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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2CB - Experienced - From Enlightenment to Eternity in 30 Days

If you want to carry on discussion about this we will do it in PM or you can start a thread about the dangers of psychedelic abuse. But it will not go on in here,
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I have done mushrooms and then done 2ce and got tolerance. I have not however done 2cb, though I have experienced toelrance from 2ce on many situations.

Indoledreamstudies, I am impressed the OP said it was not for everyone, but he could have been downplaying the negative effects, but if he didnt get any good for him that is something to take into account, but with out scientific intentions its hard to say. But just because he cant feel any negatives dont mean he didnt get any.

All of the people I know that have tried 2cb say it is much more recreational than 2ce, but really 2ce gives me what I want out of the psychedelic experience but 2cb is defiantely my next new drug, besides DMT.

Is it possible that tolerance is less through insuffilation than oral? I cant see it

I just want to add that when I was younger I used to dream of trying 2cb from what I read it sounded like all of the good visuals of acid, euphoria of MDMA and none of the bad. But now that Ive done other 2cs many many times, I know that was a more Eutopian ream, there are no perfect substances, and the 2Cs Ive done IM sure are very similar to 2CB, and I could go with out trying it and be just fine!
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please stop disrupting the discussion, If you have nothing else to say about the experience here please take it to pm, or a real thread in PD
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Allright everybody should take a step back. Trip Reports is the last forum on this site where things should be getting personal.

People often come in here and post stories of rediculous drug abuse. And of course it is the responsiblity of the moderator to point out that this is abuse, especially if other posters haven't already done so.

I believe the point has been made. Be careful not to discourage people from posting their stories here if they think they will be overly criticized. Even stories of excess, and stories which detail unusual reactions to drugs are valuable in the overall mass of information about these rare substances.

That said, 2C-B sucks, and OP is lucky to have had such a good time with this month long experiment. I believe most people would not fare quite as well.
^^^ I realize that, I was overcritical and I apoligized, I just want people to start talking about Acid eds experience and not some pointless neverending argument.
smokeymcpot42088 said:
out of curiosity, other than pulmonary adema from snorting, what negative health aspects would one expect from prolonged frequent use of 2c-b?

and hotbuttaz, personally, I think the opiates or pot suggestion made complete sense.

Well, there are a few things that can happen, the most common is general fatigue. Another is after being ingrossed in the experience for so long, symptoms similar to sleep deprivation can manifest, psychosis, paranoia. Easier to have abad trip. People who take toomany psychedelics (of any kind) tend to loose touch with reality a tad, maybe not every one but it happens, and its important to exercise caution. Another thing is that these drugs interfere with a vital system in the body, and having a psycehdelic molecule lingering in the synapse for days could lead to effects on how the brain uses seratonin down the road. This is unknown, but using moderation will limit the amount of2cb in the brain and therefore limit the negative effects.
There has not been a study to pimpoint, (other than the normal side effects of psycehdelics,) the sideeffects common to 2cb or 2c-x alone. BUt just as any drug ever made they exhist, and just because we dont know them dont mean they arent there :)

In short, the same negatives that come along with frequent use of any psychedelic
Yikes... 30 days of tripping. I wouldn't even want to do that, so I guess I'll never find out if I would have any negative side effects or not. Interesting report.

I find that too-frequent tripping tends to make the "psychedelic headspace" seem banal and the trips themselves far less enjoyable. On the upside, it makes it much easier to maintain. I have pulled off some feats of maintaining that I doubt most people would even believe (well, a lot of BL'ers might believe them, but not the psychedelically naive).
I dont see wha the big deal is?

The guy said hes not trying to condone it.

I dont think he posted this to show off, i think he posted it because he wanted us to know what happens if you take 2cb every day for 30 days.

He fully acknowledges the fact that it may be harmful and he didnt recommend anybody else did it. His opening sentence clearly states that.

Lighten up abit.
blah_blah said:
I dont see wha the big deal is?

The guy said hes not trying to condone it.

I dont think he posted this to show off, i think he posted it because he wanted us to know what happens if you take 2cb every day for 30 days.

He fully acknowledges the fact that it may be harmful and he didnt recommend anybody else did it. His opening sentence clearly states that.

Lighten up abit.

i stayed out of the tit for tat argueing and bitching thats gone noin thr is thread but in fairness tripping every day day for a month and taking a gram i can speak with more expierence than mr beenhead..who trips once or twice a year..no offense buddy but scaremongereing and presuming things you have no evidence of questions whether you should be a mod in tr...if i am wrong i apologise.i do think you attempting to censor what you dont like to hear or agree with and that is bullshit..its not your forum...i have been a member under the screen name packman since 2001..lurked since 1999..
i could have been a mod in 2001 myself
most americans ten took half a "roll" and rolled balls dudes...twats
i was taking 10 white doves...110mg MDMA 30 MDA....my 2nd best pill ever so this i trip 3 timesa year nonsense ..come on..pls
I found 2CB tolerance to rise rapidly.

Personally I couldn't make that 1000mgs last a month even should I wish to do so.
Alright everybody...



Points made all around. Now let's keep the venom and dick sizing out of this thread, and discuss the actual experience. Please.
You guys need to chillll the fuck out, everyone has opinions (I took lsd a few times a week for 2.5 months and it took awhile for me to have any bad side effects occur, but I don't doubt that'd royally screw a lot of people). I rather enjoyed your report and it sounds like you had a good time. I just tried 2CB for the 2nd time the other day (37.5ish mg, 2nd time trying it, but my 1st time was almost exclusively spent caring for a friend) and I really enjoyed the experience besides from the nausea/puking (felt quite good afterwards). Highly suggest it to those who are curious :)
Just because I dont trip a lot now doesnt mean I havent. I have experience with just about every drug ever synthed, excluding FB coke, meth, and DOx series, and TMA series, and I have extensive knowlege of pharmacology and chemistry, So I believe I am qualified to mod any forum here including ADD and DS.

please look around the other threads here and see how consoring I am in the rest of the Forum.
what is the erowid quote...
"you cannot deny peoples experiences"

If he says he got no negative effects then he got no negative effects, i think it is foolish to insist he is lying, he prefaced the report by saying he did not encourage other to behave as he did, and whoever said that harm reduction is about education not scare tactics was very right.

aslo to call 2c-b untested is a little much, it is one of the most studied and tested of all of shulgins creations (if not the most) its not like he was taking bromo dragonfly 30 days in a row. that said i think we all know what he did was excessive and (most likely) unwise.
B9 said:
I found 2CB tolerance to rise rapidly.

Personally I couldn't make that 1000mgs last a month even should I wish to do so.

well that is facinating,,,you are clearly hardcore:p

i also forgot to mention my polydrug use during the 30 day cb exp.

on a few limited occasions i used seeb in combination with mdma crystals...v nice:)

i smoked heroin to come down off cb...fucking nice%) the best!!

i used cb in combination with racemic ketamine,,, NOT nice...very weird..i was in bed at 8am after an all nighter..and snorted a bit of ket crystal..i was reading a book in bed..(the outfit) an excellent mafia book..looking at the vintage photos under the infleuence of cb and ket was weird,,,they seemed so lifelike as if they were in front of me..crystal clear..strange one..was glad when the ket worn off..

did cb with s-isomer ket...different thing ...very nice euphoric..%)

TBH..i prefer 2cb on its own...anything else takes away from the cool subtle parts of cb that i like to explore

the trip that hasnt come down :|

2cb opened doors of perception in my mind and removed filters but my mind is still opened up and the filters have not been restored.
i have made lethal choices i wouldnt have dreamed of doing sober
i took 5 mitzis smoked 150 euros worth of washed up crack and snorted pure heroin.
i have overdosed on pure rock heroin and crack cocaine 4 times in the last 14 days. 4 trips to the emergency room as you americans call it.
my heart is now damaged from crack but will recover in 6-12 months if i abstain from cocaine

i stayed in a beautyful beachfront hotel last week drinking champagne and snorting coke thinking everything was roses.that model katie french who died i partied in the same circles as.the tomangos nightclub in dublin. i got a job with the assets modeling agency same one she formaly worked for.i am off the drugs just out of detox now and am starting a $40,000 bank job on monday...

every cloud...%)
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acieed_ed said:
i took 5 mitzis smoked 150 euros worth of washed up crack and snorted pure heroin.
i have overdosed on pure rock heroin and crack cocaine 4 times in the last 14 days. 4 trips to the emergency room as you americans call it.
my heart is now damaged from crack but will recover in 6-12 months if i abstain from cocaine

Please control your addictions before they cost you your life. :(
easier said then done, I hope you get help, and everything works out okay!
Beenhead said:
easier said then done, I hope you get help, and everything works out okay!

well today my luck has finally taken even loftier heights of success %)

i got offered a job with the assets modelling agency..no cv required..the stickers from the EEG heart monitor on my chest and me dressed in my armani blazer and levis..plus my diet of champagne and coke and not eating only cans on coke and chocolate bars lol...i got the job...FUCK :D also doing about 200 situps and pressups and practicing taekwondo...doing the splits..stc..losing weight..lean..about 10% body fat..checked it td...fucking ripped...
first day is next thursday..."a fun day8) " ...hanging around models...skinny waist..high perfect tits,.and bum like two eggs in a handkercheif ;) ;)
sweeeeeeeeeeeet.. got myself well sorted..
been smoking some nice brown to chill out today...
listening to love inc- superstar atm in the int cafe..
i just cant lose...
the doctor in hosp after my 5th od said i will be dead b4 xmas...if i continue..
lets hope i am still alive nxt week for this job %)

ENJOY life together FEEL the force of UNITY

btw for all the doubters i got pics to back EVERYTHING i say up on my fone..burned to cd..uploading atm



the op has died..:(

NOT...:p hahaha
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