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☮ Social ☮ PD Social: Loquacious Psychedelic Love Lazers

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I'm doing good, enjoying the little things more and more.

Probably going to start a new art project today, the creative juices are flowing again. :)
I love your work Solipsis, especially this one.


it's beautiful.



this picture makes me breathe soo
Haha I knew you hippies would like that tie dyed shizzle

Has anyone seen Mr. Nobody? I loved that movie <3

Nice that you are doing well Charlie, a good while ago I recall
you had it rough, didn't you? So how is the lifestyle, wild or
not, and sustainable?

oh and do you have a link to some of your art?

Personally I was fucking up, teaming up with ketamine to
conclude the break of a phase in my life that turned sour.
Back at the elderly home now making changes, getting therapy,
going from one type of welfare to another until I can get back
up and running. Meanwhile I use my time to get creative and
I need to remove the last remnants of addictive drug behaviour
like taking codeines a lot and using benzo's more often than I
should. The last bits are hard, I am hardly ever very high but
still I am not looking forward to an indefinite number of sober days.

I am very glad to say I am finally moving in with my best friend though!!
Around the beginning of april, by then I am positive I will have worked out
more shit, it's already going sooo much better!
It's not around the corner but it will be in a city with people I appreciate.

It seems we're all progressing aren't we? Sometimes it doesn't seem like it
though when you are stuck for a while. I hope not too many of you are, and
if you are don't let the suffering be too long I pray.

Gonna kick back with a big glass of Chianti classico =D
and a movie
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Man, I just got done talking to my ex...

She said shes going on a hot date tonight... it hurt alot when I heard that.

I miss her so much but she treats me like dirt. :(

I'm still doing good as far as my drug use goes and I wont let her mind games make me relapse.

She's not worth it... I never knew a person could be so cruel, she repeatedly blows my mind with her low-blows.
Sorry to hear that kid...

I'm sure you deserve a lot better. Hopefully you can leave that nasty attitude with her and let that crap flow right past you and then away.
There aren't many people here that I see, or anywhere that seem to release their inner child and creative output and life energy like you seem to, Charlie, don't let anyone take that away from you - actually I have been perplexed that hardship hasn't seemed to. Know what Im sayin?

Man this makes me think of Andy. I miss that guy, don't know much about his freaky side and the shit he pulled but that is also a spirit to admire.
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Thank you <3

I'm not going to let it bring me down, I'm sure I'll find the right person someday.

Besides that nonsense I had a great first trial with Methoxetamine this morning.

What a wonderful compound.
Ah sounds like it yea, apparently it is also even more addictive than K like it can be even nicer than it as well (or so I've heard).

I wanna know when it gets banned because I do want it to have when the time is right. Similarly I have a vial of K staying at a friend that I will IM when the time is right. I have never done that, but I need to stay away from any and all dissociatives for a a good while.

Haven't tripped in quite some time either, I feel like a modest dose of acid would do me good in this transition, to help reset old shit. But I don't have a private place for it or enough time to do one.
MDA should also be coming my way as we speak that can also be therapeutic and not to mention tons of fun flipping the fuck out.
I haven't eaten any acid in awhile, well over a year.

I've been more interested in sampling ones I've not tried lately, it's thrilling to me, something about new sensations.

But I do love me some LSD on a blue moon, its where it all began for me, this psychedelic journey.
Haha okay - yeah I have been collecting new ones in the meanwhile but I won't be testing them out in this situation here, for the two reasons that I can only rely on a known and true compound like acid or mescaline to be therapeutic and that I can't have unexpected reactions in a restricted living situation.

I think trying stuff out too often will also exacerbate stuff I have like something looking like OCD and other similar things that sometimes group with it.
But if I can get myself regulated a bit more and get a new place to live then once every so often I will give new stuff a shot. Like T-2, T-4, T-21, 2C-N, 2C-P, 2C-iP, 5 different NBOMe's and other ones - and when I allow dissociatives again 4-MeO-PCP..
Man this makes me think of Andy. I miss that guy, don't know much about his freaky side and the shit he pulled but that is also a spirit to admire.

Are you talking about samadhi smiles?
he posts regularly under the name Matsuo Matafuso.

I know him personally, not sure i know the freaky side youre talking about though.

Charlie, much love brother.
As the old saying goes, "there's plenty of fish in the sea."
And you live right by the ocean ;)
Wait till spring, bring your rod and go fishing (sexual innuendo not intended, but it works here :))
i hates that song, for serious, if i haz to listen to deadrat IMO teh best is a song called slip
Holy shit theezy I wanna got to Coachella :D Really really really bad

You definitely should, its an experience like no other!!!!
I honestly cant wait, these next 86 days are going to be the longest 86 days of my life!

I decided to keep it low-pro this year, as last years acid craziness, while fun, did take away from the festival experience.

(Taking two hits of liquid whilst alone isnt the best idea, even if you're both comfortable with LSD and your surroundings!)

Decided to just smoke weed/hash and do bumps of ket the entire festival, with methylone one night for funsies (probably the night the chem bro's play), and then a 2C-B pill I have which is about 12-15mg for when Green Velvet plays.

Should be some proper wonkiness :)
Eek, so there were two school shootings in my within the past two days, the one today being next to a high school down the street from where I live. A cop was shot right in the heart, and the only thing that saved his life was the bullet-proof vest he was wearing. Insanely lucky man!

This happened around noon, and they still havent found the shooter! Its some real scary stuff man. :\

Much love to him and his family, as well as the victim of yesterdays shooting (which I havent heard much about, only that it happened).

Its a scary world, man.

Rightio, time for accupuncture and then sushi!
Catch you all on the flipside, pd socializers!
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ThizzerferRizzle, Coachella does look sick, sadly i wont be making the trek across the country, despite wanting to really badly.

Im hoping to catch Shpongle/Hallucinogen, Bassnectar and a few other hot acts at Wakarusa this year if all works out.
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