"How High is North America?" v team nod spring training

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well, today i worked only 8 hours, and smoked no weed. sounds like every other 4/20 in my life.
and apparently i'm deciding to stop smoking cigs. i really have no idea why but fuck it, extra $220 in my pocket a month.

My man who gets pills couldn't find any bud and i got one of my boys to get him a sack and smoke him up, it was close to dinner so i couldn't exactly go with him....so he gave me another 30 for free. That motherfucker.....mah nigga.
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Didn't think I was gong to get high but the day turned out great including me gettin some really good herb, gettin school work done, and making a little change.
Please be careful, you already know there is a high risk of seizure with larger doses of tramadol...I feel like I wanna state that for Harm Reduction purposes.

I hope you did a CWE on the 60mg of hydro? And generally, I feel hydro is more sedating than oxy, although these oxymorphone pills snorted make me nod like nothing else.
ehh 60mg of hydro doeesnt need a cwe..its only 6pills with 325 in each now if they where 5/500s that would be different..

Yeah I'm seventeen and a senior. I got into party schools like penn state but I don't know if I'm going there. I might just go to ccp in philly then to temple to save money. That's still a party school but I'm going to try to focus on school more than parties or else I'm screwed...

Yeah if I have to get homebound I will. It will suck but ill live. And I get good grades and my principal was like its obvious you're very bright and keep up your grades. You can learn outside of the school building but we need you to come in. I was like uh huh okay whatever...he gave me a speach about how he knows everything about depression and how when you wake up there's a cloud over your head. I wanted to punch him because he was being so stereotypical and he even was rubbing his hands on his head when telling me depression is a chemical imbalance. Some people these days.

I have anxiety too but my doctor doesn't believe in combos but she said I should go to a psychiatrist but I don't know if benzos would be a good idea.
Personally I would go the 2years at the CC..I mean your lookin at 1500-2000/semester instead of like 7500+/semester..not to mention you live at home and you can still work..plus if something happens you at least got an associates degree..

you can also go visit your friends at there school every couple weeks to party and get fucked up...and can really decide what school is for you..

16mg of sub in a day is ridiculous. im not knocking you at all because lord knows i had a habit like that at one time but i couldnt imagine being able to take 16mg of sub. the few times i have taken suboxone i have been nodding off 8mg...
That's what I'm sayin.especially cause he doesn't shoot he should need no where near that much

Yeah, like I said i know the whole thing with sub being over perscribed and after a while you don't need anywhere close to 2 pills a day, but like I said, I'm comin off a 25 bag (or more if I had extra cheese)a day habbit, if I was able to take any less amount of sub and feel decent I for sure would be. I was on subs before for a few months (buyin them off the street) and last time it was pretty much the same thing, 2-3 pills a day at first, after a while 1 pill was lastin me like 5 or 6 days.

I expect this first week to be close to 16mg a day, maybe only 8-12 towards the end of the week. Then next week I'll try to get down to 4mg, and then maybe later that week or the next week down to 2mg. But no way in a month or 2 willl I still be takin 16mg a day, now that would be ridiculous.

This shit be makin me super depressed tho, I feel like my girl just left me (she kinda did) but I don't even miss her ass I just miss the d, just can't stop thinkin about rippin open a few bags and the great taste drippin, then doin the dope fiend lean for half the day and bein content with doin that and nothin else.

On the other hand, I can't wait to spend some more money on somethin besides d. I got some new forces yesterday for the first time in a fuckin minute, it almost felt weird spendin $60 on somethin that didn't come wrapped in a rubber band and to actually have somethin to show for the money spent. I was about to sell my whip last week to get some cheese for some d, good fuckin thing I couldn't find the title cuz god damn would I be regrettin that shit right now. Shit like that is what makes me want to get clean.
its all in your head man..16mg is way too much...I just went a week and only needed 8mg and I net I didn't need all 8mg...prolly only needed 6..
25 bags a day!?!!?!?! FUCKING CHRIST. when i first started doing H the most i ever got up to was like 7-12 bags.
I've got a hard time believing 25/bags day...not sayin you don't but to me that sounds impossible..I thougjt me snortin 8-10bags was excessive..

But I got you tonite RM...I copped a jab and a half today so this nod is for you..and since I saw my PO today and don't have to see him til next month..plus its 4/20 I called my dude too see what he had in stock and today was OG KUSH..the real OG too cause this shit came in a can like the lemon wreck and GDP..so I'm gettin fucked up today..
Ya I tend to agree that prescribed bupe doses are typically way high. There are those that take their 32mg dose daily and they stay clean so YMMV. One thing I do notice is that those of us that use very small amounts seem much more likely to use full agonists again.
im doin bag 4 right now and im kinda dissappointed im not already fucked up, my eyes are starting to get heavy and i feel it..but i can tell this weeks batch is a little weaker then last weeks cause i had 2 bags left over and compared them and this weeks is definetly not as strong
Hey team nod...tonight, just a good deal of wine (maybe 3/4 a bottle? I don't drink much, was at a professor's house for dinner), about 1mg of ativan and .5mg xanax, and now lots of bongs. Not nodding mad hard like I was last night, but still feels good :)
im doin bag 4 right now and im kinda dissappointed im not already fucked up, my eyes are starting to get heavy and i feel it..but i can tell this weeks batch is a little weaker then last weeks cause i had 2 bags left over and compared them and this weeks is definetly not as strong

Last weeks shit was some the of the strongest dope I have ever copped from dude. For w/e reason it looked really nasty and dirty when cooked up. I've never seen china white look that dark some specs were almost pure black when cooked.
sounds like we're well on our way!

Chinky, that is my only aggravation with smack....i fear the inconsistency of batches, which inturn would--i think--lead me to use more.

P_C, sounds super!
Yeah I feel like I'm all about "legalize it" in terms of pot today...I shouldn't need to pee in a cup for a job, after seeing I have a Master's degree. If you want an efficient worker, you let me smoke pot in my spare time, end of story.

Plus I woke up with an "opiate hangover" today but it was damn fucking worth it, stayed up and enjoyed a beautiful thunderstorm and the sound of rain hitting my window...honestly, after how perfect last night's nod was, I'd be okay with never nodding again. Absolute bliss <3
or just forget it because of retrograde amnesia

probably, but fuck that I suppose.

Then again, a lifetime supply of cannabis would be even better. The nodding is nice on occasion though, especially when I'm NOT in awful pain and I can enjoy all of it so much more. My DOCs are weed and benzos though, opiates come in after that for sure.
we're 106 posts away from needing another one of these.

New Title: "How High is North America?" v. 2011 team nod Playoffs
That seems like a good idea, have to point it out to maybe Tommyboy when he's not out getting blazed off his ass. I usually hate social threads, but I happen to like this one for some reason. You guys are awesome.

I love that last night while real opiated I cleaned my bong at 5am, makes tonight SO much easier.
I agree with your perspective on social threads, this one just has such a chill vibe and i actually feel like we're all "friends" on some sort of level.
I agree with your perspective on social threads, this one just has such a chill vibe and i actually feel like we're all "friends" on some sort of level.

I agree with the chill vibe, I don't even go into the CD social much and I'm a CD mod, I'm also a friend of Tommyboy's at this point so I felt like I wanted to participate in his beloved forum, and I decided I liked it here :)
Lol @ being CD mod and skipping out on job!

we're glad to have you, be our mod!

LOL I think CD and BDD is enough for me to handle right now :) Plus your mods are great! And not skipping out, moderators work as a team, if there are mods that ENJOY moderating it, why not leave it up to them and do what I enjoy moderating? Mods work at a team, not alone =D

And now the wine with then benzo and weed combo has me crying over all sorts of things, not necessarily hysterical panic crying, just crying, holy shit I'm so female. (I really am female.) :!
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