Meth/Amphetamines: Serious Discussion Only

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I don't know what you can do to help with blood flow, but be careful man, it sounds like your body has taken a real beating.

I think you might be onto something with smoking it instead of IVing.
WOW ^ try N20 a variant of L-arginine if I do loads of that, with a redbull about an hour before. (i do like 60mgs-120mgs of adderall a day, not as far along, though I haven't been there before).... nevertheless even 20 or 40mgs is enough to either make me a fucking machine, - a fucking machine who cannot achieve climax, or simply a whisky-fwisky-small and non stiff dicky.

It's embarrassing cause the girls always think that its their fault or they aren't doing something right. . . and I try to reassure them to no avail.

if not get ahold of some cialis or levitra. One half a pill should do any young guy a lot of good.
Amphetamines (meth included) are some of the most addictive substances in the universe. Its improbably that if you have the bottle in your possession that you will be able to control your use. Plus after several nights of not sleeping or eating correctly, paranoia, terrible depression, anemia, paranoia, and hallucinations can start to kick in.. Also at this point it becomes taxing on your cardiovasular system and there are just numerous bad things that can happen.

I erased the rest of this as i saw it as endorsing a particular form of amphetamine - PLEASE READ WAT THIS DISCUSSION IS ABOUT.....ull never fail to get it right if u read the OP
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I have 3 weeks off today!

the_ketaman black hands and feet doesn't sound good, you should probably get checked out.

Meth stimulates a stress response which directs blood away from the extremities (like your hands and feet) in favour of your brain, heart and muscles...this combined with sitting still for so long probably is what caused your black hands and feet. But it doesn't sound normal, sounds like there's definitely something funny going on there.

As for ways to improve your circulation I'm not really sure, but make sure you drink lots of water and keeping moving is a good idea too. Apparently Vitamin E and gingko can help circulation too.
Sigh I said I was done. Gonna get out while I still can. And I'm not the only one with that resolve at the moment. Erased the message from the dealer before I could even remember the number... yet if it was in front of me tonight. I would have done it.
Why, why do I do this? I seriously don't even like it that much....
Why, why do I do this? I seriously don't even like it that much....

I had a friend who said that, right up until he got to the point where he couldn't go a day without using.
Sigh I said I was done. Gonna get out while I still can. And I'm not the only one with that resolve at the moment. Erased the message from the dealer before I could even remember the number... yet if it was in front of me tonight. I would have done it.
Why, why do I do this? I seriously don't even like it that much....

jesus christ, would you stop trying to have EVERY DISORDER OR ADDICTION that you possibly can? grow up and stop fucking complaining about everything in your life and trying to make yourself as fucked up as possible so that people will take care of you!

you play the victim in every situation and you need to take responsiblity.

you are not addicted to methamphetamine you just see it as another source of getting attention..
This is a SUPPORT THREAD FOR METH ADDICTS. Read the first post, I think it is pretty obvious.
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Sorry, I didn't realize... I would be wise to read the first posts more often I guess.
Please, let's be civil guys. Pillthrill I am glad you didn't do the meth, and I think you realize this:

jesus christ, would you stop trying to have EVERY DISORDER OR ADDICTION that you possibly can? grow up and stop fucking complaining about everything in your life and trying to make yourself as fucked up as possible so that people will take care of you!

you play the victim in every situation and you need to take responsiblity.

you are not addicted to methamphetamine you just see it as another source of getting attention..

as a part of BPD. So why not let's everyone chill out.
I'm not saying it is okay, I'm just saying it's getting away from the general discussion. I'm not a mod and not going to play one, but I'm just personally saying I don't want to see back and forth bickering on here, please.
My comments to PT were about this thread... you're the one getting away from the general discussion..
I realise many of you don't read the blogs! So here is an extract from mine I wrote a few months ago.

Many of my thoughts seem to contradict each other. I’m in my own mental war with myself.
Meth does not define me. I hate to love it.

My respect for Meth and the potential it carries is beyond words.
The way that it can overpower someone.. Power that has gripped me, and pursued it even whilst staring into the face of death – head on...
Meth made me different person, with a different personality, a whole new character, while the true you is still present, but being locked up behind a barrier that prevents any and all of your former morals, personalities, and beliefs from playing any role within this new person. A person you never pictured yourself becoming. The thing you said you’d never be.
A person who sleeps with men for money. Drags others willingly into a course of addiction without regret. A person who drives their own mother to depression and their own father to suicide. A person who just doesn’t give a damn about anything but their fucking pipe.
Meth creates a glass wall, leaving you at times able to see through and see what you used to be but never able to become it. All advice from other people will be denied and furiously retaliated because of this entirely different person that you now are.

It’s when you finally see a glimpse of the person you used to be – that you realise you are addicted. For some this never even happens. It didn’t to me for five years. Now it has; and I wish I remained oblivious. It’s easier not to care.
I'm not a mod and not going to play one, but I'm just personally saying I don't want to see back and forth bickering on here, please.

well.....i am a mod so i will step in here (in fact im generally the mod who takes care of this thread - just havnt bn around much lately due to my holiday)

PT - no this is not an 'exclusive club for meth addicts', however it is titled 'meth/amphetamines: serious discussion only' which makes it pretty obvious whether u read the OP or not (also i take it u at least read all the posts above u and must have noticed a trend - that they were all about amphetamines?)
if wat u were talking about was amphetamines of some description, u r welcome to add to the thread....maybe it wud help us all if rather than just posting in here at random u introduce urself and say wat drug ur talking about
if it was about opioids/tramadol or something (i always thought that was wat u were into) then while this isnt an 'excusive club for meth addicts' of course it was out of place in a thread so obviously about speed/meth
and if it was about methamphetamines (ive never heard of this phenomenon with other forms of amphetamine), of course some ppl get addicted, psychologically, after the first hit - i was with meth, so keep on adding to the thread but only if it is genuinely about speed/meth
as u know we hav many exclusive threads for other drugs, including opioids - and tramadol cud b included in that

mia - we dont know yet whether or not she genuinely was talking about amphetamines or not.....we have yet to find out
lets give her the benefit of the doubt
if she feels she 'wants to stop using a drug cos she doesnt even like it that much but cant stop'....well u never know - she cud b talking about meth
although i loved meth from the day i began using i was addicted from the first hit
some ppl dont believe thats possible? i dont give a felt like my saving grace, and i smoked it evry day after i first tried it, (then moved onto IVing) for 8yrs straight
before we start any fights, lets not make any assumptions till we know wat drug PT was actually referring too - even then, i prefer lack of personal attacks in this forum

us mods chose to title this thread that (the 'serious discussion only' part at least) cos not enough ppl were reading the OP (something it is advised to do wen u add ur piece to any thread as uve acknowledged for urself) and some ppl were even joking about meth addiction, making triggering comments, posting triggering pics and even endorsing amphetamine use wen the purpose of this thread is to talk about ways to stop/cut down our amphetamine use! (as u will see i hav even had to edit a post on the page before cos someone was ranting on about how wonderful a particular form of amphetamine is
their post was long and they probly had less than ive already typed worth of adverse effects of amphetamines (again cos they didnt use the OP and obviously thought, while they were seriously discussing amphetamines, it was fine to talk about the fine sides of a thread in TDS - if they had put two and two together they wud hav realised, this being TDS, its actually a thread about ADDICTION/the downsides of amphetamine use)
in the OP i hav outlined wat is and isnt acceptable in this thread - maybe all those who havnt read it shud go do so now
plz evryone, learn from these fuck-ups and read all OPs wen replying to threads - it saves us mods more work we dont need on our plates

now one person im worried about is u, ketaman, after reading ur post (the initial one on the last page) - i want u to think something over
u say u can 'afford an opiate/benzo habit but not a meth habit but ur meth use is creeping up again'
i tell u this now....u cant afford any of them
u plan to use meth coming up some stage - why? didnt u just go to rehab to get help for ur problem? being abstinent means not using at all
i know that sounds ironic coming from me but id give anything to b able to b abstinent - id give anything to go to rehab but i cant go until im off my methadone and my valium (this cud take as long as 5yrs - 2yrs to get off the valium, then, well i havnt ever got off 'done before but ive bn told by the time i get off valium ill b up in the higher 200mgs of methadone)
i certainly dont plan to go out using meth, it just happens - and i hate it!
and ur body is telling u u cant handle much more of any of it - the meth, the shooting pills.....any of it
this isnt about opioids/benzos so ill keep this as brief as poss - u cant handle a habit with either of these either (maybe ur wallet can but ur body cant)
u dont hav 9 lives
whacking up oxy will kill u.....maybe not while ur this age but sooner or later it will
as for saying ull use opioids occasionally - no one who has bn a junkie can get away with this.....if u start using opioids again u will inevitably end up a junkie again
benzos r actually really hard on ur liver too - and if u whack those up, man r u playing with fire
try to think about why u went to rehab.....was it to get clean and start to live an enjoyable life, before u get too old and this starts catching up on u? or was it to have a holiday, give ur body a chance to recuperate and then go back to using?
cos there r a lot of ppl out there that need help and i dont mean to b harsh but maybe (if u went there for the second reason that is) it wud hav done someone desperate to get clean a bed and had u 'caught out' for using
that sounds really mean but thats not how its intended - ive bn there, i used at evry rehab i went to and it was a gd sign i wasnt ready to stop cos i, never fail, came out and used again
this time i want it so bad id die for it.....i know im ready to give up and the rehab im going to is small so id b mighty pissed if someone was in there using
u will know wen u r ready to give up too
keep trying but i suggest u take heed to some of wat i said whether u like it or not - chances r, if it pisses u off, its cos its a bit close to home.....
cos u know no ex-junkie can get away with occasional oxy use
u know banging pills will kill u sooner or later
and u know that planning to use meth is just going to take u back to square one....addicted
please think this over objectively - none of it is meant to b an insult

me? i fucking wish the rehab im destined for wud take ppl on the valium drop program and MMT
i feel like im going to b coming off methadone much faster than i need to b on it (i wont stabilise properly while on benzos and its going to - like i say - take me 2 yrs to get off valium, so im going to stay stabilised for the minimum allowed time of 6 months before starting to come off.....and thatll b slow, painful and unpleasant)
but wats my choice? 2 rehabs here take u on valium/methadone but ive done both and neither suited me
the one im looking at best suits my needs (in particular they provide tutors for ppl with ADHD/learning disorders and its pricey so evryone whos there wants to b there unlike at other auckland rehabs)

im getting by, sort of, but i fuck up enough to a fuck-up
like last night i got 3 hrs sleep due to my gd friend P
i had some shards (maybe 1.5 pts of strong gds......over 90% pure) - i had to give a presentation (ironically about the damage methamphetamine does to ppls lives haha 8( at a marae today in front of 30 odd 'Maori youths at risk'
i was nervous and jittery and worried about them judging me and wat id say
so, on automatic, i went out and scored some burn, came home and sat on the back step at 1 in the morning, taking to my friend on the phone (one whos also trying to give up P but slips) and taking hits from Bruce (thats wat i call my P pipe - named after Bruce Dickinson from Iron Maiden, who im sure wud b honoured :\)
my friend was telling me off for smoking P and i was like 'mmm-hmmm *puff puff*......yep *puff puff*'
reminds me of the first line of that Ozzy Osbourne song '11 Silver' on his latest album (which i think is about methamphetamine if u read the words - the song not the 'silver' a name for meth in some country? US? UK?) - 'your words, they circle round me....they go right through my head yea'
because wen ive started hitting the pipe thats wat happens, i fail to listen anymore, im just concentrating on one thing

and claire, i luv those words from ur blog
i felt like that for so long
however like ive said before, u can do it
if i cud go a yr P-free after 8yrs straight (and another yr off-and-on) on meth, u can do the same after (6yrs?)
it is easier not to care
but in the end u HAV to care
i got to the stage where i was doing things like going to competitions (one-day events) fried - and id b in the lead after the dressage and the show-jumping but after no food, no water and a bad heart cos id lost all the muscle round it, id nearly complete the cross-country course (very strenuous for both horse and rider) and id start to feel shaky and have to hold onto my horses mane for grip toward the end for grip.....then id b nearly finished and on the highest score (Maverick is one speedy horse and i always take the shortest routes through combination jumps) and before i got through the finish flags id pass out and fall off Maverick, losing out on the prize, points towards qualifying for higher competitions....and id wake yet again in hospital with other ppl having to take care of Maverick, who i shud hav bn taking care hed taken care of me
or going into psychotic episodes where id lie down in the middle of the road to prove i was so invincible cars cudnt run over me - i wud 'lift them up'
it was 'detox or die'
oneday u will hav to 'care' its not as 'easy'.....but ull b bloody glad uve done it
btw hun - dont ever take on the guilt of thinking u 'drove ur parents to depression/suicide'.....theyre adults, they make their own choices
just like we do
I had not planned on posting but I believe that mods and others are worthy of a reply:
DW- actually I was talking about meth. Something I fell into as of late. You find the right people and it seems to be every where you look. Its funny how the same person that will give it to you and smoke it with you is the same person who will tell you how bad it is. You don't tend to run into that much with other drugs. But a few of us, that a newer to it have decided we don't want to end up where the others are and want to get out now. Isn't the easiest thing in the world.
Mrs. Mia Wallace, you need to lay off the meth because you are out of control. Leave pillthrill alone. She was just contributing to the post.
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