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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

Your description, erikmen, is a good description of how I feel I'm terrified I'm having a damn heart attack. I haven't slept at all in 72+ hours. And I haven't had anything for a week but it was bullshit delayed withdrawl since... This will be the 6th day. It's intense. :(
By the way, I have a life and a job -- it interrupts sometimes but not any more than any other drug I've used a lot.
I just don't know anyone that got on then quit methadone and didnt at least start another opiate to get off methadone anyway... And somehow I haven't included my major point till now- ill be done in a day last time with just heroin I was done in 4 flat and you won't. Longer by a lot.
I just want to know if there is other people like me here ... i snorted 1g of cocaine daily for 26 years ... im 45 now and im in pretty good shape my bpm is usually around 60 and sys 115 diast 70 . my father is now 88 and he said he start when he was 15 he still snort 1g a day (nobody in the familly iv cocaine except my mother ) . We are all healthy people i have 3 brother and 1 sister and all of us use cocaine at least weekly .

Wol!! Are your serious?! Maybe you might wanna check this. Strange ways to be healthy. I can´t say that I would not like it though! Not at all..
It can be alot worse. When I was hooked on heroin I was using 3.5gs a day and im almost 22. It is something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Not ome day goes by that I dont think about heroin and how much I enjoyed the high. Then I remind myself of all the trouble it has caused, and also the pain it has caused my loved ones. I was lucky enough to have a job that I could afford my habit. I didn't steal money or rob anyone. I did get arrested for possession and luckily for me the grand jury said there wasn't enough evidence since I never acknowledged being guilty. What hurt me the most was how much disappointment I had caused my family. This was when I decided it was time to quit. No matter how hard it was I was not going to let heroin ruin my life. I still use other drugs from time to time. If you have never done heroin please don't. You will fall in love and lose everything you have possibly even your life.

A really inspiration not to start heroin indeed. I have wished to sniff to see how it´s like but posts like yours made me think a lot. You were pretty lucky to have that situation under control, although you still think of heroin everyday. Best of luck!
Your description, erikmen, is a good description of how I feel I'm terrified I'm having a damn heart attack. I haven't slept at all in 72+ hours. And I haven't had anything for a week but it was bullshit delayed withdrawl since... This will be the 6th day. It's intense. :(

I know..
It can be alot worse. When I was hooked on heroin I was using 3.5gs a day and im almost 22. It is something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Not ome day goes by that I dont think about heroin and how much I enjoyed the high. Then I remind myself of all the trouble it has caused, and also the pain it has caused my loved ones. I was lucky enough to have a job that I could afford my habit. I didn't steal money or rob anyone. I did get arrested for possession and luckily for me the grand jury said there wasn't enough evidence since I never acknowledged being guilty. What hurt me the most was how much disappointment I had caused my family. This was when I decided it was time to quit. No matter how hard it was I was not going to let heroin ruin my life. I still use other drugs from time to time. If you have never done heroin please don't. You will fall in love and lose everything you have possibly even your life.

Read my post, the memories and desires of pleasure ma remain, but they'll fade with time. It is not a life sentence, but it can make you think in a way that feels like it. It can get better, and does for many people. Be strong my friend!
This is horrible man! At the same time, I feel terrible about even thinking in changing my 7-8 year methadone treatment for a taste of Heroin.
I strongly believe that posts like yours above should be here more often, more obviously. Strong messages makes differences. And that´s an example out here.
Why would anyone WANT to chance becoming a smackhead? One of my first memories is of my stepfather fixing in the bathroom. I remember being 13 and my grandmother sending me downstairs to see what was wrong with my baby cousin who had been crying for thirty minutes straight only to be blessed with perfect timing that day and walk in just as my uncle's, wife's brother, Steve projectile vomited across the coffee table directly on the floor in front of the squawling, shitty diapered toddler. The baby stopped crying and I just stood there frozen.
"Steve, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked him, his eyes slightly open, vomit on his lips he replied "partyin you little shit".
It is a disgusting habit.

Don't do heroin...Trust a stranger on this...dont do it.
my advice to anyone who's thinking about trying heroin - don't. you'll like it too much. if i could go back, and do it over again, i wouldn't have tried any opiate. it's a love/hate relationship, for sure.
If you've never tried it,for the love of God(and yourself,and everyone who cares about you)don't start.The main problem with the shit is that it feels too damn good.I thought it would never get me.I could make myself take breaks from it and kept it casual use for the first 5 years or so I did it while I watched every one else go down the tubes in 6 months or a year or whatever so I thought my ass could handle it.Trust me,it's got your whole life to get you and it WILL get you.It will rob you of everything you love,all your money,and everything that makes you who you are.More than once I would get clean and think I could just do it a little bit once in while.I could for a little while but eventually it spirals out of control until it all blows up in your face.Take it from someone who battled that shit for a long time: Don't get sucked into heroin.It is a living nightmare that will take everything from you,even your soul.Not trying to sound preachy,I just hate seeing people go through that terrible ordeal.
Lol this thread just made me wanna do a shot seeing that picture really bad. I havent been with my heroinnn since last Thursday. im trying this new things thats like get clean becuz heroin is shutting down my liver every time i go at it i end up with my liver slowly shutting down on me. it sucks. i have subutex but fuck im jus over everything, addicition, meds, life, HEROIN WILL RUIN UR LIFE ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. like my life is ruined. nd i dont even know if i wanna try n make it better anymore this road is jus long and whack... like if i cud go back in time id still do it though cuz thats what i like. being a numb and not feeling shit. Aand honestly thats a fucked up life. meh doc is wanting me to get on vivitrol shot. i think not. or shud I? like i said i dont care about shit anymore. i jus wanna b wit my dope nd at the same time i want to be far from it. cuz neither is good anymore.

but if i could tell u if u ask should u try it? i say no. UNLESS UR giving up on ur life nd dont give a shit wat happens to you (aka to live a most likely short life nd cuz die tomorrow) then id say hell yea go do it up. lol but if u actually have a chance at life without doing it or if u are happy in life at times then fuckin hold on to that shit man.
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He would absolutely need to be off the benzodiazepine before considering it. And why shoot for a first timer? Bad idea.
He would absolutely need to be off the benzodiazepine before considering it. And why shoot for a first timer? Bad idea.

he wants to snort it for the first time then shooting it.
He takes lorazepam before he goes to sleep, he has to be completely off the lorazepam to consider it?
Not completely off the lorazepam but don't take it right before or after taking the heroin. Both heroin and benzos are CNS depressants and he could very well end up not breathing.

If you are a heroin user, perhaps try to explain to him all the bad things that could happen, that you have gone through? That may help change his mind. Unfortunately, like most people he might try heroin and finds it too euphoric to quit. In fact that seems likely if he is already planning to use it twice, ith one of those times being IVd.