TDS Photo thread.....round 2.

fuck implants, no woman needs them!
u look great as you are, better than great
you'd be crazy to get surgery PT
i think they look silly anyway, you're beautiful as it is!
yeah same libby
and ive always wondered
what happens when they got u need 2 replace them :S
and the ones that go wrong, all the celebrities and that, i look at it for a laugh
lopsided, and look like balloons stuck on sticks, its fairly amusing
I'm not anti implants, if you like them and it makes you happy to have them, I say good for you. I just don't really understand why people want big ones so much because I want small ones.
walking your boob into a door frame fucking hurts. Having sex you have to hold your boobs to stop them shaking because they're heavy and it would hurt. dresses never fit, if they fit in the waist they are cutting circulation in your boobs, if they fit in the boobs they are loose at the waist and make you look fat.
maybe when I get to feeling better I'll post a pic and you can be the judge if I should crawl back under the bridge. I could take one right now sitting at the computer, but it wouldn't be pretty. Claire you looked better on meth than I do now...
comparing self to others makes feel bad..
If you are ugly you compare to someone average and feel bad
if you are average you compare to someone pretty and feel bad
if you are pretty you compare to someone gorgeous and feel bad.
if you are gorgeous you compare to models and feel bad
if you're a model you compare to super models and feel bad

No ones ever happy.

don't compare to others, just see whats nice in you.
I have a big nose and there are loads of people in the world prettier than me, but I still think I look good.
I would like very much for it to be perfect, and i do what I can, with the hair dye, the make up, the dieting, etc. etc. etc. it's far to easy to obssess.
the whole reason I ever did drugs to begin with was to lose weight, and now I'm quiting I'm gaining it back anyway, and all this misery of my addiction amounts to nothing.
All the times I worked 14 hours straight, whoring my body evewn when every stroke jabs into your cervix with excruciating pain, just so that I could buy drugs, so that I could be skinny, and I don't even get to be skinny at the end of it.
Wow that just makes me feel awesome inside, lol.
so try not to obsess if you can.
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It's ok to not have words, this is a picture thread lol.

This is a photo of a painting I made in year 11, its the one from my avatar, I like it.
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Very true! My ex had 36 D's and they looked great when she was dressed up showing off cleavage with an underwire bra. But naked, her boobs sagged when she was only 19. You can't deny biology and the law of gravity.

I prefer perky B cups over D cups any day!

why do so many people get implants.
I wish i had little boobs,
I used to duct tape mine down, I hate them.
Now I like having them coz they're good for work, but if I didn't have to work, I'ld want to get them liposuctioned out.
Small boobs will be perky even when you get older. I'm so terrified of getting older and my boobs deciding to point downwards...
mine are a B - fine for my shape i wouldnt want them any bigger cos they're uncomfortable
n too many boys stare @ them, thankss
id rather not be reffered to "chick with big tits" or be the butt of a "did u see that chicks tits!" joke...
For some reason my boobs got really big a couple of months ago, and I had to buy a D cup bra!! 8o
(but they weren't saggy at ALL, they were quite awesome :D)
But they're back to a C now *phew*
i went on the pill and they grew in like a month a whole cup size
damn you hormones
The pill is bad for you, what's wrong with condoms? then you don't get messed in either.. and drip out slowly for 20 minutes afterwards... yukky!!! No thank you pill I don't need to go up a cup size, D cups are quite large enough thank you.
hahaha pill is easy though for me, i duno i just like it more
been on it for yrs n yrs
The pill didn't do anything to me. Other than the week didn't take it was suicide week apparently. So now I'm on the Depo shot. Love it. I shot every 4 months, nothing. no period, no weight gain, nothing
My friend reacted badly to that Depo shit. She'd get a shot and her mood and sex drive would go way down! :(
ohh depo shot, sounds like a good idea
yeah pill made my mood swings go NUTS
my bf at the time thought i was insane..
yea it killed my sex drive too..but not as bad as SSRI's.
on SSRI's you can kiss you sex life goodbye..(not that you'll want to kiss, just wave it goodbye)
^^ which is why I refused to go on an SSRI when it was recommended to me. I went on Mirtazepine instead and it had no such effect!