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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2CB - Experienced - From Enlightenment to Eternity in 30 Days

Please don't post pictures of incriminating activities or drugs. They'll be removed as per Bluelight policy. ;)
Its like the Eagles said though Life in the Fast Lane....

If you keep using like that you may not die before christmas, but it cant be far off. Your comments have done nothing but to solidify my thoughts though...

Just keep ur self alive :)
happy dayz

HottButtaz said:
try to post some pics of the models, naked

well i attended my audition for assets agency yesterday it went very well.
i brought with me my photos but they took some still profile and full front shots and stripped me to my boxers and took pics of my whole body.
i have the best physique i have had in years i will post a pic asap.
i am 11 stone ripped, very good definition,sixpack,ripped pecs and lats,good bicep and tricep definition,my best asset is my legs they are very fucking good like a gymnast from doing the splits,being able to bring my head to my ankles putting my hands flat on the floor.my dad was a world champion irish dancer so he used his legs a lot so my legs muscles are very strong.i was a state high jumping champion.i did taekwondo on and off for 15 years learned off two world champions a 7th dan and 6th dan.they single handedly won the 1982 taekwondo world championchips SIC world sparring and power breaking champions..they are blackbelts since 1970..havning train students to 5th dan blackbelts and numerous other blackbelts..dozens of them..every competion european or otherwise they compete in..their students always come out with a lot of gold and silver medals..i represented ireland under 18 in european championchips and won a bronze for patterns..not glamorous but my side kick is lethal..i am 5'7 and very muscular without being bulky and can kick a 6'5 16 stone man across the room and wallop him againt the wall..i love tkd lol..
happy dayz..
i am 5 days clean atm.going thru a depression due to serotonin and dopamine depletion but i feel the tide is changing and me doing 200 situps and pressups every day is improving my general health.
i feel good being drug free i hope to get thru the christmas period clean.
i want to respect my body from now on and concentrate on being fit and healty and between the part time modelling and hopefully starting a 52,000 euro bank job with deutsche bank if i succeed in my third round interview i can definately go places if i stay away from drugs for a long while
I'd love to know what happened next, wtfextreme is an understatement :)
Yeah, whats up with you guys (and gals) in here? What happened to make this thread so chaotic? (seriously I'm curious I'd like to know if somebody has a theory).
^ well thats damn near a tautology for humans I guess you're right Xorkoth.
wow, this is intense - when i took my 50mg 2c-b trip, i definitely spent the next day "in recovery"... i couldn't imagine abusing bromine like that & not experience significant side effects.
^ do you know grrrr?

Gatecharshers afters?

+1 on Xorkoth's "Passion and ego", its obviously correct, mind you, bumlicking wise, I'm +1 on pretty much all of his posts :)

{ drunk }

what happened nextis me..i am the op.
i gotkicked outof my 500,000 euroaptwhich i was renting. ended up ina phy hospital for 4weeks. spent xmas eve,xmas day, newyears and thr 2nd of jan my bday alone inthe hosp with no visits from familyorany fone calls..even tho they lived 5 mins away. i didnt cry or anything..i took it onthe chin.everyone else getting visits and pressies on xmas day and menot a can ofcoke or a box ofpringles..tough fucking shit lol.
after that i have been living in a homeless shelter with criminals,addicts and swwer rats..with only a few good blokes..i have had rozor blades put to my neck and been robbed of half my dole by a nutter who ons an attempeted murder charge,,he also tookmym ativan.
last week i was kicked out of my hostel..so i went to a police station witha razor sharp hunting knife and threatened suicide..so i was back in phyhosp till yest.got my place backin the hostel..been moved toan a apartment connected to it...life is fucking wonderfull..i spend my days smoking pure h and then goingthru withdrawals,,dry heavingevery morn....not able to eat..l
apart from that life is fucking wonderfull..
at least i got a few options with girls...19 year olds for some reason are into me..i am 30..still have 250 euros blazers and 180 shoes..so i look the part..gold watch etc...
the saga continues...
Hmmmm. Maybe Acieed_ed's first and last post could be extracted and stickied as a salutary warning to those who wish to push the RC boundaries 8o 8o
This thread is probably the most off-topic AND most on-topic ive ever read on Trip Reports O.O
acieed_ed, are you saying you attribute this place you're in now to your 30 day 2C-B binge, or are they unrelated?

You have my sympathies... please do your best to get better. Only you can gain control of your life and get back to a happy place. No one can or will do it for you. <3
Xorkoth said:
acieed_ed, are you saying you attribute this place you're in now to your 30 day 2C-B binge, or are they unrelated?

You have my sympathies... please do your best to get better. Only you can gain control of your life and get back to a happy place. No one can or will do it for you. <3

no i dont attribute my downfall to the 2cb binge it was the best and most enlightening drug expierence of my life.
i was on self destruct anyways..and it was mainly the heroin that caused me to come to grief.if i had kept away from it i wouldnt have lost my apt and got into this situation.i was bringing h users into my apt and the landlord got wind and chucked me out so it was down to that dirty drug.
i amnt strung out on it..i take it or leave it.it dulls the pain i suppose.
i am getting on a goverment run horticulture course soon where i will be getting a good wage in every week and learning a new skill its a two year course i am nearly finished the app process so hopefully it will get me back on track and i can move out into my own place and put this whole thing behind me.
Dangerous or not you did a worthwhile experiment on the negative effects of 2c-b, which seem to be quite minimal. I will be experimenting with 250mg's of 2c-e in the near future, similar to the way you approached your experiment, by taking it outside, inside, movies, music, open eyed, closed eyed. Im very excited.
Dextro 2C said:
Dangerous or not you did a worthwhile experiment on the negative effects of 2c-b, which seem to be quite minimal. I will be experimenting with 250mg's of 2c-e in the near future, similar to the way you approached your experiment, by taking it outside, inside, movies, music, open eyed, closed eyed. Im very excited.

well i hope it go's well for you, try it in different scerarios and you will get the full benefit of it.i forgot to mention i also went to malahide castle (a 400 yr old castle with acres of grounds and flower gardens) it was one of my most memorable times..it was a sunday morning at around 8am it was pure bliss..outdoor 2cb is the best in my book.enjoy your 2-ce i would be interested in seeing how you get on, keep us posted.