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Benzos Etizolam

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I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but how is etizolam to combat insomnia caused by stimulants and the like? And even if I get to sleep, will I be able to get up (semi-)fresh the next morning? I'm planning on taking some 6-apb on a festival in two weeks and after last time I had some 6-apb I couldn't get to sleep until the next afternoon.
^It should help, and you should be fine to wake up as long as you don't take too much...
^ Obviously ;) I think I'll place an order in that case. And should I stay away from alcohol you think?
I personally find it useless as a sedative (It helped me sleep for about a week, but then lost the sedating qualities), especially after a stimulant binge. It took about 15mg to get me to sleep, 12 hours after the stimulation was over, with the inclusion of being up 3 days straight. Despite the dose, I still only got a few hours of light sleep. I took more sublingually to try get back to sleep, but it didn't help... (I still don't know if sublingual is a good ROA. There's very little information regarding ROAs for etizolam)

I've only used etizolam for 2 weeks in low doses about 2 months ago (Which didn't do much), and just recently started taking them again. So tolerance isn't an issue. Perhaps you'll be more successful. It's almost like I have a natural tolerance to anything similar to a benzo I've tried.

Edit: I remember I tried insufflation once, and definitely felt the effects from 1mg, which even 8mg taken orally on an empty stomach didn't even get close to effect wise.
I wonder if perhaps my digestive system has trouble metabolising it for some reason. I have noticed it gives me terrible heart burn sans any psychoactive effects most of the time. Perhaps it loses potency if there's too much acid? Especially since it occasionally reaches my esophagus making swallowing a lot more difficult.
It's possible the heart burn is caused by fasting so that I can ensure I have an empty stomach to make the dose stronger. usually 6-8 hours with no food before dosing

(I'm clueless about this stuff, just as a note.)
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I've had a fair bit of experience with this one recently. I'd say tolerance to this builds VERY rapidly, much more rapidly than any classic benzo -- this in spite of the various journal articles speculating tolerance should build more slowly.

Also, insufflation works quite nicely, much better than oral.

I'm wondering about withdrawal from etizolam, though; anyone experienced that yet?
wow, I just insufflated 2mg of the crushed up etilaam pills, and instantly felt a nice light headedness, a little out of focus and a pleasant feeling when moving... I've been orally taking the tablets like candy just to get some effects, whereas I should have been snorting them instead, my supply would last 10x as long. The effects are still subtle, but I can really feel the anxiolytic effects.

I can't believe around 15 pills orally taken in a day don't effect me as much 2mg snorted (It makes me question if my body/liver has trouble metabolising it. I may try plugging 1mg to test it out.

Does anyone know if piracetam (Or any racetam) effects benzos?
I've heard grapefruit juice potentiates benzos, is it worth trying?

Lastly, does anybody have advice on a good way to break up the pills (etilaam 1mg, blue)? Currently I fold a paper over twice and then start smashing it with something hard, but it still leaves too much of the coating on.
^ I'm just guessing here as I haven't seen these pills in real life yet, but can't you try to dissolve the coating in water? Or would that dissolve the whole pill?
^^ I'll try snorting some after my night at the festival and post the results here.
It might be possible to do so...but I can't see how it could be done without dissolving the inside, or making it soggy. (perhaps it could be dried?)
I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but how is etizolam to combat insomnia caused by stimulants and the like? And even if I get to sleep, will I be able to get up (semi-)fresh the next morning? I'm planning on taking some 6-apb on a festival in two weeks and after last time I had some 6-apb I couldn't get to sleep until the next afternoon.

works a treat, after ive been on MDPV, puts you in a good mood too, and gets rid of all paranoia,fear and anxiety that may come from stims... Im stocking up for future, perfect comedown drug
Did you get it in pill form and crush it up and snort it? or powder? cause i can only get pill form
yeah the etizolam mini naps are delicious, and you dont lose the whole night, and wake up feeling the effects somewhat in the background....good drug
Did you get it in pill form and crush it up and snort it? or powder? cause i can only get pill form
Pill form and crush it up. I'd love a pure powder source as it'd save time though.

Anyways, could somebody respond to a question ASAP:
I've got plenty of 100% pure grapefruit juice, and I'm wondering if it will potentiate etizolam like it would a benzo? (As technically Eti isn't a benzo)
Is it safe to drink plenty of grapefruit juice while using etizolam?
Ok cool cheers cause i wanna try it nasally, and the pills arent that big, so there cant be too much powder to hoover up.. lile two 1mg pills?
2mg insufflated will definitely make you feel something. I seem to need larger doses than the majority of people though, so start with 1mg orally and see how it works before snorting.
Jus' wundrin'

I was just wondering what the doses look like before you get into dangerous ground with this and alcohol. Before some helpful soul jumps in with the whole 'dangerous to mix' I know, but people do and all that, I'm just wondering where the real danger starts...

The reason being I want to ditch the whole residual stim effect of 6 apb and get to sleep, I'll generally do the 6-APB then start drinking as the peak sidles off into the mist and I start to get bored. I have some Etizolam and am wondering if I'll get away with about a third of a bottle of Jack Daniels and 0.5-1mg dropped just before I want to get to sleep?

I have plenty of general drug experience but next to fuck all with benzos (hence the question) and no tolerance, they were bought purely to aid sleep on comedown. Just wondering best guess as to if I'll get away with the usual amount of alcohol or not.

I've noticed a general lack of consistency in the quality of these. Some seem strong, some seem very week. Probably made from an inconsistent mix.
just tried sniffing one. noticed that the blue coating was different to contents which were white.

did seem to work, feeling pretty fucking slow right now.
^ That seems like a result you should be going for ;)
^^^ I'm kind of wondering about this myself for the same reason. Had 6apb yesterday and hit my bed around 11am this morning. 'Slept' untill 5pm and got up to go to work. But the problem is you don't really sleep. I'm always almost there but I don't drop over the edge, if you catch my drift. So if I would take 1 or 2 etizolam and chased them with, say, three beers, what would happen? Would it knock me the fuck out and if so, will I be able to wake up easily after 5-6 hours sleep.
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^ That seems like a result you should be going for ;)
^^^ I'm kind of wondering about this myself for the same reason. Had 6apb yesterday and hit my bed around 11am this morning. 'Slept' untill 5pm and got up to go to work. But the problem is you don't really sleep. I'm always almost there but I don't drop over the edge, if you catch my drift. So if I would take 1 or 2 etizolam and chased them with, say, three beers, what would happen? Would it knock me the fuck out and if so, will I be able to wake up easily after 5-6 hours sleep.

I recently had a fucking great time on MDMA, O-Desmethyltramadol, MPA and about 1.5 bottles of red wine (this combo, or some subset of it, turned me into a porn-star, 2 full hours and no sign of coming, amazing! Unfortunately she had been on the same combo and failed to come too, our sole rewards were the joys of contact and painful genitals for several days). I took 2mg etizolam to get to sleep. It knocked me out, fell asleep sitting on my sofa, but there was no issue waking up again about five hours later.
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