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Benzos Etizolam

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some countries prescribe it others it's not so it is *like* an RC in those countries (like phenazepam).. the only time i ever had this in the US it was in pure powder form, i have no idea how literally EVERYONE who wants to are getting their hands on the pills so easily :\ . But im not too jealous, it's a theinobenzodiazepine, just like its more potent cousin.. the antipsychotic olanzapine (zyprexa), which i am on 20mg a day for bipolar disorder.

I have tried both and say that etizolam is a weak retarded cousin of olanzapine.
If you want it to come down after stims.. ask your doctor for zyprexa instead, it will work better in every way for a come down and to get sleep. Trust me.
Awesome stuff... I am no stranger to benzos at all and I tried this stuff for the first time today... REALLY nice - in all honesty its defintaely my new favourite!!
I've been using these for the first time this last week, as an MPDV antidote. Am finding them an absolute godsend. Just 1 tablet overpowers the awful mpdv comedown (and the need for compulsive redosing) so you can stop redosing and sleep whenever you choose. Feel ok next day too.

I hadnt tried any sedative/benzo type drugs before so had no idea what to expect. I had been expecting One tablet to knock me out, but its not like that atall lol just chills your body mind to the point where you could sleep, if you need it (you always do after an mpdv binge).
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I recently had a fucking great time on MDMA, O-Desmethyltramadol, MPA and about 1.5 bottles of red wine (this combo, or some subset of it, turned me into a porn-star, 2 full hours and no sign of coming, amazing! Unfortunately she had been on the same combo and failed to come too, our sole rewards were the joys of contact and painful genitals for several days). I took 2mg etizolam to get to sleep. It knocked me out, fell asleep sitting on my sofa, but there was no issue waking up again about five hours later.
That's great news! I'll be rolling and sleeping comfortably next weekend :) I'll be getting 60pcs somewhere next week. I ordered 30 at vendor no.1, but they were out of stock. So I ordered 30 at vendor no.2. Then vendor no.1 said they could deliver anyway, including a free sample. So I told vendor no.1 to ship. When I went to cancel my order at vendor no.2 I found out they already shipped my order as well. So I guess I'll have enough for a while...
Aww fuck it..

I've got 125mg decent 6APB powder that I've been eyeing up for a few weeks, it's been over a month since last time so tonight's the night. I'll come down on Jack N Coke + 1mg Etizolam, I probably won't follow up on this post if it proves fatal ;)

1/3rd bottle of Jack and 1mg doesn't seem overly excessive to me, I'm betting on it just knocking me spark out on the sofa. Comedown, what comedown?
I've noticed a general lack of consistency in the quality of these. Some seem strong, some seem very week. Probably made from an inconsistent mix.

I want to know if others have the same findings. I've found some batches to be great and some which you only feel effects when eating it like candy.

1/3rd bottle of Jack and 1mg doesn't seem overly excessive to me, I'm betting on it just knocking me spark out on the sofa. Comedown, what comedown?
Mixing benzos and alcohol is always going to be frowned upon. Why don't you just use the alcohol for the come down and the etizolam to reduce any hangovers the next day?

I don't think etizolam makes a great come down aid, it helps, sure, but if you have strong alcohol around it seems better to just use that...
I have definitely heard the Etilaam pills circulating are of variable quality. I can't personally say one way or the other though as the etizolam I had was powder form.
Sounds more and more like your best bet is to find some powder-source. I've bought the blue pellets and it may be the coating but they do seem to give mixed results.
iv got 10 of these coming tuesday to try just hope they dnt end up like phenazepam with me
I'll let you guys know when my two orders come in. Next week I'll be busy so won't be able to properly test them, but will definitely post something here the week after that.
I'm a complete newbies to benzos, but I'm starting to worry about withdrawal from etizolam if I use it for a month or 2.
Currently I take 2-4mg a day, much more for stimulant come downs or for recreational purposes.
I have unpleasant memories of spending a month using large doses of phenibut and then going cold turkey and suffering from the withdrawa - I'm concerned that Etizolam withdrawal could be a lot more unpleasant.

How long can I use Etizolam before it gets to the point that going cold turkey becomes dangerous?
I've used 130mg (130 etilaam 1mg pills) in 3 weeks. Will I be able to go cold turkey with no repercussions?
^There's no exact range. Three weeks would be cause withdrawal for some; others may not experience it. Etizolam is essentially a medium duration and potency benzodiazepine, so I'd say comparison to lorazepam in terms of addictiveness would be a fair bet.

Even if you don't get to the point of seizures, benzo withdrawal is unpleasant in general and you definitely don't want to experience it.
^There's no exact range. Three weeks would be cause withdrawal for some; others may not experience it. Etizolam is essentially a medium duration and potency benzodiazepine, so I'd say comparison to lorazepam in terms of addictiveness would be a fair bet.

Even if you don't get to the point of seizures, benzo withdrawal is unpleasant in general and you definitely don't want to experience it.

Thinking about the short halflife for this substance drives me to think that withdrawal would come quicker and hit harder. And you are right "

How long can I use Etizolam before it gets to the point that going cold turkey becomes dangerous?
I've used 130mg (130 etilaam 1mg pills) in 3 weeks. Will I be able to go cold turkey with no repercussions?

I would not quit cold turkey, If you have some way to get ahold of some diazepam that would be great. 130 pills in 3 weeks is about 6mg aday. Get some more and start tapering of for a week or two. In the beginning take of one half tablett/day for a week and see how that feels. The week after that you have 1mg/day or even 0.5mg. Then just try eating 0.5mg the next week when you really need to. Because of your short time this hould be enough.

The only reason I asked about the diazepam is that it has great properties for getting of other bensos like long halflife, muscle-relaxant and takes care of the anziety.
To be fair, those 130 pills also largely contributed towards stimulant come downs - which at times I'd have to have 10mg over a few hours to get any sleep. I've been a bit reckless though, definitely.

I once went through 300g of phenibut in about a month, maybe a little less, and then went cold turkey on that when my supply ran out. I was literally unable to sleep for a few days and things got a bit crazy until I got hold of some zolpidem. i'm hoping short term etizolam use won't lead to worse.

I'd be a bit mad if I get any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms since the Etizolam hasn't helped me that much and has practically no sedative or recreational properties for me. I've mostly been using them purely because I bought a large supply and taking them seems better than nothing.

Unfortunately I'm unable to get hold of any benzos. I've been back and forth between doctors therapists and psychiatrists for over a year now and none of them have suggested anything more than an anti-depressant.
I have found 1mg etizolam to be pretty useful for getting a nap after stimulants or 6-apb. I've never taken more than one at a time, usually on going to bed or, if I want calming down ahead of sleep, an hour before. Since I bought them about three weeks ago I've taken them on six occasions and that gives me pause for thought. If I didn't have them I'd still have done the stims but spent a sleepless night (I'm not talking about sessions here, maybe a line of mpa a little later than planned or an extra bump of peevee), but I'd maybe have had a night or two off to recover. But having them to hand means there is always a feeling of 'what the hell, I can take a bump and then bring it down whenever I want with a little blue pill'.
These have given me pause for thought too. I am totally new to this class of drugs; I also bought them to bring down stimulatnt binges, but i have found them much nicer than i ever would have expected. I have already gone back for more twice, am gonna have to set myself some bondaries with these like I have more or less successfully done so far with stimulants (none during the working week) I can see these being potentially more addictive than stimulants as it seems they could very easily become a part of daily life....
I've been having pretty much the same thoughts as mydrugbuddy. I took my first benzo last week (Lorazepam) to get over a hangover and was very satisfied with the results, especially after smoking some weed. Weed has become a part of my daily life (mostly at night, a couple of hours before bedtime) and I can see these little pills becoming part of it as well. Although my order (still) hasn't come in yet, I do notice that I'm getting excited whenever I think about trying these. Let's hope I can exercise some self-control for once.
[first post, felt it was time I started giving back to bluelight]

Bought a sample of 10 1mg pills from trusted vendor, arrived as unmarked blue pills.

I'm new to benzos, bought these hoping they will be useful primarily for stimulant comedowns and for reducing intensity of bad/overlong trips, since I just got some AMT. (any thoughts on this plan?). Also may experiment with them for anxiolytic effects in random annoying social situations.

Tried half a pill last night to get a feel for what they are about. Ingested orally at midnight.

Effects felt at +30 mins: mild relaxation.

At +2 hours: feeling fairly mellow, like afterglow of chill weed.

+2 hours to +4 hours: sipped on two glasses of white wine, clearly potentiated the experience. Feel very relaxed, nothing special just fairly peaceful. Music feels very pleasant and present, like on small amount of nice hash.

Went to sleep easily, slept deeply with plenty of dreams toward the end.


Tried 1mg today at midnight (1 hour 45 mins ago).

At +1 hour: effects clearly felt, doppy, sluggish, slightly dizzy but mostly clear headed. No anxiety, but also no euphoria or really anything enjoyable. Wouldn't want to socialize on this dose, unless with stoners. Not really much fun, will stick to .5mg if I ever use this recreationally.

Going to start sipping some wine get ready to sleep. Hopefully wine make it a bit more fun. Though I understand you need to be careful mixing benzos with booze, so will take it easy.

Edit: +2 hours 15 mins: one glass down, feeling much more mellow and cool, music getting a little awesome. Will have to be careful not to overdo the booze while on this stuff. [note: I am a bit of a booze hound]

Edit: +2 hours 35 mins: booze makes this stuff good. Feels kinda like weed, but without the psychedelic aspect, and without the weird/crazy connections and tangents the brain makes. The Blade Runner OST is very... nice.

Final Edit: next day. slept 10 hours, very hard to wake up. not a fan of this stuff for recreational use, rather just drink or smoke weed.
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I"m amazed at how 1mg of this stuff can kill the end tail of a 1.5 tab LSD trip within 30 minutes.

There still are residual effects from the acid, but everything else is back to baseline.

A very good addition to a psychonaut's arsenal if the need arises.
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