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The Big & Dandy 2C-I Thread

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2c-i + 4-aco-dmt + jwh-073 + nitrous

to make a long (and fuckin epic and beautiful) story short:

I actually wanted to start experimenting with 20+mg of 4-aco-dmt this weekend. but as my buddies wanted to try 2c-i I chose to join them for the sake of trip duration...with an option to boost the fun with 4aco... :) (weed and jwh-073 were smoked all the time this weekend - myself enjoying jwh073 alot. even has serious psychedelic properties for me..)
3 hours into my 23mg of 2c-i the experience was hilariously chaotic and extremely positve for the 4 of us but -for me- lacked some depth and seriousness.
so 6mg (setting was not the safest so I stayed on the safe side regarding dose) of 4aco were consumed. effects were felt within 20min. profound tryptamine body energy, increased visuals, strong +++.
I thought that not so much more is gonna happen until things became really interesting when ~90min after consumption of the 4aco I smoked a hefty dose of jwh073.
the fast onset (ime within one minute) of the 073 felt like a psychedelic punch in the face. nitrous was thrown in and it was absolutely ...don't know the right words in english... WILD. eerie. but absolutely positive. including no-difference-if-eyes-open-or-closed-visuals.(outside the n2o-peak where this is inevitable of course..)
it was still very hedonistic and hardly spiritual but DAMN INTENSE. all I could think was :! "POAH!" 8o
during the trip I had the feeling that the 2 drugs do not really synergise at some level but I can't remember what bothered me. probably the mighty 4aco(felt its profound power at that small dose already..) being pissed off by the playground that our lovely 2c-i is... ;)

the combination is recommended nevertheless. might be better with something like 10mg 2c-i and 15mg 4aco but thats speculation and surely a completely different game.

btw: there was a long afterglow and negative aftereffects were not felt until I consumed 200mg of M1 at t+14 to dance into the sunrise - made me feel like shit and puke my guts out in the afternoon... :\
now, 2 days afterwards I still feel a little bit "alien". the experience had something quite heavy on it...
What is ths fascination with I ? Br delivers a much more intense exp.

....If you can get a bunch of 2C-B to toy with. Price? Availability? Legality? An entirely different drug? (There is certainly a 2C-B thread.)
Remark on solubility

Last evening in my laboratory I was able to process a solution of 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine in 99% EtOH with a concentration of 50 mg / mL.

P.S.: When the ethanol was introduced into the vacutainer and the solution seconds fresh, the solution was homogeneous yet light gray in color (approx. #D3D3D3). Condensation formed rapidly about the vial and was allowed to rise to 70 degrees Fahrenheit and stored out of light.
Upon investigation 12 hours later, the 2C-I had fully entered solution and was completely translucent, devoid of color and particulate, as though water were stored inside.
I snorted 2C-I two weeks ago, and yes it definitely hurt, but it was bearable. I railed about 5mg, and it hurt for a while but really not all that bad! About 20 minutes later I snorted anouther 3-4mg and it wasn't much pain at all. Shortly after that the world came to life, and any burn that was left no longer mattered. :) Also, you get more for your money this way. Half of what you'd normally swallow, putting it up the shnoz gives equal effects.
has anyone any experience combining 2C-I with an MAO inhibitor? I just ordered some Syrian Rue to combine with 4-AcO-DMT, and I was wondering what 2C-I and Syrian Rue would do.
I found a good enough answer to my own question, the erowid page on 2C-B recommends against MAOIs + 2C-B.
if one is brave, i feel that 2C's and beta-carbolines would be a safe combination in small enough doses.

there's a report on erowid of someone combining syrian rue extract with small doses of MDMA. they did it proper shulgin-style... slow build up of doses over many, many attempts until the minimum active dose was found. this is the only way to guarantee safety. in combination with an MAOI, the active dose of MDMA was reduced by nearly an order of magnitude i believe.

so yeah, if the most powerful known serotonin releaser can be safe with a potent MAOI at the right dosages, i don't see any reason why the combination of beta-carbolines and ANY serotonergic drug shouldn't be safe in the correct dosages.

however, THIS IS NOT THE TYPE OF EXPERIMENT ONE SHOULD DO IN SEARCH OF RECREATION. stick with single drugs and known safe combos if you just want to get high/have a psychedelic experience!
2C-I is the perfect festival drug. At 20 mg my girlfriend and I both experienced amazing visuals, very "Alex Grey"-esque to be cliche with spirals and eyes forming throughout the sky, indicating universal awareness. The CEV's were beautiful. Very euphoric as well. And rather stimulating. Perfect for a festival.

At the same time we both kept our composure interacting with many friends and a few new aquaintenances.

Not nearly as deep as 2C-E, but much more manageable in a public setting.

My girlfriend is on SSRI's and she took her 30 mg daily dose of paxil earlier than usual just in case she forgot to bring them to the festival. We both experienced the same level of intensity at 20 mg, but her comeup was slower. She ended up peaking as my peak was tapering down, but other than that the SSRI's had no perceivable effect on the experience.

Since my girlfriend has been on an SSRI she can't feel the magic of MDMA (obviously), and she said that 2C-I provided a very similar euphoriant effect, most likely precipitated partly due to the brilliance of the visuals. She remarked that all of the stars looked like diamonds in the sky, and she understood what the Beatles were conveying.

My girlfriend takes paxil for depression and anxiety and she felt that 2C-I was the perfect psychedelic for being out in public. She finds psychedelics to be very therapeutic in helping her with anxiety and depression and has found usefulness in more heavy duty psychedelics such as LSD and 2C-E but after this experience she decided that due to her anxiety, 2C-I was the most appropriate psychedelic to do in public. She recently dropped LSD at a Tool concert and it was a little too intense =)

With 2C-I, she had complete relief from any signs of anxiety. We both felt great. A buddy had snorted about 13 mg of 2C-I earlier and when we found him at the show it was nice to find someone on the same wavelength. He was remarking how euphoric and visual the effects were. Although he said snorting it was not a good idea ;)

I brought 2 gels with 12 mg of 4-AcO-DMT, but we didn't feel any need for them. 20 mg of 2C-I was great at an outdoor festival. The Cat Empire and Arrested Development singing the Sly song "Everyday People" were the highlights. Overall very fun psychedlic experience without literally "weaving the fabric of reality in layers throughout your psyche revealing the true lattice nature of the universe" like LSD.

Simplest way to describe 2C-I.


10 hours after we dropped my girlfriend was still high. Effects were noticed within the first hour by both of us, and fully peaked within 2.5 hours for me and almost 5 hours for my girlfriend. The one noted observation was that my girlfriend peaked considerably later than me, assumed to be a cause of her SSRI medication. 10 hours after dosing, my girlfriend is still noticing closed and open eyed visuals and feels a general positive energy. I am fully back to baseline but am experiencing an afterglow as the experience has helped our relationship grow.

Take note that taking the SSRI paxil on a daily basis in combination with 2C-I has caused the psychedelic effects to peak much slower than usual and has caused the experience to last much longer, while being qualitatively as intense.

I think it is important to document the effects that SSRI's have on psychedelics as well as the effects of all prescribed and OTC medications, as many people will be combining them with psychedelics.
I'm getting very paranoid on the side effects of 2c-i. I'm scared its doing something permanently to my brain and I dont like that it hasnt been documently researched.. Anyone know where I can get more information? I mean, I have read everything I could find and I know what it does.. but I wonder if it could be harmful long-term even if you dont do it that often.
I'm not sure if there is really that much info on the long term effects of 2C-I...but I think it carries all the risks of mainstream psychs...maybe a bit harsher on HPPD...
yeah, seems to be pretty harsh on some after images, tracers, etc. mine went away after a month or so though. Just give it some time and stay away from it if you're worried, but this risk comes with all psychedelics.
maybe more

Well damn, last night I finally did 2C-I.. Wasn't quite what I expected. Got a nice headache now.. :(

Maybe I didn't got my dosage right.. ~12 mg is what I took, but found the stimulation and muscle tightness, together with the disgruntled stomach and headache, certainly not worth a bigger dose. Next time I'll try it, it'll be around the 5 mg.

Maybe you should have take more not less. The bodyload with small to moderate doses is the same you get with higher doses. The thing is, that in my experience on higher doses (16mg + x) the effects of the drug (mood lift, some analgesic properties, psychedelic thinking) get so pronounced that they mask the unpleasant sensations completely. In my experience desired sensations at lower doses are not intense enough to suffer through the side effects.
Maybe you should have take more not less. The bodyload with small to moderate doses is the same you get with higher doses. The thing is, that in my experience on higher doses (16mg + x) the effects of the drug (mood lift, some analgesic properties, psychedelic thinking) get so pronounced that they mask the unpleasant sensations completely. In my experience desired sensations at lower doses are not intense enough to suffer through the side effects.

I concur, I wouldn't ever repeat my low dose 2C-I, uncomfortable and underwhelming. 22mg is around about my sweet spot.
FINALLY took my 2c-i after 4 months of having it. took it in my house with me on 20mg, and my gf on 17mg. had two friends rolling both on a poke each, one was new. overall it was really awesome! had its own unique look, very neon. only a few point were it got overwelming, but the funny overall tone helped alot( i get this with lsd, not so much shrooms) def energetic but the rolling crowed held channel said energy. psychedelic mindset but noting being shoved in my face. overall i liked it alot, we both will prob up our doses to 22 in said future. 17 required more concentration to obtain visuals. everything appeared to have an energy to it. it was a really good re-introduction to psychedelics in general because of the gradual onset..
negative- made me sweat, alot. and the air was on cool.
slight to mod nausea for about 2 hours.
this overlwelming feeling of what i would call pressure drops, like driving from a high elevation city to a low elevation city.
slight headache before bed. but that was it.
overall, badass. 7 hours before sleep, and a one hour onset on a empty stomache with strait powder.
Tried 2c-i this weekend, first time doing anything other than pot or alcohol. What a mindfuck of an experience. I had read about it a bit on erowid, it seemed to be pretty safe, and so I took ~36mg. In hindsight that was definitely too much to start with, but fortunately things turned out ok. I was with a few friends, 4-5 people, just keeping it calm and casual at a somebody's house. Along with my dose I had some pizza and a few beers, so perhaps this delayed the come up.

I noticed the first effects after about 45 minutes -- little visual details that seemed so vibrant to me. The visual texture of the carpet and the rhythmic motion of my friend's dog's ribcage as he breathed in and out. There was also a bit of a body high coming on at this point -- I felt energetic, perhaps a bit tense (maybe the vasoconstriction associated with 2c-i). Within another 45 minutes I felt more tense, along with a general inability to focus for more than a few seconds on anything. The visuals were ramping up as well; I recall going outside and being amazed by how beautiful the grass was. The sun was setting and the whole scene struck me as like a very vivid, 3D version of some impressionist painting.

I had taken the hit at 7pm, and I think I peaked at about 10pm. I was quite restless -- unable to sit still, felt a lot of tension -- and the visual experience really jumped off at this point. Having never done any sort of hallucinogen before I had no perspective on just how high one could get. I was expecting the sort of minor visual effects I mentioned, but it really hit me when the world started, as best as I can describe it, "glitching". Conversation would briefly cut out, movements and audio began to occasionally syncopate. I thought my friend was trying to play a joke on me by acting "glitchy", but as his face began to stretch towards the fishtank I realized I was just experiencing the next level of 2c-i. My pupils were quite dilated and we ended up dimming the lights down really low and just having a few glowsticks scattered around the room.

The next 45 minutes were without a doubt the longest of my life. Time felt like it stopped, and I started to get a bit freaked out by just how high I was. I had expected visual effects, but the whole experience (body tension, time dilation, "glitches", face stretching) was more than I could ever have imagined -- it felt like nothing else I had ever felt before. I realized that I was entirely too cavalier about taking 2-ci -- I had basically just assumed it was all a game, that it would be no big deal. I simply didn't realize what sort of effect 36mg could have on me, and I was worried that I would cause some sort of brain chemistry imbalance, or that the body tension would result in some sort of cardiovascular damage. It was just paranoia, but all I could really focus on was what a mistake I had made. I should have started small, I should have respected the chemicals. By this point I was basically rolling around on the floor, unable to be still but physically uncomfortable in any position. I was constantly checking the clock, thinking "I just have to wait this out. This will pass and I'll be ok". This was also the only real introspective experience I had in the entire night -- I came to the conclusion that there was no going back, and that I had no control over what effect 2c-i would have on me. The only realistic options were to relax and go with the flow, or call 911, go to a hospital, get sedatives and a huge medical bill, perhaps even get arrested. Realizing that the suffering was all in my head, I was able to calm down, and by 11pm the tension seemed to wash away and I felt pretty good.

I was still a bit physically anxious -- I could sit, but not sit still. But generally speaking I felt much better by this point, and the trip hit a plateau for the next few hours. The effects of the 2c-i would come in waves: for perhaps 15 minutes I'd have only minor visual effects (walls/floor shifting just ever so slightly), then I'd have a phase of much stronger hallucinations (face distortion). One of my friends (had only smoked, didn't take any 2c-i) went to sleep at around this point, and the rest of us just talked and listened to music. I was still very sensitive to light -- I remember how difficult it was to get music playing on my friend's laptop -- the screen was just so goddamn bright. Over the next few hours I felt like I got an experience from the 2c-i that redeemed the uncomfortable first few hours.

Overall I came down at around 4-5am. So the trip lasted between 9 and 10 hours for me, which is more than I expected, but probably due to me taking too large of a dose. Even after the effects wore off, I was wired awake, and could not sleep until noon.

I'm glad that I went through all of this. For one, it really opened up my eyes to the fact that all of my reality is simply in my head, which is something that I "knew" before but I was unable to appreciate the significance of it until I actually saw my reality melt away, bit by bit. Second, I feel like it made me think a bit more responsibly about recreational drugs. I doubt this will be my one and only trip, but I think I was being very immature in basically jumping headfirst into this whole thing simply on a whim (literally, the afternoon of this trip a friend mentioned 2c-i, and then a few hours later I had just swalled gelcaps not knowing what was going to happen). Next time will require more research and more modesty. And lastly, I feel like I actually got some psychological benefit from that brief moment of being scared shitless when I realized just how little control I had over the situation. Not so much the thrill of being scared (as one might get from a roller coaster), but the fact that I was able to come to terms with the whole experience and just relax and enjoy the ride.
Tried 2c-i this weekend, first time doing anything other than pot or alcohol. What a mindfuck of an experience. I had read about it a bit on erowid, it seemed to be pretty safe, and so I took ~36mg. In hindsight that was definitely too much to start with, but fortunately things turned out ok. I was with a few friends, 4-5 people, just keeping it calm and casual at a somebody's house. Along with my dose I had some pizza and a few beers, so perhaps this delayed the come up.

I noticed the first effects after about 45 minutes -- little visual details that seemed so vibrant to me. The visual texture of the carpet and the rhythmic motion of my friend's dog's ribcage as he breathed in and out. There was also a bit of a body high coming on at this point -- I felt energetic, perhaps a bit tense (maybe the vasoconstriction associated with 2c-i). Within another 45 minutes I felt more tense, along with a general inability to focus for more than a few seconds on anything. The visuals were ramping up as well; I recall going outside and being amazed by how beautiful the grass was. The sun was setting and the whole scene struck me as like a very vivid, 3D version of some impressionist painting.

I had taken the hit at 7pm, and I think I peaked at about 10pm. I was quite restless -- unable to sit still, felt a lot of tension -- and the visual experience really jumped off at this point. Having never done any sort of hallucinogen before I had no perspective on just how high one could get. I was expecting the sort of minor visual effects I mentioned, but it really hit me when the world started, as best as I can describe it, "glitching". Conversation would briefly cut out, movements and audio began to occasionally syncopate. I thought my friend was trying to play a joke on me by acting "glitchy", but as his face began to stretch towards the fishtank I realized I was just experiencing the next level of 2c-i. My pupils were quite dilated and we ended up dimming the lights down really low and just having a few glowsticks scattered around the room.

The next 45 minutes were without a doubt the longest of my life. Time felt like it stopped, and I started to get a bit freaked out by just how high I was. I had expected visual effects, but the whole experience (body tension, time dilation, "glitches", face stretching) was more than I could ever have imagined -- it felt like nothing else I had ever felt before. I realized that I was entirely too cavalier about taking 2-ci -- I had basically just assumed it was all a game, that it would be no big deal. I simply didn't realize what sort of effect 36mg could have on me, and I was worried that I would cause some sort of brain chemistry imbalance, or that the body tension would result in some sort of cardiovascular damage. It was just paranoia, but all I could really focus on was what a mistake I had made. I should have started small, I should have respected the chemicals. By this point I was basically rolling around on the floor, unable to be still but physically uncomfortable in any position. I was constantly checking the clock, thinking "I just have to wait this out. This will pass and I'll be ok". This was also the only real introspective experience I had in the entire night -- I came to the conclusion that there was no going back, and that I had no control over what effect 2c-i would have on me. The only realistic options were to relax and go with the flow, or call 911, go to a hospital, get sedatives and a huge medical bill, perhaps even get arrested. Realizing that the suffering was all in my head, I was able to calm down, and by 11pm the tension seemed to wash away and I felt pretty good.

I was still a bit physically anxious -- I could sit, but not sit still. But generally speaking I felt much better by this point, and the trip hit a plateau for the next few hours. The effects of the 2c-i would come in waves: for perhaps 15 minutes I'd have only minor visual effects (walls/floor shifting just ever so slightly), then I'd have a phase of much stronger hallucinations (face distortion). One of my friends (had only smoked, didn't take any 2c-i) went to sleep at around this point, and the rest of us just talked and listened to music. I was still very sensitive to light -- I remember how difficult it was to get music playing on my friend's laptop -- the screen was just so goddamn bright. Over the next few hours I felt like I got an experience from the 2c-i that redeemed the uncomfortable first few hours.

Overall I came down at around 4-5am. So the trip lasted between 9 and 10 hours for me, which is more than I expected, but probably due to me taking too large of a dose. Even after the effects wore off, I was wired awake, and could not sleep until noon.

I'm glad that I went through all of this. For one, it really opened up my eyes to the fact that all of my reality is simply in my head, which is something that I "knew" before but I was unable to appreciate the significance of it until I actually saw my reality melt away, bit by bit. Second, I feel like it made me think a bit more responsibly about recreational drugs. I doubt this will be my one and only trip, but I think I was being very immature in basically jumping headfirst into this whole thing simply on a whim (literally, the afternoon of this trip a friend mentioned 2c-i, and then a few hours later I had just swalled gelcaps not knowing what was going to happen). Next time will require more research and more modesty. And lastly, I feel like I actually got some psychological benefit from that brief moment of being scared shitless when I realized just how little control I had over the situation. Not so much the thrill of being scared (as one might get from a roller coaster), but the fact that I was able to come to terms with the whole experience and just relax and enjoy the ride.

glad you came out alright:) its a fun as drug, thats for sure. its seems like if you were going to fuck up on dosing a drug for the first time, 2ci is fairly forgiving.
^^ That's true. 2C-I is more benign and forgiving than most psychedelics, although I've taken large doses before around 40 mg and it definitely does get intense! Welcome to the world of psychedelics. I'm glad you've learned to respect them :)
Just tripped on this one twice recently. It is very worthwhile. Didn't really get any side effects like body discomfort. A little nausea on the come up, thats all. Quality visuals too.
Glad you had a good time...I have always loved 2c-i...it got me back into psychedelics after a 7 year break. It feels so clean and pure compared to the bad synths of LSD blotter we used to get sometimes back in the late 90's early 2000's.
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