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2014 MLB Thread v. dip spit and crotch grabbin

damn Freddy Galvis is hitting .032 this year and he just popped out

and hes had enough at bats to list it as a decimal and not a fraction

might as well have the Phanatic strikeout at least it'd look funnier
Brewers are going to fall off and Cardinals will win NL Central

this is going to shape up in september though, you know, when it actually matters

im not really a reds fans, im not really a fan of any baseball team actually. if the Phillies packed up and moved to Bismarck, North Dakota id be ok with it

its not that I hate baseball, there's just about 5-6 other sports id rather watch

fuck the cards.. what other sport do we watch now?
NBA and NHL are both in postseason
Premier League is almost over

id rather watch Mel Kiper Jr. and Todd McShay argue about nothing than 95% of baseball games. Only thing I really get a hard on for is a good pitching matchup

I always explain it like this: I dont watch baseball, I somewhat follow it after the fact.
Well I played contact hockey for over twenty some years.. but I cant get into watching it if its not live.. I have really tried.. BB I watch a little college. the tournament but thats kinda all. I'm just screwed, I need the baseball.

That being said I also don't watch baseball on TV, for the most part until the playoffs. This time of year sucks for me sports entertainment wise. Makes me want to take up betting again.
I guess another way to explain it would be that I dont sit down and watch baseball games I just leave it on the TV and go do something else while randomly catching up on it and seeing an At-bat or three
Rite i like listening to it much better. The radio guys are so much better to listen to.. then we can space off in between the good parts.. pluss thats almost some of the attraction of baseball.. sort snooze through a whole bunch of the game and tune in if its gets good.. but as we all know when it comes down to every pitch.. shits sick.
yeah thats true, i just got a nostalgia boner over listening to the Phillies on the radio on a warm summer night smoking weed coming back from wherever in my car.

since I havent been driving I dont really listen to the radio as much which sucks. Possibly the greatest noise in baseball is best appreciated on the radio as well since it is your only sense to go by.

Im talking about that noise you hear when someone just destroys a pitch and you know instantly its a home run.

I cant even think of how to type it phonetically, words cant describe that noise

you just hear that pop and go "oooooooooOOOOOOOOO"

a home run is the most impressive singular achievement in everyday sports IMO.

one of the few situations in team sports where one guy can single handedly just be like

"you guys relax, I fuckin got this"

even in football you gotta block for the field goal attempt or punt/kickoff return. In baseball home run hitters rely on nobody except the guy batting behind them to sock a dinger
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Yep.. I was so lucky as well to grow up with uke for the brewers. Great announcers make the game IMO.
I basically edited in an entirely new post lol

im going to bed, I dont even like baseball remember? lol

maybe a little bit, but I wish the National League would just adopt the DH tbh. the fact that the two leagues have such a glaring difference but play in technically the same sport pisses me off. The DH changes everything about a lineup.

and the fact that baseball is reluctant to change anything pisses me off too. they finally started using replay like 7 years after HD video was commonplace and its like where the hell do they get this smugness from?

"its baseball, its america's pasttime, people will watch regardless of whether or not we adapt to modern times"

yeah, but only because its the only gig in town during the summer. we need another football league but for convicts imo. id watch that
my early pick to win the 2014 Home Run Derby: Giancarlo Stanton

mostly because how could you fuckin not?

lol breakin scoreboards and shibe

full count, two outs, bases loaded, home run. I would have fucxkin lost it if I was a MArlins fan
Seriously. 18 so far. They should just pre-emptively give it to prospects in the minors.
Shim how is #NATitude treating you this season?

God damn guys it's perfect weather to go to the yard, have a brew or two, and take in the fine chica scenery.
Best thing about Kaufmann stadium other than the game itself- super hot chicks, boulevard brews galore, Captain Morgan liquor bar, and BBQ at every consession stand.
I havent really been following baseball that much, just watch a game here or there if its on. I think the NL east is a two team race really I dont see the phillies being a factor.

that home run was the longest this season actually, 484 feet
How about those Red Sox? 10 losses in a row. Looking like shit today, too.