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fuckin 4+ inches on the ground here

hadta go into work today n open shop, was up at like 6:50, the snow has made it kinda easier to drive but there is still that sheet of ice under it n ive seen more spinouts n accidents thismorning then the last 3 days
fuckin like 9 days without dope is gut,

had school completely canceled this week wus gut

didnt have to work for 3 days was gut

but im here today n it sucks
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9 days without dope, huh?

You should almost be feeling like a human being again.
how the fuck is someone going to be on section 8 with rent of $12 a month and still not pay?

un fucking believable
9 days without dope, huh?

You should almost be feeling like a human being again.

woke up at like 5:40 this morning with a smile on my face so i just layed back in bed til 6:50

yea i feel damn near normal

Nice job dawg!!! You can do this

Rage too hard last night?

thanks much, it hasnt been without subs tho, but i have been takin progressively less n i went the other day without some n took a tad last nighht soo ima go without it tonight
I haven't had any "real" opiates for a few days now. But I just can't seem to get by without my crutch. Oh well, lifelong Imodium Maintenance Therapy it is..
Seriously tho, I used to work for this garage and the owner had his hands in all sorts of business. One of the things he became while I worked there was a slumlord. He bought some piece of shit apartment building in the lovely side of New Britain 8) and proceeded to kick the few people out who were not on section 8 to make room for a whole building full of section 8. More guaranteed income for the landlords I guess but for everything else hell no. Just seeing the way some of these people lived was fucking appalling. I had to go in there with him and help him out with a lot of shit, and some of the stuff I saw was incredible. Some people are just shit. You WILL NOT see that $12 either, even if the nAgger won the lotto.
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