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too much ragin' and not enough zzz'in


There's a solution to that problem. More booze. It induces Z's.
If not, do what I have been doing and throw some benzos in. You'll wake up in the strangest of places like "I can't believe I fell asleep while walking to the fridge to get another beer"
but at least it is sleep.
Morning guise!!

It's Friday....best mother fucking day of the week!

Yes it most certainly is. Not only is it the only day without the impending doom of knowing you have to go back to work soon, but it is also the only week day when I can start drinking at about quarter after 1. And it is also a nice feeling to know that I am kicking off a nice multiple day long drinking binge. Hour 1 of 56 completed. And still sooo much time left. Gotta love friday afternoons.

Snoo witchyall?

I myself have to go pick up a roof rake from my grandfather and try to get some of this shit off of my crazy steep and weird shaped contemporary roof before I get too drunk, and before we get MORE fucking shit on top of it and it collapses like so many others in the area have done. I was on the road doing errands for work today and I probably saw a good 40 houses with people on the roof cleaning that shit off. One asshole even had a little tiny craftsman snowblower up there. Way to go dude.
I know that if I wait till tomorrow, for one I'll be too wrecked to complete anything real, and two, it will be nice and re-frozen and even harder to remove, so I might as well do it now.
might be going with a buddy of mine to pick up some herb

neighbor invited me to a wake'n'bake sesh at his house tomorrow

found my glass pipe that i managed to convince myself was lost or stolen

got an oz of weed, a pack of cigarettes, and a damn near unlimited supply of soda

life is gut
Seriously tho, I used to work for this garage and the owner had his hands in all sorts of business. One of the things he became while I worked there was a slumlord. He bought some piece of shit apartment building in the lovely side of New Britain 8) and proceeded to kick the few people out who were not on section 8 to make room for a whole building full of section 8. More guaranteed income for the landlords I guess but for everything else hell no. Just seeing the way some of these people lived was fucking appalling. I had to go in there with him and help him out with a lot of shit, and some of the stuff I saw was incredible. Some people are just shit. You WILL NOT see that $12 either, even if the nAgger won the lotto.

$12/month and didnt make a single payment in a 12 month lease. incredible.
Yes it most certainly is. Not only is it the only day without the impending doom of knowing you have to go back to work soon, but it is also the only week day when I can start drinking at about quarter after 1. And it is also a nice feeling to know that I am kicking off a nice multiple day long drinking binge. Hour 1 of 56 completed. And still sooo much time left. Gotta love friday afternoons.

Snoo witchyall?

I don't get out until 5 but there may be some wine in my near future, it will be a nice chill night :)

Friday is truly the best day of the fucking week, no question about that at all.
I don't get out until 5 but there may be some wine in my near future, it will be a nice chill night :)

Friday is truly the best day of the fucking week, no question about that at all.

friday is just another fucking day....
I just completely fucked up a CWE on 25 5mg hydrocodone pills. I couldn't count how many CWE I've done in my life and I have never messed up. Hopefully I got a chunk of the APAP out of the pills.
oh shit./ I did that a couple mof months ago with somw 5/325 mg percs and said fuck it anyways. i doubt it will kill you but man don'tt fuck around tpoo myuch and get lazy. apap is a bitch. just repeat ifm you absolutely have to it will take a few more minutes but is well worth the safety risk.
fuck yeah srs business


trying to not rage too hard so i can super-rage tomorrow. shit's difficult. FUCK YOU SOCIAL
Finally bankai! A bad plan of action on my part. Somehow I thought it'd be worth it for someone to deliver shit to me "on my way by"
fuck yeah srs business


trying to not rage too hard so i can super-rage tomorrow. shit's difficult. FUCK YOU SOCIAL

The spider is gonna fuck Vitor up. I like me some gracie ju-jitsu as much as the next but, belford is no silva.
The spider is gonna fuck Vitor up. I like me some gracie ju-jitsu as much as the next but, belford is no silva.

i'm afraid you're right.

however, that fight can go SO many ways. i'm hoping it's going to be exciting but the potential for it to drag on as they're both going to be cautious is also there.

i won't lie, though. if vitor takes silva i won't be mad at all. i'm honestly tired of all the fucking dancing. which i'm sure we'll see plenty of tomorrow.

either way, stacked card is fucking stacked. i came just watching the weigh-ins.

who else you liking for that card?
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