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A theory on why people with more intelligence are prone to depression............

i understand the original posters idea.... but to me its not the intelligent people. But people that have more rational minds. I myself feel like every single thing in life has to be broken down in 2 opposite spectrums... or in other words i weigh everything in my mind.

im not sure if that makes any sense, but i get depressed when i try and rationalize my being on this planet and if i even have a purpose here...
because they are smart enough to figure out that the world is a shithole
Remmy said:
I have only skipped over the above posts but i think the word "intelligent people" should be substituted with "deeper people". You can be intelligent in terms of IQ, yet still not question the world and yourself in relation to it.
I find all of the above posts to be true with deeper people. But this leads to the question should being deeper really just be swapped for the term depressive? Is there a difference I often ask myself.
I often get depressed as a result of deep thinking but am I really deep thinking, or just acting out the thoughts that are depression?

agreed, i think depressed ppl rationalize this by saying intelligent ppl are more depressed.

Belisarius said:
I think any connection between intelligence and depression is specious, for these two reasons:
1.) There isn't a universally accepted standard of intelligence, and it has been defined in several different ways.
2.) The causes of depression are complex, and I doubt they can be whittled down to philosophical dissatisfaction with the world.
3.) Evidence seems to indicate that more "intelligent" people are in fact more well-adjusted than people of "average" intelligence, and in better mental health overall.

im sure id agree if i knew what the word specious meant ;)
Here's the kicker of a question.... How much of it is depression, and how much of it is really just boredom? Eat 5-HTP if you're really down. If you just feel like you're stagnant, maybe is because you really are. Get up, and do something.;)

Hell I could be doing something I really enjoy, but still be bored if I've been doing it for too long. I get bored easily.8)