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Phenethylamines [2C-B Subthread] Dosage & Methods of Administration

^ For harm reduction you should assume you will react strongly to snorted 2CB, since nearly everybody does.
There's a big difference to having an intense reaction to something and having an intense toxic response to something. I've never really heard too many bad things about insufflated 2C-B as far as the physical goes, especially compared to all the other phens, and 2C-B is by FAR the mosted "tested" of the 2-carbon phenethylamines.
Zagenth said:
^ Well, I take that back. 2C-B, for me, spans all realms. It has the ability to be a very profound substance, and to be the most recreational substance. Snort 20mgs or so, and it can kick your ass as well as any "typical" psychedelic, eat about 20mgs or so, and you can be in rolling bliss. Also, I don't think I've ever eaten a substance that blends so well with alcohol. Snort 25mgs or so, go to hell and back mentally, then, while coming down, take a few shots of liquor, BAM, feels like ecstacy. Was totally not expecting that. This substance is definitely in my top 5.
Yeah, I am excited to get more to try oral consumption. My only experience was 30mg insuffulated at it kicked my ass into a couch for 3hrs of face-melting oblivion. I'm hoping to get a smoother more controllable trip via oral consumption of 20mg-25mg. Hopefully I'll have an excuse to trip soon (raveraveraveraveraverave).
MagickalKat777 said:
+/- 5mg is all fine and dandy...

But what people don't realize is that most scales that are of that caliber, while they're rated for +/- 5mg, in actuality, they're not even accurate on that level until ~100mg so I hope he's using the capsule as part of the overall weight...

Too fuckin' right. I just bought an eBay special $40 milligram pocket scale. It's an absolute piece of shit. It's registering 5mg when there's nothing there. This is after probably 6 or 7 attempts at calibration.
Prior to that it was registering 50mg that wasn't there, then -12mg, then +12mg.

What a waste of time. I wouldn't recommend using these cheap Made in China pocket scales for anything where eyeballing would be dangerous.

I'd like to pick up on something you said..:
not even accurate on that level until ~100mg so I hope he's using the capsule as part of the overall weight...
Are you suggesting that if I tare the unit with something on there, that it'll be more accurate? I can't see how seeing as though the weighing surface/plate itself is basically already a weight as it is.
hey carlos check out the big and dandy scales thread...there's some talk about how the lower end scales are not accurate wiithout a tare (ie in the 1-30mg range). You can get a couple of peices of foil to function as a tare, and just swap the chem back and forth weighing it a few times (HINT: let the scale 'rest' maybe 20 seconds between reweighing or else the weight will 'creep' up for some reason).
samadhi_smiles said:
hey carlos check out the big and dandy scales thread...there's some talk about how the lower end scales are not accurate wiithout a tare (ie in the 1-30mg range). You can get a couple of peices of foil to function as a tare, and just swap the chem back and forth weighing it a few times (HINT: let the scale 'rest' maybe 20 seconds between reweighing or else the weight will 'creep' up for some reason).

Thanks for the tip samadhi. I had a good read of all 19 pages last night and actually got some ok results with a grain of rice and no tare. My scale is another rebrand of those Digiweigh things - the ones that have the AddUp feature at cost anything from $5 to $40 on eBay.
ready to explore the potential of this material,
10mg dissolved in 100units sterile water.
lightly cooked to boil to keep sterile. filter through cotton and draw up the shot.

can feel the drug start to take hold before finishing the shot, end up leaving 12 units in syringe to ensure adequate time to get the rig out safely.

within seconds of removing the needle everything begins to pulsate and vibrate. within half a minute i am at the peak of a ++++ 2cb experience. this peak lasts for about an hour and a half. back to baseline at t + 4hours.

it is very interesting but not exactly pleasent.
not recomened in most cases
Also keep in mind that the dose response curve is different for everybody. 15-25mg is more than enough for me to trip very hard, but I also know some people who need around 35-45mg for a decent trip.
so I plan to do some 2c-b this week. 20mg, I think. Anyway, I'm gonna be smoking cannabis of course, but I was hoping to do some nitrous during the trip. Any advice? Thoughts?
sfbayguy said:

So I've heard [snorting] it hurts.
Anyone wanna elaborate. How much did you do? What is it comparable to? How long were the effects compared to oral? How intense?
-->Would you do it again?!​

yes snorting HURTS. try small, VERY small, bump of coke to offset the burn (you don't want to get any real effects from the coke because they conflict with each other). Another way is to divide your line into 4 small lines and snort one in each nose alternating nostrils back to back to get quick and even absorption.

My friend was loaded on OXY's and EYED me a dose. Turns out it was about 70mg which I honked all at once. ++++4 easily comparable to dmt visuals. Only way I could explain the come up was pure SEX and nausea. I couldn't determine whether I was actually having sex with someone or if it was the trip... It was the trip of course and it was unlike any real sex I have experienced. After the initial confusion it was pure bliss, unlike any mdma or lsd I have ever done.

MDMA combo = "return of the magic" I have a permenant tolerance due to 6 straight years of heavy use. With the addition of merely 15mg during the peak (not plateau) it was better than my first time with just mdma. Really worth it and currently the only way I will use MDMA.​
Hey does anyone have any experience/thoughts on applying a topical anesthetic such as benzocaine to the inside of your nostrils before snorting 2c-b?
Im getting some more 2c-b soon and I plan on trying to snort it, but im not exactly looking forward to that unholy pain everyone is describing lol.
Also what is a good dose to snort for a high/medium trip?
Ive taken up to 25mg orally if that helps..
Day Tripp3r said:
Also what is a good dose to snort for a high/medium trip?
Ive taken up to 25mg orally if that helps..

I'd recommend you plug it if you want a "high/medium trip" but not via the oral route.

It'll come on nearly as fast with less discomfort (yep, squirting a little solution up yer ass is less painful than snorting it.)
Yippee Skippy said:
I'd recommend you plug it if you want a "high/medium trip" but not via the oral route.

It'll come on nearly as fast with less discomfort (yep, squirting a little solution up yer ass is less painful than snorting it.)

Hmm I never though of plugging, in definitely open to it though.. thanks for giving me the idea!
How does plugging compare with snorting (come up time, peaking time, etc)?
And whats a good dose to plug for an intense, but not insane trip? Maybe something on par with 30-40mg oral?
From what I've heard, 2c-b is extremely painful to snort. The 2 times I've done it, I did 20mg oral. However, I've also heard 2c-e is much more painful to snort, and I've snorted 2c-e and it really wasn't that bad. I would definately consider snorting 2c-b if I got some more, when I ate it, the nausea was pretty bad. I almost puked in the car on the way to the zoo:!
^ 2C-B doesn't hurt initially like some of the 2Cs do. You blow it, then wait. It starts hurting a few minutes later, and it damn sure isn't comfortable lol. 2C-B isn't an instant high like some of the other 2Cs are, it takes a bit, like 5min, and the burn starts a minute or so afterwards, so you do have time to contemplate the pain. 2C-T-2 on the other hand, burned INSTANTLY, and was very painful, although, a minute or so after insufflation, the 2C-T-2 kicked in, so you forgot about it. 2C-B isn't instant at all in insufflation, it takes like 5min or so to kick in, so you can expect to feel the burn for a few minutes after snorting it. And it isn't pleasant.
^I know what you mean. That was how the 2c-e felt going up my nose, but it wasn't as bad as people here led me to beleive. I would definately do it again. I normally would look to snorting as a last resort, but 2c-x seems to give me extreme nausea, and if I snort it, I don't get as sick.
^ I get less sick eating them. The ONLY time I ever puked on 2C-B was when I snorted it. YMMV though. I think it's because the rise of the 2C family upset my stomach, and snorting them vastly increases the speed in which they come on, so my stomach likes them less that way. Parachuting them is by far my most enjoyable way, at least it has been for the 4 or so different 2Cs I've done. :\

And besides, at least with 2C-B (the one I've done the most of), parachuting it causes first alerts in only 15min, so it's fast enough that way IMO.
Day Tripp3r said:
Hmm I never though of plugging, in definitely open to it though.. thanks for giving me the idea!
How does plugging compare with snorting (come up time, peaking time, etc)?
And whats a good dose to plug for an intense, but not insane trip? Maybe something on par with 30-40mg oral?

20mg will be plenty for an intense trip if plugged. I haven't ever snorted much of any 2c, and never as an initial dose. I can tell you that you will feel it come on within 5 minutes (there are not really "alerts," you just start tripping fast) and I was peaking within 45 minutes. It lasted roughly an hour with pleasant after-effects lingering for about another 2-3 hours.

I think that snorting little bumps later as a booster is the best way to insufulate 2c compounds. I just couldn't see myself railing a bunch of it.

Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
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My lady and I did ~8 - 10mg each again last Saturday whilst in bed @10pm. Basically here's what I observed:

Faint glowing of peripheral vision
Slight edginess
Cigarettes (menthol ones) were foul and unappetising.
We were awake 'til 4am.
Sex was nice as usual, nothing too out of the ordinary.
Warm heart area.
Some stomach discomfort.

Tonight we will be doing about the same amount, but during an MDxx experience.
A couple of months ago SWIM had his first and only experience with 2cb. SWIM started by snorting 10mg. By 15 minutes he noticed things beginning to move. By 20 minutes everything around him was morphing and shifting but he still felt sober in his head. By about one hour, he decided to snort the remaining 10mg. The visuals exploded. Everything around him took on a different appearance. Everything was morphing and twisting out of shape, there were psychedelic worms flying all over his vision, everything had a rainbow gel like appearance around it. He was extremely euphoric, and extremely talkative. What a great substance, he is keen to get more when it comes around again

As you can see, I've done 2cb once before, snorting 20mg over the proceedings of one night. I'm getting another 60mg soon, and was wondering if I could snort some while I was peaking on shrooms or LSD? Do these drugs mix?

I am also thinking of trying it orally.

To all those wondering of snorting it, the burn is not bad at all. Sure, it burns, and is uncomfortable, but it's gone within 15 minutes and surely worth it. It takes around 15 minutes to take effect and lasts around an hour and a half. I haven't tried 2cb orally so I can't compare it. A good dose to start with is 10mg, do 5mg up each nostril. If that's not enough just snort some more when the burns gone. Dividing the dose between each nostril helps. The first time I did 10mg up one nose, the burning actually transferred to the back of the throat, and was burning like crazy everytime I breathed and swallowed, that was really, really bad. The next time I divided 5mg between each nostril, and it stayed IN the nostril. Much better, just burned my nose for a lil and then I was fine.
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