• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand


40 minutes? That's a little short dude! Not really fun don't you? Is the end stimulation a la methylone?
I'm extremely surprised at the lack of proper trip reports or ANY reports, for that matter, concerning this substance. Anyone have anything? I'll be writing some up for the community here soon, as the opportunity to sample has presented itself, but I'd love to have some more actual input from people who've used this before to guide my own experiments.
I have moderate experience with both 4-FA and 4-FMA, taken in every route but IV.

I find IM/Plugging/Snorting are the most effective for both these chemicals, in that order. Oral is fine, but takes a lot.

I personally, don't get effects from 4-FMA. I've smoked upwards of 100mg in one night, and IM'd 40mg at once, and plugged 30mg. I get tired usually after using 4-FMA. All my friends report different effects though, positive stimulation, horniness, etc. However, crack cocaine doesn't get me high either, it's very strange. I've never gotten effects similar to MDMA at all from either chemical at any dose, they are like pure stimulants on me.

4-FA though, works fine on me. I right now mix it 50/50 every time I dose of f-FA and 4-FMA because I find it actually makes the 4-FMA work on me, and has a better buzz than just 4-FA alone.
Working on trip report now. Currently assaying. I am VERY satisfied with these chems so far. Have sampled both and will report back.
Let this be a landmark in working with both 4-Fluoromethamphetamine and 4-fluoromethamphetamine. I think it's the first real trip report, such as it is :p

Set was my wife of 2 years and I in our home.
Setting was 11 P.M. at night. Somewhat stormy outside.
Mood was a mix of anxiousness and excitement.

We had no scale, as my previous investment had broken. First we broke out 500mg of 4-Fluoroamphetamine. This main pile was split into 10 smaller piles of roughly 50mg each, give or take. 5 for me, 5 for my wife, equalling 250mg to both of us. Note that ALL DOSES were insufflated about 45 minutes between each other. However, the first few doses were about 5 and 10 mg apiece, to test for product validity and allergic reactions.

T+0:00: First sniff. Damn, this stuff hurts. A lot. Not the worst thing I've ever snorted, but still pretty bad. I take note my wife says 2C-E is still the most face-wrenching substance she's ever put up in there.

T+0:05 - Another small line. Wowee. Each one of these sniffs is followed by a single super-red watery eye, tears, and a few sneezes. It's not unbearable though. Body feels a little disconnected. Wife says she's getting an adrenaline rush. I'm not even close to done topping off for a while yet....these warm up lines are only for testing potency!

T+0:15 - We snort another. Wife gets a slight bloody nose, but nothing too bad. Starting to feel a little more happy and alive at this point.

T+0:25 - We snort our biggest yet. Jesus christ, my nose is going to go on strike tomorrow. Wife and I take a break to feel out the effects and take a shower. I did one extra line here on my way up (She was feeling it more than me and I was getting impatient!)

T+0:30 - I meet wife in the shower. Damn, this stuff finally kicks in pretty nicely. Extreme energy, mood life, sociability.

T+0:35 - Shower was great but I was too impatient to stay long. I dry off and head downstairs to the computer, and I do another line. ZING! God damn it, I can't decide if I'd rather have more of this caustic anger in my nose, or stomp on broken glass without shoes or socks.

T+0:45 - Wife comes back from shower. Says this stuff is extreme on her sex drive and that she masturbated while up there. Hahah....where was I during that. We do another line. Eye wiggles are hitting hardcore and it's feeling more like MDMA, though still not. Jaw Clenching is noticed slightly. Almost no heartrate increase, Hooray! This is something I get paranoid about on stims. Dosing continues about every 30 minutes until 4-Fluoroamphetamine is gone. (500mg, 250mg per person). We talk and dance with each other for a while.

T+1:30 - After this, we decided to have some intimate time, and broke out the 500mg bag of 4-fluoromethamphetamine. It seemed to burn even more than the other, but my nasal passages were nearly immune by now. One roughly 50 mg line of this stuff every 15 minutes or so commenced until the bag was gone.

T+4:30 - After hours of intimate time, we finished the rest of the bag of 4-Fluoromethamphetamine in the process (250mg per person, totalling 500mg. This brings the grand ingestion total of material to 500mg of 4-Fluoro(meth)amphetamine for us both. By the way, it's obvious this compound has some serious 5-HT activity by the way orgasms worked for me.

T+6:30 Effects tapering but still quite apparent. Looks to me like we're both going to have a pretty decent stimulant buzz for a while yet. Empathogenic effects are mostly all gone now.

In retrospect...the 4-fluoroamphetamines are some new favourites of mine and I will be buying again, no doubt. They reminded me of Ecstacy in its empathogenic qualities, while retaining a definite amphetamine speediness and drive. Also MUCH more physically benign than almost every other stimulant I have tried. Wife feels exactly the same. It's worth mentioning that 4-Fluoromethamphetamine seemed to act exactly like its counterpart besides a slight taste difference. Definitely give this one a try.

Positive Experiences:

Enchanced Tactile Sensation
Increased Mental Acuity
Increased Mental Speed
Increased Sex Drive

Neutral Experiences

Loss of Appetite
Eye Wiggles
Pupil Dilation

Negative Experiences

Elevated Heartbeat
Jaw Clenching
Heavy Sweating
I've snuffed 50mg of 4-fma. Effects are close to 4-fa but are little bit more intense for such doses, but trip is shorter (30mins and some effects already are finished).
short effects: empathy, weightlessness
long-term effects: stimulation

So main action is about 40mins. And I can't estimate duration of stimulative effects but it's duration is longer. I hope we'll estimate it soon.

this makes sence as someone 2 sites before posted a japanese paper where the half-life of 4-fma was determined to be only ~1-2h (then it gets converted to 4-fa)

@Pseudovoyager: holy crap I only sniffed 4-fa twice at one night and I had blood in my tissues even 1 week after that....cant belive you took 500mg nasaly (which is alone a MASSIVE dose)!! thats pretty hardcore ^^

I normaly took 150-200mg oraly at once and the hangover the next day was really heavy, thats also why I completly stoped to take any stims but you didnt had any bad effects the next day from 500mg??
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@Pseudovoyager: holy crap I only sniffed 4-fa twice at one night and I had blood in my tissues even 1 week after that....cant belive you took 500mg nasaly (which is alone a MASSIVE dose)!! thats pretty hardcore ^^

Massively stupid. Never again, I say. What a 3-day hangover. Oh, and my nose was screwed up for about 6 days after...just now feeling 100% back in order.

Don't do what my wife and I did. :) Fun but not worth it. From another post I made in the 4-FA thread:

...after doing a stupidly large amount in one night, 4-FA and 4-FMA combined gave me some of the worst depression I've ever had from a substance for 3 days after. My poor serotonin system! :(

I REALLY think this substance needs to be used responsibly.
Ok I have sampled 4-fma this evening and will write up a full report on it soon. Bottom line it is more potentthan 4-fa and has a much stronger peak/rush feeling. The only probably is that the duration for recreational purpopses is very small compared with 4-fa. I was got about 3 solid peaks and then and still dealing with the stimulation at like9 hours later. Nothing major just can't sleep.
I will say this...the bomb of this one is top of the class...up there with drone/methylone for suer in terms of energy love burst that eminate through your chest and body.
Nice chem...just see how I feel when I wake.
Then they'd be selling a positional isomer of 4fa, a schedule 1 compound, no? Then again, some British vendors appear not to care about such 'trifles'. :p

Alright so here's my exp with 4-fma, as there is very little info on it at all (altho the last few most recent posts here on bluelight have been informative):

Intranasal: Burns pretty bad, short acting stimulation (perhaps I never snorted too much because it hurts)

Vaporized: Distinct taste, not unpleasant, short acting stimulation (Perhaps I haven't smoked enough to feel full effects, altho I have smoked a few fairly sizeable bumps repeatedly and sometimes the stimulation is barely noticable at all).

Oral: Pure, long lasting stimulation. I stirred a couple good bumps of 4-fma into some orange juice and drank it down. I thought, two hours after ingestion that I had come up and down, but in retrospect I think that was placebo. At 2 hours I finally began to come up...and once I came up I was stimulated for about 8+ hours.

Oral dose caused clean, pure stimulation with no paranoia. I got a ton of work done on the web.

To summarize, as an effective stimulant, this is a real winner when dosed orally. The lackluster effects from snorting and smoking this compound, as compared to the strong and long lasting effects of oral dosing, leaves me puzzled however. This could be explained by unweighed dosages or perhaps it is metabolized different when smoked or snorted vs. oral? I'm almost out, but my next oral dose of this will be weighed and I don't think I'll try to snort or smoke it again.
Alright so here's my exp with 4-fma, as there is very little info on it at all (altho the last few most recent posts here on bluelight have been informative):

Intranasal: Burns pretty bad, short acting stimulation (perhaps I never snorted too much because it hurts)

Vaporized: Distinct taste, not unpleasant, short acting stimulation (Perhaps I haven't smoked enough to feel full effects, altho I have smoked a few fairly sizeable bumps repeatedly and sometimes the stimulation is barely noticable at all).

Oral: Pure, long lasting stimulation. I stirred a couple good bumps of 4-fma into some orange juice and drank it down. I thought, two hours after ingestion that I had come up and down, but in retrospect I think that was placebo. At 2 hours I finally began to come up...and once I came up I was stimulated for about 8+ hours.

Oral dose caused clean, pure stimulation with no paranoia. I got a ton of work done on the web.

To summarize, as an effective stimulant, this is a real winner when dosed orally. The lackluster effects from snorting and smoking this compound, as compared to the strong and long lasting effects of oral dosing, leaves me puzzled however. This could be explained by unweighed dosages or perhaps it is metabolized different when smoked or snorted vs. oral? I'm almost out, but my next oral dose of this will be weighed and I don't think I'll try to snort or smoke it again.

any idea how many mgs you were using?
Somewhere in the 20 - 50 mg range I think, I don't think I was dealing with 100mg amounts or anything like that.. I've done 4-fa weighed and it's heavy though (a small amount actually weighs many mg's).. so could be a similar situation with 4-fma

to me seems about twice as potent by weight compared to 4-fa..I 'll know more once I eat a weighed oral dose.
Just got a 1000mg in the mail. The price for 4fa right now is great. Insuffulated around 160mg and am very pleased with the high. Its no mephedrone but def worth a try!
4-fma is at least twice as euphoric and easy going as 4-fa is IMO. It comes on smooth and has a nice peak. Only problem people are running into it seems it that it causes a "super moody" day like 3 days after your last dose. Be safe and start low.
punk rock said:
Just got a 1000mg in the mail. The price for 4fa right now is great. Insuffulated around 160mg and am very pleased with the high. Its no mephedrone but def worth a try!

This thread is not about 4fa.

What does everyone think about the half-life of 4fma is?
I was thinking it was long (12+hours) for experience although the last 6 hours effects are pretty small
To summarize, as an effective stimulant, this is a real winner when dosed orally. The lackluster effects from snorting and smoking this compound, as compared to the strong and long lasting effects of oral dosing, leaves me puzzled however. This could be explained by unweighed dosages or perhaps it is metabolized different when smoked or snorted vs. oral? I'm almost out, but my next oral dose of this will be weighed and I don't think I'll try to snort or smoke it again.

Maybe it is inactive until it's metabolized into 4-fa?

The reports on this substance seem to have irreconcilable conflicts. The difficulty of getting a read on it is why I have stayed away.
i had a 500mg sample of what was supposedly 4-FMA... didn't feel too speedy after consuming ~350mg over 6 hours or so. started out with 100mg oral, then two hours later another 100mg, then a few hours after that railed 150mg. i definitely felt an affect, but my feeling was that it was weaker than it should have been at those doses. who knows though, it was my first trial with this compound (if it even was this compound).

so yeah, my report is that everything with this stuff still seems pretty inconclusive =p not sure if i'm going to try again with a different vendor or not. we'll see and i'll let you know if i do.
railed 150mg?!

if this is anything like 4fa FUCK knows how you managed that