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Harm Reduction ⫸Should I Try HEROIN?⫷

I just tried H for the first time 2 weeks ago. I had tried almost every other pharmaceutical opiate until I wanted to chase the dragon. In my area it's all black tar. Anyway, it's not as intense as I thought it up to be, but that is cuz I expected it to be different from any other opiate high. It's quite the rush, and is more stimulating to me than eating hydrocodone for example.. I'll gladly smoke it on occasion but am practicing self control so that I don't get hooked. To me it's just as addicting as any other opiate

I´m sure you know everything you should know about heroin, however, isn´t what you are doing something that everyone has tried before.
You have the time to stop it without going any further with damages. All the posters I read regret not having had this time you may still have. Does it make sense? Can you do it?
I just tried H for the first time 2 weeks ago. I had tried almost every other pharmaceutical opiate until I wanted to chase the dragon. In my area it's all black tar. Anyway, it's not as intense as I thought it up to be, but that is cuz I expected it to be different from any other opiate high. It's quite the rush, and is more stimulating to me than eating hydrocodone for example.. I'll gladly smoke it on occasion but am practicing self control so that I don't get hooked. To me it's just as addicting as any other opiate

I think having just tried heroin 2 weeks ago.. is a little early for you to be preaching your self control and how you see it as just like any other opiate... but best of luck to you. Have you read the OP? It talks about that dangerous and mistaken outlook.
I think having just tried heroin 2 weeks ago.. is a little early for you to be preaching your self control and how you see it as just like any other opiate... but best of luck to you. Have you read the OP? It talks about that dangerous and mistaken outlook.

This over optimism is usually followed a few months later by a thread "Oh fuck, that was actually a bad idea, how do I get off this shit?"

Ha exactly. This forum is littered with cases just like that, yet everybody still thinks they're different.
Sorry if that is inconvenient to write now, but I have actually listened and took heroin out of my mind and heart. Did not try. Although I do other things that I´m not very proud of. Heroin is not on my list. Good advising here, I have told this many times. I still believe that, within 2 weeks, it´s possible to reverse and stop now. Better now than after!
One other post that inspired me tells that every one with a current bad situation with heroin, has once tried it first, thinking just like that.
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One other post that inspired me tells that every one with a current bad situation with heroin, has once tried it first, thinking just like that.

They're either of that opinion, or completely apathetic. I knew the risks, was already dependent on other pharmaceutical opioids but just didn't really care - of course I haven't done any in a month or two but I do think about it every now and then. If I lived in NYC or could get powder heroin and not BTH, I'd probably have a hell of a lot less willpower. Tar is just straight up gross feeling, smelling, tasting and expensive to feel crummy.
They're either of that opinion, or completely apathetic. I knew the risks, was already dependent on other pharmaceutical opioids but just didn't really care - of course I haven't done any in a month or two but I do think about it every now and then. If I lived in NYC or could get powder heroin and not BTH, I'd probably have a hell of a lot less willpower. Tar is just straight up gross feeling, smelling, tasting and expensive to feel crummy.

Im in the EXACT same boat as you man, I knew the risks, but was already add icted to pharms like oxycodone and dilaudid but my habit was burning a huge hole in my pocket, so in order to save funds, switched to BTH. I didn't care about anything but getting high then, I wish somebody had knocked some sense into me... and now have to live with that decision the rest of my life.
Im in the EXACT same boat as you man, I knew the risks, but was already add icted to pharms like oxycodone and dilaudid but my habit was burning a huge hole in my pocket, so in order to save funds, switched to BTH. I didn't care about anything but getting high then, I wish somebody had knocked some sense into me... and now have to live with that decision the rest of my life.

You don't have to be addicted forever! You only have to live with that decision until you make another firmer decision to get clean, I know I'm basically saying "Do as I say, not as I do," but I keep hope that by the next birthday ending in a 0 (for sure) I'll not have to remember this monkey firmly attached to my spine.
You don't have to be addicted forever! You only have to live with that decision until you make another firmer decision to get clean, I know I'm basically saying "Do as I say, not as I do," but I keep hope that by the next birthday ending in a 0 (for sure) I'll not have to remember this monkey firmly attached to my spine.

Amen!!! I never looked at it that way, so thank you for that! And I wish you the best of luck, always keep hope
Dont do heroin it will rott your dick off and will kill you the first time you try lol just fucking with you drugs are bad I was strung out for years but your you own person my advice dont mess woth h never know how it will be might be weak as fuck and not do shit or it will be strong as fuxk and knock your dick in the dirt or od you also Jesus Christ hates heroin users btw and they all go to hell its n the bible dude read ot yourself I believe its in revulations lol ;) this is such a stupid question to ask really thats lke asking should I smoke crack or smoke pot what do u think little boy you have alot to learn son my advice stay away from that boy AKA heroin or H if you want to try a opiate or opiates try Percocet or loratabs/narcos roxycotten/oxycotten morphine but morphine is only good if you bang it and can make your arm swollen well my friend I've done it all and its all not good just giving you some advice I dont know what route you may take this advice is actually for everyone on here who is curious about opiates well good bye for now ,
Your friend , roxy banger
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Why tha hell would you stop using opiates and switch too methadone thats basically just as bad and a horrible drug with a dt that can virtually kill you have you ever heard of suboxone you should try that its alot better and if you get the strips the little pink n8 ones you can break one up into 4 peace maybe even more depending on the person I used for years ao trust me I know what im talking about I've done it all shot rs and oc heroin shot blow meth and ice hell I have even shot suboxone before sbd yes it does work too to answer that question you may have asked I tgink it does personally well hope you switch that horrible drug your own too something alot better for you that works just as good good luck too you
Wait till youre really old or dying and have saved a bunch of money and get addicted. not now. unless your really old/ dying. im going thru withdrawl and fuck this shit... worth it IF
you are really rich,
or dying.

seriously, AND I LOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE that shit more than my dead grandmother.
Why tha hell would you stop using opiates and switch too methadone thats basically just as bad and a horrible drug with a dt that can virtually kill you have you ever heard of suboxone you should try that its alot better and if you get the strips the little pink n8 ones you can break one up into 4 peace maybe even more depending on the person I used for years ao trust me I know what im talking about I've done it all shot rs and oc heroin shot blow meth and ice hell I have even shot suboxone before sbd yes it does work too to answer that question you may have asked I tgink it does personally well hope you switch that horrible drug your own too something alot better for you that works just as good good luck too you
shooting subs is a decent high, hes right.
but heroin is so much better and the withdrawl isnt as bad.
Wait till youre really old or dying and have saved a bunch of money and get addicted. not now. unless your really old/ dying. im going thru withdrawl and fuck this shit... worth it IF
you are really rich,
or dying.

seriously, AND I LOVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEE that shit more than my dead grandmother.

I have had real shitty withdraws. Real bad ones, with lots of pain, vomiting, scared to death, tired, totally lacking energy, or happiness of any kind.
Full sad mood, etc etc, etc. Not for 7, but 10 days, non-stop.
Never managed to quit and never used Heroin. Am now on 70-80 mg of Methadone for almost 8 years. How worse could it be??
There is no age for that kinda of shit. I´m over 40.
What does age has to do with that, I mean what age? 40, 50, 70? above that you´ll die.
I just want to know if there is other people like me here ... i snorted 1g of cocaine daily for 26 years ... im 45 now and im in pretty good shape my bpm is usually around 60 and sys 115 diast 70 . my father is now 88 and he said he start when he was 15 he still snort 1g a day (nobody in the familly iv cocaine except my mother ) . We are all healthy people i have 3 brother and 1 sister and all of us use cocaine at least weekly .
Typically heroin is cut with some form of tranquilizers. So not only do you get the opiate addiction, you also get addicted to the tranquilizer. Also after switching to heroin you have to take large amounts of prescription opiates and opiods.

Also you are right about needle fever. One of the hardest things about quiting is having the urge to shoot up. I guess its the whole "ritual" process of it.
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It can be alot worse. When I was hooked on heroin I was using 3.5gs a day and im almost 22. It is something that is going to stay with me for the rest of my life. Not ome day goes by that I dont think about heroin and how much I enjoyed the high. Then I remind myself of all the trouble it has caused, and also the pain it has caused my loved ones. I was lucky enough to have a job that I could afford my habit. I didn't steal money or rob anyone. I did get arrested for possession and luckily for me the grand jury said there wasn't enough evidence since I never acknowledged being guilty. What hurt me the most was how much disappointment I had caused my family. This was when I decided it was time to quit. No matter how hard it was I was not going to let heroin ruin my life. I still use other drugs from time to time. If you have never done heroin please don't. You will fall in love and lose everything you have possibly even your life.