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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

2CB - Experienced - From Enlightenment to Eternity in 30 Days

Beenhead said:
1) You want me to be like wow you got sooo fucked up, that must have been awesome! you fuckin rock!

2) but all Im saying is that you cant outright ABUSE a drug like that and then not expect some negative consequences. You are lucky you didnt have problems taking it many times a day for a MONTH.

3) Bluelight is about HArm Reduction, and when someone is doing something that is cleary dangerous, it is MY PLACE to say something about it so that no one else thinks you are some kind of pioneer for doing that.

4) Keep your attitude up, and keep on taking 2cb like that and when you have severe mental illness at 49 and Im fine and dandy becasue I know my limits, we'll see whos got what to say then.

1) I want you to admit that you really don't know what you're talking about, and maybe question your beliefs a little bit

2) Here is where you're talking without anything to back your assertions. You have a hunch that there are negative consequences, but there is no evidence to back that up. My assertion is that most hallucinogens are as dangerous as caffeine. (however, they can drive lazy thinkers deep into insane psudoreligious drug philosophies)

3) Harm reduction means education, and when you try and spread fear about something you don't know, you alienate everyone with real experiences that contradict your suppositions.

Of course taking drugs every day doesn't make someone's life balanced, but judgmental posts only make people embarassed to be honest about what they're doing.

4) More of the same vague threats and reproaches. Is there a link between 2cb and "serious mental illness when 40" or is that just a fear?

2c-b is not ecstasy, its more like add medicine.
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^^^ :) Trancedeviate I know, but there is a line one crosses between good wholesome psychedelic expereince and irrespinsible, dangerous abuse of extremely powerful chemicals. For that month, he was defiantely in the last catergory. Once per week is not too bad, but more than that can be playing with fire. Trust me Ive tripped many many times, once a week fora while sometimes more, IM not new to this.(for extended periods). Talk to Syd Barret about the Abuse of psycehdelics. If we knew more about the lasting effects of 2cb, I dont think he would have done what he did, Would you do MDMA every day multiple times per day for a month?

IM not trying to say the guy is a horrible person or anything, just that his misuse of 2cb to get fucked up for a month was not his wisest choice. That could have lasted a year or more, and I guarantee he would have got more insight from it, not to mention MUCH less risk of adverse reaction
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WHat post secondary education do you have in pharmaceuticals, drugs, chemistry, or pharmacology? I have quite a bit, so please dont tell me I dont know what im talking about, IM nottrying to spread fear, make you embarrassed, my only point is that taking 2cb every day for a month is unhealthy, all drugs have side effects, XOrkoth did it every day for a WEEK and got ill effects. You are lucky. Also, snorting 2c-x substances has been shown to cause Pulminary Adema, you are damn lucky you didnt get any bad effects fromwhat you did, and I guarantee over half of the people here agree.

2cb is closer to ADD medicine, yeah, thats right.... you clearly have your shit down.
wow! I can take what you say out of context too!

You take me out of context, noone knows shit about the long term effects of 2cb, and you think its okay to take it for a month straight, I just want every one else..... not you ... to know that it NOT a good idea. I was only being judgmental towards your choice, and your choice to romanticize it in my forum, not you as a person.

Hallucinogens can be much much more dangerous than caffeine. If used wrong, which 9 times out of ten is clearly what you did.

So unless you are a ph.d in NeuroPharmacology, or YOU have clear evidence that clearly states that 2cb can be taken every day with no ill effects, then IM going to have to say that it is best to air on theside of harm reduction. I just dont want people to think its okay to do that, IF you want to its your choice, but I dont want anyone else taking that risk.
Thats all I want to say, please stop saying IM judgjing YOU, if it were anyone else Id say the same thing, read my other posts in here, they are generally nice and helpful.

And to tell you the truth, Id rather people not post these types of reports here, I think this place is for civil discussion of drug experiences. Experiences where the people respect the drugs they use, use them in the correct fashion and have something to add to the community other than how fucked up they got during, so really experiences that talk about the extremes of drug use and the iresponsible acts people sometimes do should go to some other forum, this website stands for responsible, safe use of drugs.

Ive said my peace and Im done here!
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Beenhead said:
^^^ :) Trancedeviate I know, but there is a line one crosses between good wholesome psychedelic expereince and irrespinsible, dangerous abuse of extremely powerful chemicals. For that month, he was defiantely in the last catergory. Once per week is not too bad, but more than that can be playing with fire. Trust me Ive tripped many many times, once a week fora while sometimes more, IM not new to this.(for extended periods). Talk to Syd Barret about the Abuse of psycehdelics. If we knew more about the lasting effects of 2cb, I dont think he would have done what he did, Would you do MDMA every day multiple times per day for a month?

IM not trying to say the guy is a horrible person or anything, just that his misuse of 2cb to get fucked up for a month was not his wisest choice. That could have lasted a year or more, and I guarantee he would have got more insight from it, not to mention MUCH less risk of adverse reaction

Yeah I agree. MDMA I actually treat quite differently than psychedelics (I don't even consider it to be a psychedelic - just a stoning drug and a nice one at that) as I've experienced firsthand the "fried" feeling after doing a large session of MDMA, which I have never experienced with trips. Definitely not good for the old neurons.
Ive felt pretty fried after long nights of 2ce, acid, 5meo amt, 4aco-mipt, mostly acid though. and IM talking about higher doses of those.

Nothing compares to the fried feeling of MDMA though :)
You're saying that no one knows about the long term or high does effects of 2cb. Then you say that you know about it. You don't I don't, PHD whatever doesn't. I've taken BIOL 420 Brain and Beahavior, I've read the abstracts.

More importantly I've taken the drugs. NO ONE is talking about taking mdma daily. 2cb is a world different than the drugs you list as "frying." You just want to censor an aspect of drug use you aren't comfortable with.
I havent closed ur thread yet, im not censoring.
I have not said I know long term effects, but I said its good to be on the safe side.
I just want others to know that what u did is possibly dangerous.

A Bio lab on behavior has nothing to do with pharmacology, maybe a basic overview on receptors but its a lab so very little of that even. The abstracts contain only the result and nothing else read the whole article, that way you can decide for yourself what you think

Taking 2cb every day is a great way to find out its negatives though, I cant believe you dont get what im saying, your so caught up in defending your actions you wont admit it is possibly dangerous for others, thats all i want.
Hm I would say it is obviously dangerous, just look at the psychedelic drug forum for evidence of how dangerous even occasional use can be. But it is not necessarily dangerous.
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Actually, this isn't HottButtaz's thread. ;)

The only thing I do not agree with is this:

Beenhead said:
And to tell you the truth, Id rather people not post these types of reports here, I think this place is for civil discussion of drug experiences. Experiences where the people respect the drugs they use, use them in the correct fashion and have something to add to the community other than how fucked up they got during, so really experiences that talk about the extremes of drug use and the iresponsible acts people sometimes do should go to some other forum, this website stands for responsible, safe use of drugs.

I actually agree with all of this but the first sentence. I think the reality is that there are many ways of taking drugs and not just one is necessarily the correct fashion. Some are clearly a bad idea, such as taking 2C-B every day for a month straight. I think it's our responsibility as moderators and really as Bluelight posters to try to discuss these reports and offer up harm reduction, but I think if one were to actually start censoring any sort of report that is sufficiently detailed and honestly attempted, it would be crossing a line that is dangerous to cross. We can civilly discuss reports that are about unsafe drug-taking practices, and the beauty of this being an open message board is that we can influence what sort of information comes out of the thread. Pointing out harm reduction in potentially dangerous reports is educational to teaching harm reduction from a different angle than just discussing the absence of harm. And I'm a firm believer in getting as much information out there as possible, including heavy use, even abuse, of psychedelics. For example, I've posted several reports involving AMT and high doses of tryptamines that I would never recommend others do, and AMT abuse over a long period of time. But through discussion, the reader is (hopefully) left with the impression that that kind of AMT use is likely to have negative consequences.

I agree with your assessment of the safety of the subject matter of this report, however. :)
I may have just got caught up in the frustration of his not even considereing my point, but as always Xorkoth you tend to bring me back to my senses, and it is best to discuss all reports here, so that they can be seen as what not to do with psychedelics or any drug, abuse or what ever. I was just a bit caught up, but it IS safest to share all experiences and then we can offer advice on how to be more safe in the matter, if people didnt share the dangerous stories, we wouldnt be able to point them out as dangerous.

I just dont like it when people try to Glamorize dangerous things, and then expect me to just not say anything!

Thanks for once again getting me to wake up Xorkoth!
I have very little experience with 2c-b, and have never taken it with a tolerance. I do know that if taken every day a sheet of acid would probably not last me a month. Maybe the tolerance is less of an issue.

I could see how a person could take 2c-b day after day and keep things in line unlike something like acid or mushrooms. However, from my limited experience 2c-b feels like something that could cause damage. I'm basing that on a *gut* feeling. It has too much warmth to be healthy:)
I believe that any drug toomuch is bad, look at the track history of EVERY drug in existence 2C-B included. We may get a sense of security because you can use a drug sparingly and not get any bad effects, but use something too much and it is inviting the negatives to arrive!

I love psychedelics but I think some people here act like they are perfect.
Like just because the government did them a grave injustice by lumping them with coke and heroin, it was all a lie and they can be used as liberally as one wants and never experience a bad day. They have downsides, they have negatives, and most importantly if treated like a cheap party favor they are dangerous.

If you want a toy go to the mall, if you want a good recreational time, a release buy some pot, or some opiates.
Beenhead said:
If you want a toy go to the mall, if you want a good recreational time, a release buy some pot, or some opiates.

look at what you're saying. You seem to be recommending opiates as an alternative to psychedelics, and you say you're concerned with harm reduction.

Can you understand how if you're so confused and misguided on this issue, you really shouldn't take a stance and preach about it?
I've taken 2C-T-7 almost daily for a 60 day period and found the tolerance to be a minor issue. With insufflated doses, a double or triple dose was all that was necessary to take me where I wanted to be after having dosed 3 or 4 nights in a row. The same double/triple dose the next night would still have significant effects too.
Your lucky your not dead coolio, t7 is the most dangerous to snort. IM sure I dont have to tell you that though, but really not responsible drug use. Pulmonary Adema is no fucking joke, and Id hardly say double or triple dose to be minor tolerance... maybe because you had a good supply.

And Butter, you are just arguing with me to argue, your taking what I say out of context, not responding to any of my better points, and have minimal knowlege when it comes to drugs, I have 10 years PROFESSIONAL experience with pharmacology, Pharmacy, and Chemistry. Im sure you have learned a lot form Erowid, I have too, but I learned a lot more from My job at a nwell known Cancer and Genetics Research INst., My chem classes, working at a Pharmacy MY WHOLE LIFE, and my hobby of reading Drug Facts and Comparisons and the Merck Index FOR FUN. But you insist on arguing just to argue, all of your accusations against me dont make sense, censoring, comfused. misguided, the last two sound like you.

And All Im saying is that the behavior in the report is dangerous, There will be no more of this arguing from me, or anyone. The rest of the conversation in here should be on topic about the Trip Report please. any arguments from here are just going to be deleted. So I guess to keep this on topic Ill have to censor...
oh yeah, Icant find it anywher but I assume he uses the HCL right? Id like to know what doses exactly he was taking, because Coolio obviously got tolerance ffrom a similar excursion. And I just cant see this as being true, with NO toelrance??
out of curiosity, other than pulmonary adema from snorting, what negative health aspects would one expect from prolonged frequent use of 2c-b?

and hotbuttaz, personally, I think the opiates or pot suggestion made complete sense.
I've gone through a 5 day binge with 2C-B and found not too much tolerance there either, all insufflated/IV doses.

Very unlike mushrooms where by the end of a 3 day binge, eating 5 grams will produce no effects whatsoever. LSD is notorious for building tolerance in a similar manner.
2C-B sounds like a really well-balanced psychedelic. Most of the other 2Cs seem to be lacking in some specific area, whether it's euphoria, visualizations, social aspects or something else.

Although the author's usage in this case was excessive, let's give him credit for the fact that he opened and ended his report by warning us of the excess and making it clear this is not a recommendation for others. I wouldn't expect 30 consecutive days of 2C-B to be side-effect free for me just because it was for "acieed_ed". If there were no side-effects for him, I think he's entitled to say so.
I find 2C-B to be more "stoning" than the other 2C-X family... it doesn't tend to speed my thoughts up. I have certainly had profound thoughts on 2C-B before, but generally it's been purely recreational for me. Granted, it's the most recreational of the 2C-Xs in my experience. I love it still... and it works well in combos.