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⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯

I had some vivid and almost-lucid dreams the past two nights...

Dec 12-13, 2020: "Dad Alive Again?"

I was at some party with my mom and a bunch of other family & friends. I heard my (deceased) father in the other room and ran in to see him, but he wasn't there. I asked my mom if he was somehow still alive or back from the dead and she said something like, "Do you want the short answer or the long one?". It was very eerie and I didn't mention it again. I started to question whether or not I was dreaming but it never turned lucid.

I was having trouble speaking because my mouth felt dry so I took a piece of spearmint chewing gum from the counter, then realized that I should have asked first because it wasn't mine. Some ladies there put an aerobics video on the TV and I said jokingly, "Don't expect me to do any jazzercise with you!". One of them had a cute baby goat and I petted it on the couch. 🐐

Dec 13-14, 2020: "Flooded Building"

I was trying to sleep in the back room of some coffee house/restaurant where I apparently worked. An attractive female co-worker was lying behind me and playfully poking at my back. I laughed and said something to her about it, but she suddenly turned serious and denied doing it. I thought that maybe I was imagining it, but then she started to do it again so I realized that she was just messing with me.

I started to realize that I might be dreaming and got upset that I was actually sleeping alone in real life, but I tried to make the most of it and explore the building. I did my usual dream experiments like trying to turn on lights and water faucets. I began to worry that I was actually sleepwalking in my house because everything felt so real, so I just let myself free fall through the floor and subsequently upside-down through the sky for a while. (Any chance of lucidity ended at this point.)

I found myself back on the small bed/couch, this time with a different young lady who was definitely interested in me. She put her arm around me and I put my head on her shoulder. At this point I entered an introspective phase where I thought about how I still long for romance, even though I don't think that I'll ever want another relationship. It felt as though a part of me had died that I would never get back, which was very sad.

Suddenly a heavy rainstorm came in and the building began to get flooded. Everybody ran to the back room/warehouse area and I realized that I didn't really know most of my co-workers. There were a lot of women there and I felt self-conscious because I needed a shave & shower. I found some shampoo and went out to wash my hair in the rain. One of my uncles was there and he wouldn't let me into the back office, which I assumed was because he was sneaking booze in there (something that he did in real life years ago, both at work and at home).

A few other details:

- My little bed was covered in toenail clippings (yuck).

- Some guy threw a bunch of ice or broken glass out the back door and it shattered all over me.

- I had a box of old photos and notebooks that got soaked in the flood (and rain coming through the ceiling).

- There was a 1980's-style video arcade in the building.

Sweet Dreams!!!
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I had a couple of short dreams last night...

Dec 15-16, 2020: "Destroyed Plants/Dad Fighting with Friend"

I had a bunch of plants growing in the front yard where I grew up, out by the sidewalk. Some were supposed to be psychoactive but I couldn't find those. I realized that one was lemon balm, and a couple contained metals like silver and mercury but in plant form. My next-door neighbor ripped them down and it really upset me. (I woke myself up in the middle of mumble-yelling something like, "All that anybody knows how to do is kill and tear down!".)

I went to a get-together at my aunt & uncle's and my dad was drunk. He was being really insulting to an old family friend and it almost turned physical. I had to step in and break it up.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I have a few dreams to get caught up on here. Nothing too exciting lately...

Dec 20-21, 2020: "Snuff"

I was on some reality show and two young women helped me look for a can of nasal snuff that I had stashed away in a heater vent. One of them put it in her mouth like dip but didn't like it, so she tried to smoke it after spitting it out but it was too wet.

Dec 21-22, 2020: "Keyboard Drums/Overdoses"

I was playing a synthesizer that had little electronic percussion instruments and drum pads attached to it. The keyboard was more like an old typewriter than a piano.

An old friend of mine was driving my car and he wanted to buy coke or crack. A young woman was passed out by the side of the road so we gave her a ride home, then found out that another girl had apparently died from whatever they had taken.

Dec 24-25, 2020: "Mall Food"

I was in a cooking competition at the local mall and made some Indian dish but put way too many spices in it. It was my job to gather everyone's dirty dishes to clean and they were stacking up faster than I could get them. I went to a Burger King at the food court and asked for an Impossible Whopper but they didn't have any. I went outside and something in the sky was making the ground shake like a sonic boom.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Man, I've had some crazy vivid dreams lately...

Dec 25-26, 2020: Accused of Being Drunk"

I walked into my mom's kitchen and it was filled with empty alcohol bottles and cans, plus a bunch of prescription pill containers. She accused me of being drunk and/or on drugs, and I tried to tell her that I wasn't but my words came out all garbled (as they often do in my dreams). She sent me to a rehab where I was surrounded my hardcore addicts OD'ing and having nasty withdrawals all around me.

Dec 26-27, 2020: "Spicy Sandwiches/Indoor Baseball"

I went to some deli/convenience store and they had a bunch of sandwiches in the cold section with hot sauce on them. I love spicy food so I got a few, then realized that they contained meat and/or dairy and I'm vegan.

My buddy wanted to play Whiffle Ball inside a convenience store but I was afraid of knocking things over.

Dec 27-28, 2020: "Trippy Fast Food Place/Walmart Avatars"

1) I went to a fast food restaurant where an ex-girlfriend was in line. I left because I didn't want her to see me. (I dated her in my late teens when I was going through a rough time and wasn't always very nice to her.) At the same place, I ended up with a bunch of large nails in my head and a female employee pulled one out for me. When she did, I started bleeding all over and it even ruined a good painting that I made back in 1987 that was on the table.

I went outside and the sky was filled with trippy-looking 3D objects in the sky, like digital rotating diamonds and such. The dream almost turned lucid because I was able to fly away. I looked for somewhere interesting to explore, but I just kept landing on the same boring strip of land with nothing around it.

2) I went to Walmart and everybody looked different in some way, like it wasn't really them. I realized that everybody was really an avatar of themselves, including me. It was apparently supposed to protect people from COVID. I figured out some way that I could morph back into my original form, but decided to wait until I left the store.

In the meantime, I looked at baseball equipment and swung a huge bat that was about 6 feet long. I knew that I couldn't get in trouble for loitering because I didn't really look like "me". As I left, I turned into an older man wearing some kind of strange formal clothing.

There was also something about George Harrison in avatar-disguise, discussing an upcoming album.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I don't remember any dreams from the past few nights because I haven't slept much since I quit drinking for the new year. When I finally get some good REM sleep, they'll probably be epic.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I finally slept long enough last night to have a memorable dream...

Jan 5-6, 2021: "Parents Getting Divorced"

I was back in the house where I grew up and my parents were getting a divorce. They were talking about what they were going to do with their lives after they were apart and it was very depressing. It seemed as though neither one of them really wanted to be apart, but they weren't getting along and saw no other choice but to separate.

I was hanging out with my dad in the dining room drinking hard cider and left to go buy more. My mom was giving one of her friends a haircut in the living room and asked me to make her a "sally bowl", which was apparently something made out of hardened sugar to hold the hair product (gel? perm solution?) in.

I got really upset and went to my old bedroom, where I started punching the walls.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Had a insane dream about a post apocalyptical covid 19 future where covid 19 has evolved so much the rate of dying is hella high and all vaccines are ineffective in this dream everybody was now out for themselves as over half the worlds population had died out entire cities wiped out covid 19 was now airborne and could lie dormant and reactive near life forms meaning surfaces were contaminated and not dying out. In this dream everybody was wearing hazmat suits and even buying food at the supermarket you had to spray and clean every packaging and decontaminate.

The world had given up and fallen into disrepair few pockets of covid free hippie communes out rural were around aswell and just partying like it the was end taking boat loads of drugs. fuck it was pretty cool like a entire full length movie.
I have a few dreams to get caught up on here...

Jan 6-7, 2021: "Dad Being a Jerk"

I went to the kitchen for a beer and my dad gave me a hard time for wanting to drink. He was treating me like a little kid and sent me back to my room. I wanted something to eat so he just gave me some bread and tortilla chips.

Jan 9-10, 2021: "Old Creepy Book/Dad Drunk"

I was looking at a book of old pics from around the late 1800s because it had scenes of nude women performing various sex acts, but it also had ones of people with various deformities, diseases and injuries that grossed me out a little.

My dad was drunk and kept talking about some German guy that he knew when he was a kid, and he didn't say it but I got the impression that he meant Adolf Hitler. My mom and I were in the van with him and I was trying to talk him out of driving in that condition.

Jan 10-11, 2021: "Rockets in Back Yard"

NASA was using my back yard as a launch pad for relatively small (about 15 feet tall) space rockets that they were testing. I wanted to get a photo of one but knew that I wasn't supposed to because it was some classified project.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I'm doing an experiment: I've been feeling really lost lately with no clue what I want to do with my life or how to achieve it, so at bedtime I'm going to start "asking" my dreams to show me what my conscious mind can't seem to figure out (sort of the way that somebody would before a psychedelic experience).

It will also probably be somewhat amusing, since my dreams usually have absolutely nothing to do with whatever I was doing or thinking about before I went to sleep. We'll see... :sleep:
Last night @Captain.Heroin and @JessFR appeared in one of my dreams. I always have a hard time remembering the details but it did have to do with saving the Captain from an OD. And Jess was continuously injecting me with heroin. I told her, IM, she tapped my veins. It's not the first time that I've had heroin needle nitemares. They're pretty frequent. But the two of them took on a person which is strange because I don't know what either look like.
Last night @Captain.Heroin and @JessFR appeared in one of my dreams. I always have a hard time remembering the details but it did have to do with saving the Captain from an OD. And Jess was continuously injecting me with heroin. I told her, IM, she tapped my veins. It's not the first time that I've had heroin needle nitemares. They're pretty frequent. But the two of them took on a person which is strange because I don't know what either look like.
I will never die of an overdose I know how I’m going to die I have seen it and it does not involve an overdose in itself alone
Well, OD @Captain.Heroin can just be a heroic dose uncomfortable. We save you. maybe that's why you don't die from it. I also saw my own death in a dream.
Man, my dream life (and sleep in general) has been virtually nonexistent lately. I only remember a few snippets...

- A baseball field with a cut-out billboard of a man's face in the bleachers. If the ball was hit through the mouth, it would blow smoke rings like that old Times Square Camel cigarette sign.

- A baby girl with wrinkled hands like a senior citizen.

- A young boy (maybe 3 or 4 years old) with a pile of green stuffed-toy "arms".

Sweet Dreams!!!
Rarely do I remember my dreams but SO asks me all the time who I am angry at and who was it that I was "interrogating".
I only remember dreams of being pinned down by snipers and this is recurrent the last 30 yrs. I jerk wake sometimes in cold sweats and racing heart with no recollection of anything... just feelings of deep loss, anxiety and crippling sadness.
Sux to be me sometimes but at other times I feel like the luckiest MF bastard on earth.
I have absolutely no clue what this means. Absolutely. No. Clue. 8o

Jan 22-23, 2021: "BUNGHOLE!"

I was in the kitchen of the house where I grew up, filming a mock commercial for toilet paper on an old VHS camcorder. I kept trying to say something like, "Does your bunghole still feel dirty after you wipe?", but every time that I said the word "bunghole" I would start laughing and try to start over again.

I eventually gave up at some point and came back to the kitchen later, where I found that I had put a potato chip on a slice of American bread with a drop of peanut butter on the chip. It was apparently going to be used as a prop in my "commercial" to look like a dirty butt!


Sweet Dreams!!!
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I've had some fairly vivid dreams this past week, so I'll only post one night at a time for now...

Jan 23-24, 2021: "1800's, 1970's and Today"

(I love how dreams have a way of rewriting history.)

I was watching a documentary about some settlers who had apparently landed in front of the Capitol Building in 1845 and started a race war of some kind. There was also something about a serial killer from the 1850's who targeted women at karaoke! This turned into an old street scene from that era that started moving when I looked at it. I zoomed in on a barbershop and could clearly see four people getting haircuts, plus a bunch of people standing outside of a saloon. Everybody looked exactly like they would from that period.

I was watching a show about some fast food (pizza?) chain from the 1970's, then looking at a photo of my dad from around the same time. It showed him sitting on the living room floor looking drunk or stoned with two pill vials in front of him. One was for Triavil and the other was some kind of blood pressure medication.

I was cooking filet mignon in a fancy wine sauce that was kind of like sauerbraten, which I planned to eat along with a can of Spaghettios for some reason!

A teenage boy had drowned at the local beach and one of his buddies was accused of murdering him. At the same beach there was a singer who looked like the dude from Spacehog (Royston Langdon), plus some guy who did a "magic trick" of sorts by transforming the surroundings into more of a wooded area.

I had an ugly, olive greenish mass around my right eye and the doctor said that it was cancer.

I used my cell phone to project a tall building onto the sky behind my house, then took a picture of it.

Sweet Dreams!!!

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had a dream of accepting everything in life the good and the bad then i was reborn into the heavenly realms with various hindu deities but everyone there knew we were all one and part of the one god and still the goal was to transcend higher. These heavenly realms were beautiful golden cities with amazing crystal clear water gold and marble powers endless tasty food complete peace there were also tests in the heavenly realm were alot of people failed due to just soaking in and forgetting the non dual nature of the world. You still had to meditate and try transcend your self higher or you were doomed to be born a lowly human again.

Holy fuck it was so vivid this golden marble city was the most amazing things i ever laid my eyes on i truly thought for just a fleeting moment that i had acutally transcended and this was now my life. endless beauty then i eventually woke up. If those realms do exist then that is my fucking goal 100%.
Some random dreams I've remembered from the last week:

1. I'm in an airport in Japan with my mom/sister. Some weird Japanese slut comes up to me and my mother, pulls down her panties and poops a large metal object out of her vagina. I walk around, confused. I start vaping and some other chick tries to teach me how to say "Excuse me for vaping" in Japanese. I'm hungry and try to find something other than sushi to eat. I find a place making salad sandwiches which are mostly made up of tiny croutons.

2. I get fully tattooed up, except all of my tattoos are horrible, cringey shit and I hate them all. I try to convince myself they are OK and I like them.

3. I'm with my dad and his family. I injure my hand and keep trying to climb this rope ladder to get into this building. I keep failing and eventually fall backwards into my dad. He is extremely weak and can't hold me and we both fall down. (daddy issues...)

lots of subliminal shit in my dreams.....
These ones were kind of funny...

Jan 24-25, 2021: "Steve-O"

Steve-O was working at the Subway sandwich shop inside the local Walmart and he was really cool, joking around with the customers and all. Later I watched a video of him tripping on acid in the summer of 2005 and watching the sunrise out his front door. I was almost getting a "contact high" and started to feel a bit altered myself.

Jan 25-26, 2021: "Billy Corgan and Pee"

I was playing piano in some creepy little house and this meth addict chick was trying to stash her drugs under the piano bench. Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins was outside looking in and acting really bizarre, like he was on something himself. I had to pee and filled a small plastic bowl but still had more to go.

(I woke up at this point and made a mad dash to the bathroom, just barely in time.)

Sweet Dreams!!!