• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

12 step discussion thread Voice your opinions here!

I even have your slogan figured out.

"Just Say Maybe"

It's catchy. Run with it.

I got a better slogan...

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^I still haven figured out what the hell that means. 4 real.. so will someone please explain this to me? (drinking the cool aid)
i have 3 days clean from IV oxycodone and i've gone to meetings everyday since i've been clean i go to AA cause it's more serious than NA for the most part and i've meet some really cool people that i can really relate to i started going to AA when i was 7 i was drinking and smoking weed at the time i just went cause my dad was getting clean from alcohol it wasn't till i was 14 that i realized i had a problem i've been in and out of AA like 8 times but i got my last sponsor back he's great and i'm meeting a bunch of awesome people i really think i can make it this time with buddah as my higher power and AA as my rock
AA/NA difference

I know that AA is Alcoholics Anonymous and NA is Narcotics Anonymous but people talk like drug users go to AA. What would be the point in a drug user going to AA? Does it matter which one you go to?

I'm just trying to get all this straightened out so when it comes time for me to go than I'll have the right knowledge. Or is there a thread that explains these two in detail that someone could point me to? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm not real sure if I'm going to want to go to group meeting. I'm not comfortable in groups, but since DSS is sticking their nose in it, I'm gonna have to do something at least until they go away. But they have also given me the option of talking with a counselor one on one instead of group meeting. I may try the meetings and go with my mom when she has hers and/or with my fiancé. I'd feel more comfortable going with them.
Honestly, no there's really no difference.. They follow the same steps as AA.. somebody I know recently posted a picture of what guys look like in AA and they wore collared shirts and brown khakis.. and the picture of the NA guys they all looked like either bikers or rough lookin' dudes. thought that was funny. The only thing is AA added "as we understood him" to god so they didn't seem so strictly christian.

What you should decide now is pretty much whether or not you're religious, because that's really most of the steps. I can see how religion can help an addict, but it's not for me, and therefor it ruins the whole AA experience. If you're not comfortable with being in group settings, i wouldn't go, but you never know.. you can chose not to talk at first and eventually grow comfortable with it.
In my NA group "as we understood him" is also Added to god. God is simply something bigger than yourself. Nothing religious.
There's collateral damage that you get with drugs (due to their illegal nature) that you don't get with alcohol. I have found that NA does address this stuff (and how to cope with it) at times.
I think that people tend to be one of two tendencies when falling into drug addiction:

(1) Medicating an unsatisfied desire to fit in, be accepted, be popular, make friends, etc.

(2) Medicating an annoyance with having to live in social norms, deal with other people, etc.

People from (1) are going to get a lot more out of 12-step programs than those from (2) because it's more along the lines of what they were (hopelessly) searching for in drugs. People from (2) deal better with mindfulness techniques and individual recovery. Neither is better or worse, obviously, but it's a mistake to think that any type of recovery program is applicable to every last person. I see this divide here, I see additional divides within these two, and so on. Anything that claims to be able to treat every last person comes across as pathological instead of practical.
Yeah idk where I stand on religion right now. Too many things are questionable. I used to go to church a lot when I was younger and about a year ago I tried going again for a while but I just didn't feel comfortable with it.

Thanks for the replies, I have a better indication of what I wanna do now and thanks for clearing everything up for me
^ Very true RL

I'd consider myself much more of the type 2. I'm in a wedding like literally one hour from now. The open bar is a little concerning to me because it is a social event. I don't like small talk at all.
i know someone that goes to AA for because he's a recovering opiate/h addict. he doesn't like NA for two big reasons. at NA, people talk about drugs; at AA, people are much more focused on the basis of addiction and its consequences -- of course this is his personal experience with the two groups he has tried. he does not want to hear triggering drug opiate jargon. those words are not brought up during AA meetings. also, he says people at NA tend to be younger and cry. the AA group is open about talking about addiction, but does not get overly emotional -- something my he finds weak and he goes to these meetings for strength.

he is not religious and says that has no impact on the quality of his experience at the meetings.

so drug addicts sometimes do chose AA over NA.
i know someone that goes to AA for because he's a recovering opiate/h addict. he doesn't like NA for two big reasons. at NA, people talk about drugs; at AA, people are much more focused on the basis of addiction and its consequences -- of course this is his personal experience with the two groups he has tried. he does not want to hear triggering drug opiate jargon. those words are not brought up during AA meetings. also, he says people at NA tend to be younger and cry. the AA group is open about talking about addiction, but does not get overly emotional -- something my he finds weak and he goes to these meetings for strength.

he is not religious and says that has no impact on the quality of his experience at the meetings.

so drug addicts sometimes do chose AA over NA.

Okay thanks, this is good to know. I don't wanna hear about drugs when I'm tryin to stay sober. I mean I don't think ill ever go back to drugs. I came *this* close to losing my daughter. It was only a matter of days. And that alone is enough motivation to get clean and stay clean. But like I said, I'm still not sure on if I wanna do actual meets or not. I'll just have to try them and see
I say give them both a try and pick the one you feel is best for your recovery. I would also recommend you try allot of different meetings until you are able to find a group of people that are right for you as meetings can be pretty different even if so much of the same stuff is regurgitated.
AA focuses on alcohol
NA goes broader and addresses the disease of addiction

Basically, AA is substance specific whereas NA is not
I Uad some of our posts as this is getting heated and starting to implode

I don't see why my one post was deleted. The poster above me was being a smartass to me about my hypothetical program, yet that stayed. I think it's only fair that I should be able to defend myself if his comment is allowed to stay. Not exactly fair to pick and choose.
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