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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Methoxetamine) New experience: Flying through the landscape of my mind.


Bluelight Crew
Mar 7, 2010
This isn't a particularly accurate trip report, time-wise, as I became a bit unstuck from time, but generally from start to stop, it's about 4 hours, not mentioning lingering effects.

Yesterday evening I took 90mgs, (2300) turned out the lights and lay in bed. Everything was normal at first, and I thought 'hey, I'll be able to handle the experience if I'm just laid here, doing nothing with my eyes shut'. Then my duvet got caught on some sort of rotary device, and started to bend my bed downwards into a circle, and my whole body was bending with it. But it didn't end there. On the other side was a whole other WORLD, full of pushing, pulling, twisting, lurching machines, and I was being passed through each one of them. My body moved forwards, backwards, upwards, spiralled inside out, you name it, I felt it.

I was confused, I had forgotten that I had taken any drug. I didn't know whether I was dying, or whether this was as life had always been. The only resemblance this world had with the real world was the deep crashing of waves that were my breaths.

I still had full motor control, however. I needed the toilet, and went to the toilet. But I didn't perceive the act of doing it through ANY of the 7 senses. I perceived it through an 8th sense, if that is possible. Detached from reality, time and space, my body got up and went to the toilet whilst my mind lost within itself.

Then at some point, the music I had playing at the time materialised itself as avenues and sensations over my body. This must have been during the peak of the experience, as I had no idea that this was music. I couldn't hear anything, only feel things in a remarkably profound way. This went on for a good 3-4 hours. After the 4 hour mark, memories started trickling back to me. I remember having taken a drug...remembered that I was in my room (still took me a long time to recognise it again). Realised that I had music playing over the hifi. The rolling body sensations began to fade....and slowly I came back to Earth...with a huge smile on my face

I'm not sure whether I had fallen asleep, but I don't think it matters, since the whole experience could only be described as a waking dream. It was absolutely profound, impossible and beautiful. Once I decided I wasn't dying, I could enjoy the experience and wow....I know I will never, ever forget it.

If there is such a thing as an M-Hole, I think I found it. This was a complete and utter ego-shredding, mind-bending psychadelic experience. The sensations of being rolled about were quite real and powerful. My ears were ringing. My whole body tingled. It was WONDERFUL!!
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Well, now I'm positively intrigued about this methoxetamine chemical. Nice report!
Nice report and am glad you had a good experience... i think the key is right mind set.. specially with methox...i also adore that slight opiate effect it has on you.. takes away axiety makes you feel warm and fuzzy
Nice report and am glad you had a good experience... i think the key is right mind set.. specially with methox...i also adore that slight opiate effect it has on you.. takes away axiety makes you feel warm and fuzzy

Yes this substance gives a definate sense of well-being. It's not exhilerating, like MDMA, but as a result it keeps itself sustained over a long time, and doesn't have any sort of comedown. I love it =D
You describe your experience a heck of a lot better than i did. I often finds words can never accurately represent the sort of bizarre-ness that goes on in my head in these situations.

It seems quite different to mine which may be a result of you taking a larger single dose rather than my spread out session, although I'm thinking more and more that K tolerance is a major factor for me.
You describe your experience a heck of a lot better than i did. I often finds words can never accurately represent the sort of bizarre-ness that goes on in my head in these situations.

It seems quite different to mine which may be a result of you taking a larger single dose rather than my spread out session, although I'm thinking more and more that K tolerance is a major factor for me.

Thanks, but I hope people don't take my romantic analogies of what happened as a guarantee of a good time.

Nobody should by any means see this as an invitation to dive headlong into the MXE experience. I was lying motionless in bed, with the lights off, yet from my perspective I was moving at great speed. Had I been in a club, I dread to think how the experience would have panned out...
Then my duvet got caught on some sort of rotary device, and started to bend my bed downwards into a circle, and my whole body was bending with it. But it didn't end there. On the other side was a whole other WORLD, full of pushing, pulling, twisting, lurching machines, and I was being passed through each one of them. My body moved forwards, backwards, upwards, spiralled inside out, you name it, I felt it.


this is one of the best explanations of a khole, i have been to this place many times. I can't wait to try methoxetamine. Any tips for IM injecting, anyone?
JSPete said:
Then my duvet got caught on some sort of rotary device, and started to bend my bed downwards into a circle, and my whole body was bending with it. But it didn't end there. On the other side was a whole other WORLD, full of pushing, pulling, twisting, lurching machines, and I was being passed through each one of them. My body moved forwards, backwards, upwards, spiralled inside out, you name it, I felt it.

this is one of the best explanations of a khole, i have been to this place many times.

I could not agree more slopoke - a consistent part of many personal ketamine experiences revolves around being twisted through vein-like tunnels, or once travelling around the inner edge of a object/universe/existence shaped like a pyramid except made of increasingly smaller circles.

The total lack of any resistance from anything resembling gravity and sheer fluidity of movement with the user both as a physical item and simply as if viewing an entirely alien environment through a remote camera hardwired into the brain - these aspects are some of the most frustratingly difficult to explain to friends who have never taken dissociatives.

In addition

JSPete said:
Nobody should by any means see this as an invitation to dive headlong into the MXE experience.

That sounds so very familar. Ketamine often leaves me feeling 'that wasn't necessarily fun by any definition but I wouldn't wish to have missed out on the breathtaking immersion of the journey itself'.
I could not agree more slopoke - a consistent part of many personal ketamine experiences revolves around being twisted through vein-like tunnels, or once travelling around the inner edge of a object/universe/existence shaped like a pyramid except made of increasingly smaller circles.

The total lack of any resistance from anything resembling gravity and sheer fluidity of movement with the user both as a physical item and simply as if viewing an entirely alien environment through a remote camera hardwired into the brain - these aspects are some of the most frustratingly difficult to explain to friends who have never taken dissociatives.

+1 for eloquence :D
This is going on my to-do list then, I'll take your advice about taking it easy though. Just because you had a good trip doesn't mean I should run off to a heavy metal concert or something. Thanks for the report :)
The experience was certainly more than I bargained for. I had no idea that such an experience was possible!

same for me. You kind of expecting a bit of a letdown because of past expirences with the new latest thing,but are left thinking that thats probably the most out of your tree you ever been.
Coraline is the greatest movie for MXE. The colors are so vivid and the music and animation is just phenomenal. It's all live action dolls so it doesn't have that cheesy CGI look. Get yourself some methoxetamine, weed, Coraline and a tres leches cake or ice cream cake, and you are fucking set! I am really surprised most of the drug and art people I know haven't seen this movie, and no I'm not pumping sales for it or anything it's just an experience I wish everyone could enjoy.