, guaranteed.
Ive bee there, you're not sleeping, ha.

had the same tabs very bitter fast comeup

Like I said earlier, DOx's take much longer to come up than LSD and its analogues.
LSD takes about an hour or so to come up.
What you're tasting is the ink on the blotter too. This has been covered may times in the past here.

If you're going to lie, at least be consistant with it....8)
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Some very very lovely peach colored doses in the upstate NY area. Well over 100mics I'd say.

Keep the love coming <3
Dhetz doc is quite a hard chemical to synth from what I understand, in fact last I heard three commercial batches were produced by some of the bigger labs this year and only one achieved purity. I can also tell you that on this board the blotter you state to be a dox is not. It comes from europe its 150 ugs. Now the people who produce it do things the right way 100% of the time so they get lots of other people who try and copy cat them with lower dosed stuff. Same reason that hoffman blotters are no longer trustable as with these.
ok well i must say i have completly different info from my side al of wich ive doubled and tripled checked ***snip, im saving you a lot of heartache here
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^ That would be very against the rules. you could possibly buy a testing kit to test for dox substances but not sure.
I'd say 99% of those tabs goin around are def LSD, or a close analogue. Some idiot might have custom ordered that blotter print and made some dox tabs, but most of them are the real deal.
if ya'll see some of them mayan calendars around jump on those suckers. they're of european origin but are finding their way to the states. i've never really understood the whole cleanliness of LSD debate until today, felt absolutely no body effect whatsoever and none of the typical post LSD bends and aches, but it was full blown in the mental and visual departments, and a very satisfying dose for one tab. 20mg of 2c-b on the come down and shit went off the deep end for a hot second. let's give it up for summer, people! let the acid flow!

its these but these exact ones were laid in euro most likely the ones in mass that you will get will be DOB not DOC sorry i was mistaken yeesterday. There prob are some with real LSD floating around to but if your in RI or SEMA its GOING to be DOB and that is from the sorurce

Wrong. As Bomboclat stated, those are definitely LSD. Took one last night and had a pretty chill night just enjoying the nice summer weather and drinking a few beers. Smoked a few joints then went to my girlfriends house and called it a night. Come-up/visuals/mindset/emotions/etc are all on par with LSD, not any DOx. I could feel first alerts within 30 minutes. Amazing body high.

In short, Bombo knows his shit. If you disagree with something he is saying, at least back it up with proof/evidence/facts. However I think the image you have shown makes it look like the blotter is more glossy than mine is, I will try to upload a picture soon.

But advice, these tabs are pretty good, definitely dosed higher than any WoW or NoW going around. Grab them if you can.
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Good call chronic, Def good LSD there, I ate one last night too :). Just wanted to add that those blotters in the pic there def do look glossy, like unusually glossy. strange. Not like the ones ive eaten
Wrong. As Bomboclat stated, those are definitely LSD. Took one last night and had a pretty chill night just enjoying the nice summer weather and drinking a few beers. Smoked a few joints then went to my girlfriends house and called it a night. Come-up/visuals/mindset/emotions/etc are all on par with LSD, not any DOx. I could feel first alerts within 30 minutes. Amazing body high.

In short, Bombo knows his shit. If you disagree with something he is saying, at least back it up with proof/evidence/facts. However I think the image you have shown makes it look like the blotter is more glossy than mine is, I will try to upload a picture soon.

But advice, these tabs are pretty good, definitely dosed higher than any WoW or NoW going around. Grab them if you can.

respect bombo
I came across little red stars, but they are different than the ones others have posted pics of. I thought they were fake, but I was happily proved wrong. I have a pic on my phone, I will post it when I get a chance, because my motherboard took a shit and I'm using a friends comp right now. The stars were like some sort of candy, or sprinkles for cake/cupcakes topping, that sort of thing. I was told there are green ones too, but who knows. Has anyone else seen/had these?
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