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Phenethylamines [25X-NBOMe Subthread] Comparisons & General Discussion

I always forget about that. Yeah plugging obviously offers full absorption assuming the colon is clean.

Nasal dosing and plugging tend to be pretty reliable with this series. Also, if you already have the compound in solution, there's no real reason not to complex it.

Its in blotter form. So should I cut it in half or something?

Yes, 1mg will probably be too much for your first time. And the dosing curve is nonlinear, so 1mg is going to be more than twice as intense as 500ug. For me 500ug is a +1 trip, 800ug a +2 bordering on +3, and 1mg a definite +3.
But 500 ug is a +++ trip for a significant minority of users.

It's all relative, of course. A person who has experience with larger doses of substances will rate the intensity of their experiences differently than someone who hasn't dosed that high before. For example, my friend of similar build says that he was rolling hard from 75mg 6-APB (which is the largest dose he's done of that substance), whereas I've gone up to 200mg, and I rate 75mg as underwhelming, relatively.
Im sorry, so should I be taking 1000ug because I'm more experienced, or 500ug, or what exactly? I mean I felt that 28mg of 2C-B was just fine for a first dose, I didn't feel like it was too much or anything.
I'd take .5 mg, as you can't really predict how you'll respond physiologically before you take it.

But 500 ug is a +++ trip for a significant minority of users.


I would say 500 ug is a +++ trip for a significant number of users (not just minority)
even experienced users.

some want to try 1mg later but have no complaints about a half tab,
others will never go that high
- there are a lot of body effects that really can interfere with enjoyment,
not just vasoconstiction.
Keep a washroom near by. And a blanket.
for many people 1000micrograms is wonderful
for me it is too much.
(why a washroom - more frequent need to void)
So what was 'too much' like? Could you explain?

And are dosages different between 'regular' 25i-nbome and 25i-nbome complexed with hcl? I've heard someone say it was very different in strength.

Could someone explain what 25i-nbome is like? It's just a more visual LSD with no 'spiritualness' hippyness you get with lsd? Is it like a relaxing thing to take, like LSD can be, is it knock you on your ass like dmt/ketamine/shrooms, is it like energetic like mdma? Like for example, I'd say 2c-b is just like lsd but a little less 'aww let's like world peace man' even though it's still very heady and you get those crazy introspective thoughts much like LSD, that and the visuals were very slightly different (ie more of a fisheye lens than breathing walls), but like I probably couldn't tell one or the other if you gave me one and told me it was the other. Is it something you run around on the beach, or sit in your room (lsd i guess would be more of an outside, active drug but you could still stare at the wall for hours, not as much like shrooms though).
It was a common belief a couple years ago that complexing greatly increases the strength of the doses, but I don't think anybody ever really tested that for sure. It's a phenethylamine so it feels more like 2C-B than LSD or shrooms. (It feels a lot like a shorter-acting version of DOI, but that one's fairly obscure...)
25I for me at a sweet spot dose of roughly 1mg sublingual or .6 to .7mg nasal is a 6 hour ride that is visual and energetic, very positive, with some minimal head space. It gives the user what most refer to as HD vision at first. Everything looks highly defined, yet somehow very different, colors look brighter, patterns will move, walls don't really breath so much, nor do I get a fish eye lens vibe. There is an unsteadiness for some at first, when the buzz hits, kinda like E when you are coming into your first roll..... kinda feel unsteady if you stand up to fast.

Warmth spreads over my entire body and mind on this stuff.... great for outdoors on a warm summer day.... not so great for the cold. Cold be an old MDMA trigger thing in my body, I always hated the cold on E and 25I is reminiscent.

Beware though this is not a drug to toy with people who push the limits wind up in very bad places.... and blotters can be laid unevenly, powder HCL is better / safer IMO if you know how to solve it and keep it safe. Magnesium and potassium should be consumed or supplemented in higher then normal quantities leading up to a 25I romp.

25I for me has a very phenny stimmy sexual pull. my eyes my mind, my vibe can be very drawn towards sex, same goes for me wife and that can lead to some fantastic things
I just went ahead and took the whole 1000ug (held under tongue of course). Started to come on pretty hard after about 20 minutes, and I had to puke (lost the blotter in the toilet). I wretched really hard, like when you got nothing in there and you drank too much liquor the night before. Then I was just fucking freezing, bad goosebumps. Wrapped myself up in blankets in the bathroom with a hot shower. I got that weird feeling you get in the back of your throat like with acid, like you can't swallow or something, or something big is in there, and you clench your teeth. The same gut clenched feeling too.

A little more than an hour later I took another hit because I could tell it was pretty manageable. I feel like I'm basically sober on this stuff, except I got some visuals I guess?

I have this sort of headspace or something going on... hard to explain but basically I can tell the drug is full on right now, visually stuff is sort of distorted (not as much as the ~150ug of L I did though, but w/e), but otherwise like I'm pretty sober. Not only could I drive, like I could go to work and just whatever (whereas during a trip, or on lsd, even if you could drive or do specialized tasks, you'd definitely fucking rather not because you're basically... stoned, i guess).

Pretty weird stuff... extremely strong come-on, very mild high? Right when it hit like 20 minutes I was just like 'oh shit I probably should've listened and just taken like half a tab', but after puking it was just me being fucking freezing. I was hoping it'd be like LSD where the come on can be kinda shitty but the high itself is totally pleasant and relaxe, and I guess it was.

I took a ton of suboxone (wayyy too much, i guess that was bit of an impaired decision), and did 375ug of LSD 4 days ago, if that's relevant.

I was expecting a lot more from this, but I'm left here feeling this isn't any different from DXM or dramamine or any of that shitty stuff you do in high school that might get you super fucked up but totally lacks any real euphoria to it and basically there's a huge reason why they fucking suck and no one abuses that shit past 16 years old. Guess that's why it costs fractions on the dollar.
because you had a high dose of L only 4 days ago, many of the receptors that provide psychedelic effect were still depleted (L and 25xNBOx have a high degree of crossover for the same receptors).
therefore your trip seemed tripless with heavy body load (the sypathomimetic effects of 25xNBOx are largely mitigated by receptor that are not triggered by L)
Well considering how high I dosed (not just 1000ug, but 2000ug), I figured it would've been fine after 4 days. From what I hear, 3-4 days is enough to reduce cross-tolerance mostly and ~1-2 weeks for totally reduced tolerance.
those times make sense
if considered as times between moderate dosage,
but higher dosage requires more recovery time.
so far I think that moderate for this family of drugs is less than a half blotter, since a full one (1000mics or more) with no tolerance (from nbome, mescaline, acid or shrooms etc.) is actually phenomenally strong.
It seems that the dosage is pretty variable with these. Some people report strong effects at as little as 300-400ug, while others don't feel much until they hit 1mg or even more. But one thing's for sure, anything more than 2mg seems exceedingly dangerous. I don't think I care to try any of these.