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The Cuddle Puddle vers. Put your pretty lights in my face

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I cant?
ask matt, i'ev been derpin since before you even lerned how to herp
i was the original herper and derper
nuh uh
i was derpin in ED before you even existed here
matt, thizzy, rollin_stoned, chompy and nanchan can confirm
i was derpin
and herpin
way back in 2010
I had my old account longer than any of you were here, from '07-'09
this isnt about accounts
its about herp and derp
Hello muh nukkums.

Been ragin hard for a while figured I should stop in. Got some sass friday night dosed up a party but the shit seemd meh so it was whatever, raged hard as fuck and passed out in the sunlight. Then saturday was my boys 21st so we hit the club for a show and ended up getting some molly before the show. Me and my buddy got it and figured oh what the hell, we rolled last night lets see how this goes. Dosed 160mg. 20min later im geeking the fuck out on how hard im coming up. Pull up next to my buddy at the light (neither were driving) and hes just grinnin his ass off bouncin around to some electro. Labor day weekend was a success :D
rockz or powdah?
i lurve the smell of MDMA, legitimately smells good proper rocks do.
i've noticed certain batches i've had, and i've only had a few different ones, will all smell the same but some smell more than others.
smell is apparently caused by synthesis impurity,
that would explain why the shit i had that smelled way more like sassafrass/safrole/candy type shit was brown rockz/honey colored crystals.
cause that shit you didn't have to open the bag to smell, you put the side of the closed bag up to ya nose and you could smell it...
next tmie i buy rockz i'll probably whip up a little bit of marquis reagent just to be sure diggitys are trustworthy, although i know they are
It was powder, i guess it had a bit of the sass in it from the night before. Honestly i had thought i was kinda losing the magic when it came to rolling but that shit released those doubts for sure
derp herp herp
my last few rolls were far better than my first few
after the first time i acquired real MDMA in enoguh for a few doses, the whole LETS EAT MOLLY FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES thing kinda wore out.
which is funny...its like i grew out of it, even though the high itself got even better as time went along for sure...my 1st time was my shittiest by far even though the pills i took were legit MDMA pills.
i think last night i set a new record for most ingested
^I dont see how that can be. I took my first mdma pill knowing no idea what was about to happen to me. me my buddy and 2 chicks were going to just chill and watch a movie so we scooped a half o of some kush and i snatched a white rollex without them knowing from the dude. Took it as soon as we got back and made it maybe an hr into the movie before i just couldnt take it anymore. Leaped up, got on his computer and started blasting trance. I let them sit and ponder wtf i was up to or on for that matter for about another hr before i spilled the beans to my buddy.
see thats what i am wondering but honest to god i barely felt anything the first time i took MDMA, when 3 weeks later took the same exact pill, same source, everything, and i was rolling (albeit not as hard as i woulda wanted...one pill was never enough for me, those rolls i've seen people rant about saying they were some of the best pills out east of recent years...).
but i never drop less than .15 of bomb diggity shit and more if its not bomb diggity, but i dont redose most of the time.
cause at laest me if i take a real dose i haev no desire to waste MD and fry my brain even more for an extra half hour of peak.
nope, no siree llama.
i held on to the last .2 of the last batch of rocks i had for 3 months and had absolutely no desire to ever om nom nom it other than when i had planned to.
thats pretty good for me i'd say, cause generally when i get shit i do it asap and as fast as possible.
but its easy to control myself with MDMA.
ive set another goal for my life, this one's inspired by BL and rather specific:
dont end up like kaywholed.
i'd eat a 12 gauge if i did at 23 and all that, no lie.
dont follow the kaywholed ref. but alrighty then.

Odd how you didnt even roll your first time. coulda been setting tho and your mind set

edit: Holy shit!!! Tally died..........wow thats pretty sad. Id say he was prly the first bluelighter to go that i actually conversed with on a regular basis. Cool dude indeed
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LSDMDMA&9924614 said:
nuh uh
i was derpin in ED before you even existed here
matt, thizzy, rollin_stoned, chompy and nanchan can confirm
i was derpin
and herpin
way back in 2010
herpin in derpin back in 95... when pills were pills lol.. in fact i didnt have to get a testing kit till the 2000's lolz
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pipes where the jeans you wore lol in fact i still have the very first pair of Q's that i got lol
rolling i wish you could have experience some of the furthers and even furthers or any drop bass parties in the 90's
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