12th Issue Heroin Discussion v. livin' on the run for so long I gotta go collect

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smoking one tenth of a gram of black tar heroin would have me high and nodding off. so , i would do that multiple times, so i could stay high for the majority of the day. my tolerance always stayed like that. like i said, .1-.2, but usually .1. However, when I'd be smoking a gram a day, thats when my tolerance would get higher, so i would need (.2) more.

i am on 100 mgs because i still had withdrawal symptoms at 90 mgs.
smoking one tenth of a gram of black tar heroin would have me high and nodding off. so , i would do that multiple times, so i could stay high for the majority of the day. my tolerance always stayed like that. like i said, .1-.2, but usually .1. However, when I'd be smoking a gram a day, thats when my tolerance would get higher, so i would need (.2) more.

i am on 100 mgs because i still had withdrawal symptoms at 90 mgs.
I figured you smoked more than .1 a day. The way you worded some of your posts people must have thought that was all you did in a day. Even at my worst I would do about a gram in a day and 2 bags would get me high but I would redose like that 5 or 6 times a day.
I figured he was doing it multiple times a day, especially since smoking has a short duration, but even so it's odd for tolerance to stay the same for so long when you are using that often. Like with my comparison to pharmaceutical opiates/oids, at some point you are not going to even feel a dose if you keep on taking it for a while.

So you can't say that someones dope is shitty just based on the amount that they need to get high, considering they have been using regularly and if they were to take a high dose of another opiate they wouldn't be able to get high either. I'll get some fire dope and be nodding after sniffing 2-3 bags, yet someone else will shoot 5 of those bags (so if they were sniffing they would be sniffing 10+ bags) and not be as high as me, so the amount someone needs to get high has little relevance to quality if they have a high tolerance. I also wanted to mention that when I say that my tolerance is at 3-4 bags, that is the total amount I use in the day. Usually I start off with 2 bags, and then do another bag an hour later, and the last bag another 45 minutes to an hour later. But one bag wouldn't do much for me, yet I will max out at 4 bags. That's why I don't see how .1 could get someone high after a while, but maybe smoking it has something to do with it, whereas I sniff my dope.

Having said that, I can't speak on the quality of the dope that chinky gets since I've never done it. I think that we can all agree that he's gotta take a break if he needs to sniff that much to get high, and he said so himself that he's taking a tolerance break. Maybe dormin is very hard on the nose, even in very small amounts, so even if there is a tiny bit in each bag it's enough to cause damage.
^ yeah sniffing 10 bags in a few hours would have been a lot to me. That's about what I would do daily. Never smoked it though because it was powder. Makes me glad I don't do that no more.
In the past month I've only done dope for 2 days and none in the past two weeks. Got pretty bad into IV meth but haven't done that in almost two weeks as well now. Or even smoked any. Been totally sober aside from ~1mg of sub every couple days. I don't NEED it but I take it when I feel antsy or anxious.

Right now its 85 degrees and I'm freezing when I go outside. It seems when I'm off dope no matter the temp I still get "cold sweaty" - Does anyone else feel like the cold sweats never go away?

I restarted my subs a month ago, used to be on 24mg daily but this time I only asked for 8mg /day (even tho I only use like 3-4/mo) only because I don't have insurance and since this particular doc won't give me subutex like my last one, I can't get generic so I'm paying about $10/pill and $200/mo in appointments. I can get it cheaper off the street but my parents pay for this (thank God they have given me 928303 chances)

I'm going back to Seattle on July 5th. I really wanted to use for a couple days then go back to subs. I'm not afraid of getting back into it since I don't have a steady flow of income. I still have pretty bad cravings most days but I think if I go back to drinking and smoking weed it will help with that. I just can't get DRUNK, I've paid someone $150 that lived 15mins (drive) away from the bar I was at to bring me dope. I get crazy and don't give a fuck when I'm drunk.

How is everyone doing? I'm with Chinky, patrick does ask a lot of questions....hmm...LEO perhaps?!?!
benzo day. got like 10mgs of xanax from a friend i caught up with who owed me money. he brought it up (i 100% forgot), and got a ton of xannies for it. best part is that i get my klonopin script again tomorrow. not bad, eh?

then tomorrow i get to try out a bun my connect brought me from when she went to jersey. still got like half a bag of my normal NY dope left. i shall compare
havent done dope in 2+ months

Not competely opiate free though, Ive taken 30 mg hydrocodone occasionally on weekends. Gets me feeling pretty good, no tolerance is the shit.
Due to situations outside of my control, I think I might have to stop using dope in the immediate future, and if i know whats good for me, probably forever. I do kratom, suboxone and dope usually. However, since dope is out of the question, and I NEVER liked buprenorphine, ever. I still don't understand how so many people like CH and others love their suboxone, I guess the dope addiction just got "that bad"? Anyway, I feel I need something, of course. Going into the clinic to try out methadone since repreated AA/NA, suboxone, therapy has all failed to get me off dope. Not that I ever really WANTED to get off it in the first place, just kinda wanted to have the "appearance" that I wanted to get off it.
I don't think he really loves suboxone, but instead has deluded himself into thinking he actually prefers it to heroin. I don't mind suboxone, and it does wonders for withdrawals, but when you take it it's clearly missing something that full opioids have.

If you can't do dope for whatever reason then suboxone helps a lot, but if you can still do dope then it's harder to stick to taking just suboxone. When I was on probation I got on suboxone and did dope I think 2x in 18 months, and OxyContin once. I was pretty content with just taking suboxone since I didn't want to have to worry about failing any drug tests, but now that I don't have to worry about that I start to crave dope after a few weeks of taking suboxone.
Yeah, I just think, the third time being caught with dope in the past 3 years, my dope career isn't going well. It's not like I am overdosing or stealing or anything like that. It's literally that I am a white guy in a black neighborhood. Anyway, I know I am not ready to give up the full agonist feeling. I wish I was, I actually was prescribed suboxone for 7 months, and I still have some left over, but I just never liked it.

I know that after being clean for a few weeks, I just really want dope really bad. I am going to give methadone a try and see how it goes for a few days. I might fall in love with it. I might try for a rehab also, not because I am physically dependent (which I am, just not terribly dependent) but because I just love to get high that much. I get bored easily, and I am in love with the way I feel on opiates. What I really wish is for a fresh fucking start, somewhere far a way, where its really warm, where I wouldn't have a record. Ah... to dream...

back to reality where I wake up sweaty and have to dodge the cops and make my family members cry all because I chase that feeling of being high.
I didnt know you cant ask anyone anything on here or you get called LEO what a joke

Its pretty funny how people are on a public board airing all there shit for anyone to see but as soon as you ask a question about what there saying you get called LEO!

Im just a dope head whos been bangin dope for 10+ years that has done subs and was on 150 mgs of methadone

im 28 born and raised in brooklyn

If you dont want people asking questions then dont air your shit out!

Oh yeah epiks your saying you dont need subs but when you dont take them your antsy or anxious well that means YOU NEED THEM! Btw Epiks im not a leo im a Libra!

Lay off the meth homie just trying to look out!

ps i dont have a prob with chinky he does himself and i do me
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I figured he was doing it multiple times a day, especially since smoking has a short duration, but even so it's odd for tolerance to stay the same for so long when you are using that often. Like with my comparison to pharmaceutical opiates/oids, at some point you are not going to even feel a dose if you keep on taking it for a while.

So you can't say that someones dope is shitty just based on the amount that they need to get high, considering they have been using regularly and if they were to take a high dose of another opiate they wouldn't be able to get high either. I'll get some fire dope and be nodding after sniffing 2-3 bags, yet someone else will shoot 5 of those bags (so if they were sniffing they would be sniffing 10+ bags) and not be as high as me, so the amount someone needs to get high has little relevance to quality if they have a high tolerance. I also wanted to mention that when I say that my tolerance is at 3-4 bags, that is the total amount I use in the day. Usually I start off with 2 bags, and then do another bag an hour later, and the last bag another 45 minutes to an hour later. But one bag wouldn't do much for me, yet I will max out at 4 bags. That's why I don't see how .1 could get someone high after a while, but maybe smoking it has something to do with it, whereas I sniff my dope.

Having said that, I can't speak on the quality of the dope that chinky gets since I've never done it. I think that we can all agree that he's gotta take a break if he needs to sniff that much to get high, and he said so himself that he's taking a tolerance break. Maybe dormin is very hard on the nose, even in very small amounts, so even if there is a tiny bit in each bag it's enough to cause damage.

i was blindsided with the dope i was getting..i have 2 main connects with one being mainyl a morning seller(he reups everymornig and when he sells everything, then business is closed for the day) and then my usual people..well by going back and forth between the 2 differnt batchs of dope, my tolerance really shot up with my main people cause their dope wasnt as good..and what i thiought was some decentaverage dope really wasnt, it was garbage and thats why i needed so many bags..the new batch they have i needed only 6bags to get higher then i was when i snorted damn near a whole jab..

so i guess i should expand my horizons but the dope game aint like the weed game, you cabnt trust as many people ib this game..or maybe i should wake up a little earlier and cop from my other dealer cause im not a morning person and its rare for my other dealer to have any dope left when i call at 2 or 3pm when im ready to get up and go cop

I guess everyone's body is different. Chinky, with your tolerance, I am surprised you have to wait more than 24 hours to feel sick. I thought that I was getting pretty bad with my habit, and I only did 2 bags last nite, IV. Nice rush, and high for about 2 hours, not the 5 hours I wanted, but I settled for what I got. I was actually surprised at how good I did feel with those 2 bags. I usually do 4 over the course of a night. However, I usually start to feel "not right" within 24 hours. I do the suboxone and kratom tap dance inbetween my d0pe doses. I did some kratom this morning so I wouldn't be sick at work, but if I hadn't, having done 2 bags the night before, it is not uncommon for me to start to feel sick as early as 9am the next day. Sometimes, the more I do the night before, the worse I feel in the morning.

i dont shoot my dope, so i think that really has a big part of it..plus the last month or so the dope has been real shitty so even though i thought my tolerance was goin up cause the bags i was using in reality i think it just was garbage dope...

Damn chinky, it looks like you've got a pretty bad case of denial. Either that or we have different definitions of the word "junkie." I use half as much as you, both in quantity and frequency, and I consider myself a junkie. But to me a junkie is just another name for a heroin addict, and if you use dope you are either a chipper or a junkie. Then there's hardcore junkies who are on a whole nother level, but if you've got a heroin habit and you think about getting high a lot, then that's a junkie to me. So maybe we've got different definitions of the word, but there is no doubt that you are a heroin addict.

I just can't chase the high like that because I know that if I switch to IVing that it's only a temporary fix, and since I would be getting sicker quicker I would be using twice as often, so even if I was able to use half as much to get high, it would equal out since I'd be doing it twice as often.

Some people consider it to be less of an addict, but really the only reason I control my use like that is so that I can keep getting high. Instead of switching to IV to get high I take tolerance breaks. It's the only way to make it in the long run in the game, and it beats needing to come up with money everyday just to keep the sick away, and then finding a vein, etc... I've just never bought into the "IVing is better since you can get high with less" since everybody that I know that IV's shoots more bags than I sniff to get high, and even if they went from sniffing 6 bags to shooting 3 at first, they ended up having to use daily so now they are shooting just as many bags as they used to sniff. Like I said I think about it in the long run, instead of just focusing on my next high, and that's what has let me be able to keep my tolerance steady at sniffing 4 bags to get has high as I want, or even less if it's good stuff. I don't deny that it's still a bad habit though, but it's not as bad as needing a fix each day.

i dont think im in denial i just think you and me have a different definition to the word junkie..to me a junkie is the scumbag heroin user, the person who goes over to their parents house to eat lunch and then goes into their moms purse when she goes to the bathroom, or steals her gold or just steals in general from anyone or any place..people who have to wake up in the morning and try and figure out how they are gonna get money to go get high, people who would be highly successful if they just put the time and energy into work as they do getting high

i use, im an addict, but im not a junkie, im not a fiend, sure if i dont get dope every couple days i get sick, but i have the means to do it..i dont worry about how im gonna get my dope and who im going to scam or middleman and that to me is the differance..now you may not agree but thats just my view of it, you can call me a junkie all you want, i just wouldnt call myself one

Hey everybody whats good.. so i went to the clinic an hour ago and got my dose, and my take home. i decided to double dose, so im on 200 mgs of methadone, instead of my usual 100 mgs. this should have nice effects. ima be noddin out all day till i go to work at 3. win..

chinky: if you cant get high from snorting a jab (14 fucking bags!?) thats fucked up son. think about it, 14 motherfucking bags.

your dope must be shit. it must be all that dormin. with tar all i ever need to get a good high is .1-.2, but usually just .1. the shit really is fire, unlike yours, mr snort 14 bags to get high.

youre right man, time to take a break. its just pointless if you cant even get off on 14 bags.

youre right it was garbage dope, by getting some good decent dope from my other connect, it forced me to need more from my main people cause their dope wasnt as good..so i didnt realize the dope was getting worse, i just thought it was my tolerance was going up and i wasnt really questioning the dope..until i got this new batch and felt high after only 4bags and was droolin when i got to 5 1/2..thats when i realized it wasnt so much my tolerane like i thought
Thats what they told everyone when i was in rehab they said if you would put 10 percent into work and being sober as you did in order to get high you would have a great life
Thats what they told everyone when i was in rehab they said if you would put 10 percent into work and being sober as you did in order to get high you would have a great life

Meh, I'm actually quite the lazy drug user these days. I no longer go out of my way to get them, and if they are not being delivered then I'm not getting them. Also, if I don't have the money I'm not getting them, so depending on how many hours I work that particular week the amount I can use will fluctuate a bit, but if I don't work much then I'm not getting high much because I don't scheme for money or any of that other bullshit.
Meh, I'm actually quite the lazy drug user these days. I no longer go out of my way to get them, and if they are not being delivered then I'm not getting them. Also, if I don't have the money I'm not getting them, so depending on how many hours I work that particular week the amount I can use will fluctuate a bit, but if I don't work much then I'm not getting high much because I don't scheme for money or any of that other bullshit.

Thats dope your lazy tho! Fuck all the other bullshit spending hours trying to scheme to get a dime!
One thing I did like about methadone was in the winter I never got cold.

LOL I have a friend that swears by this. I mean I'll agree a little bit but that's funny he's the only other person I've ever heard mention it before. Dude was always cold even when it wasn't cold out, now that he's on methadone he'll be out in the snow at night in a hoodie like its nothing
^ I would sweat my balls off the rest off the year. I should use 'done when hunting to keep warm. Lol
Just got on 30mg to start with. They really want to push me up to 70mg but I feel fine on 30, so I really don't see the need to push it up. I will say that I am impressed with how well I feel. I admit, it's a bit of a high, but I feel very very hopeful. I also know that it's probably just the honeymoon phase, but I am going to enjoy it while it lasts
Right now its 85 degrees and I'm freezing when I go outside. It seems when I'm off dope no matter the temp I still get "cold sweaty" - Does anyone else feel like the cold sweats never go away?

With the exception of sleep issues, temperature fluctuations are usually the symptom that lingers the longest for me. Everyone seems to be different on which symptoms they get first and which stay the longest. I'll get RLS, but I've never gotten it that bad. I do get night sweats and will get the "hot and colds" - burning up with a sheet on, freezing cold with it off.

During the days I'll usually almost constantly have the chills, which is definitely uncomfortable if you're sweating.

I feel like weed helps a little bit, but other than that, iit seems like it's more a matter of finding the appropriate amount of clothing.
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