6th Issue Heroin Discussion Thread... v. Doprah

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Thers a show on tonite I think on OWN about heroin in America...Lisa ling is the host..its brandnew tonite so I don't know what its about or if its good..
oxycontn express was beginning of the end when it comes to florida pill mills...you start rubbin it in the dea's face and they are gonna come down hard on you
For real just snort that shit...but honestly if I had an abundance of them like I once did I would try smokin them..in such a big weed head iKinda envy those who smoke and get high..that's why I want to try tar so bad..I just want to see how it feels..same with smokin a pill, iwouldnt say I'd do it often but I would like to try it..

My people got some good dope..team nod is assembling
For real just snort that shit...but honestly if I had an abundance of them like I once did I would try smokin them..in such a big weed head iKinda envy those who smoke and get high..that's why I want to try tar so bad..I just want to see how it feels..same with smokin a pill, iwouldnt say I'd do it often but I would like to try it..

My people got some good dope..team nod is assembling

Enjoy your nod for RM.

Im back to chippin, since i got soooooo high after that 6 day break..nodded balls for 24 hours 3 dimes.. nonin hard too. Too high, cause moms knew somethin was up..seriously hope i will stick with chipping. Time to scrape rez......
My mom was just tellin me bout a job onterview in Louisville..I was like why the fuck would you want to move there? She said she's sick oh Chicago..I was like so move down state..don't move fuckin 6-8hours south in a differnt state..I was like unless the offerin 20-30k more per year the move would be pointless..to pick up here and move everything would cost so much..you don't move to put yourself in debt like that..personally I don't think I'd move..I'd go live with my uncle but I don't know wht my brother would do..thank god for dope to forget about thiis..even though I doubt she would move..
Crazy..fuck movin to get in debt. You right, move if ya gona b makin money, but if not, why think about it?
Yea its oprahs new netowrk channel 256 here on a&t and I was wrong its actually in tomorrow at 9PM central time..
Yea its oprahs new netowrk channel 256 here on a&t and I was wrong its actually in tomorrow at 9PM central time..

Maybe I should call home and ask my mom to DVR it. I don't think that would go over well will her though.
She might be overrated but everything the lady touches turns to gold..I mean not only does she have her own studio, that produces her show she's now Got her own TV network..for you dummies that means her own TV channel..she's also the mastermind of Dr oz and Dr Phil and so much more

the lady is one of the most powerful people in the entertainment business..not just the most powerful woman, she's up there as the most powerful people

She has just become more then a talk show host..people actually trust her. And that's rare to say in the entertainment business.
She might be overrated but everything the lady touches turns to gold..I mean not only does she have her own studio, that produces her show she's now Got her own TV network..for you dummies that means her own TV channel..she's also the mastermind of Dr oz and Dr Phil and so much more

the lady is one of the most powerful people in the entertainment business..not just the most powerful woman, she's up there as the most powerful people

She has just become more then a talk show host..people actually trust her. And that's rare to say in the entertainment business.

You are right... she has the midas touch. I didnt know that about dr oz n dr phil, interesting.. i give her props, then. Dr oz fan here, and my moms too.
Maybe we should change the title to Oprah Discussion? You a member of her book club too Rock Lobster?
Now I'm craving some Lobster, being that I just smoked and all.

Rock Monster, maybe an Oprah appreciation thread instead?
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