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The Big & Dandy Oral DMT thread (Ayahuasca/Pharmahuasca)

yeah man take a lemon or two and some hot water and mix it in with around 8 grams of the mimosa and 3 of the harmala drinkerdowwnnn
boiling water? how long do I need to disolve it in the water?

Can you say where you found that recipe and/or what it does?
Well, their not traditional ayahuasca ingredients; however, one could use them in place. Really, ayahuasca is made by soaking leaves of the various plants and then boiling down the liquid to help concentrate it. Stuff like lime can be added.

The erowid vault is not to be scoffed at http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ayahuasca/ayahuasca_info1.shtml Indeed the first recipe invoves syrian rue and mimosa hostitlis, so have fun. Just observe weirdoe's precautuions :)
will the experience be similar to smoked dmt (I never was a good smoker, I think I could inhale 30mg at max when loaded 75mg), or should I be fine to go with special mental preparation? :D
Maybe someone should mention that in order to do oral DMT, you must go on a strict diet for about a week before taking the MAOI.
around 12 hours before and after are enough

you can add a bit more to in case to react differently,
but the week-long diet is a "myth" coming from shamans who don't actually know the chemistry behind ayahuasca

because they've known about ayahuasca for longer than the western world doesn't mean they have all figured it out

for instance they'll keep telling you that the "real power" is in the banisteriopsis caapi while the other plants are only "additives"
whereas the dmt is in the other plants, such as psychotria viridis, while the maoi in the caapi only allows the dmt to be active
for instance they'll keep telling you that the "real power" is in the banisteriopsis caapi while the other plants are only "additives"
whereas the dmt is in the other plants, such as psychotria viridis, while the maoi in the caapi only allows the dmt to be active

Yeah you still get a few white westerners who claim this too. Some say that caapi is more psychedelic than DMT for christs sake. The DMT is what's causing the psychedelic effects not the harmine.
Some say that caapi is more psychedelic than DMT for christs sake.

I have seen some people fly into other dimensions with only 100 grams of caapi... and that is too much for them!

I think 100 grams of good quality vine is a really good MAOI dose (the alkaloidal content is highly variable of course!) ... with that, for me, sometimes 80-100 mg of DMT is good for some not too intense inner work... but if you really want to fly, you have to go deeper and further... but even with 200 grams of vine...100mg is deep, but still, it won't take you out of this dimension... truly into the other dimensions... for that 150-200mg is what a lot of people need and even more.

What you also need to factor in, is that too much MAOI (especially rue or extract thereof) is generally quite uncomfortable... the good thing about the vine (more harmine usually than other beta carbolines), is that you can keep upping the dose and it just gets stronger and doesn't strain the system too much.

So I find it best to perhaps use more DMT sometimes and not try and totally max out the MAOI's the system... you'd have to do lots of trials using standardised extracts to really figure this one out with different people... and the most standard MAOI I use is harmaline extract from rue, which is, say, 50-70% pure they say! if you don't purfify it too much!

I use to work with 300mg as a standard harmaline dose for me, which would be a bit less than 200 mg harmine... but 350-500mg is what people with larger bodyweights and a typically quite toxic western lifestyle (compared to the amazonian version of purity!) do require.

Also, factor in that in the amazon, they go on diets when drinking a lot of ayahuasca. These MAOI's are there to break down toxins... when you go higher in your MAOI dose, you are opening your body up to being unprotected from a lot of these toxins.

In the amazon, when working with a vine a lot, people will go on a dieta, take no salt, sugar, no meat, no oils, no alcohol, no processed food and so on... they don't have a grip on the chemical aspect of this, but it makes sense you are taking a lot of vine, and experientially, very, very few people feel like having McDonalds and then taking a few shots of vodka the morning after doing a brew!

So I'd say to people, find your sweet spot with the MAOI's and take into account that larger doses may be toxic if you are are!, that harmaline can create more discomfort in higher doses as well.

The safest way to do this IMO is to get say 80-100mg of vine and say 40 grams of high quality chackruna or say 8 grams of mimosa hostlis root bark (a MUCH stiffer drink)... this is the traditional recipe... or you can use 100mg of vine and then bomb the Dmeech in cigarette paper 40 minutes after drinking the vine, this is a good way to understand how much DMT to use for one's system too.

This is in fact, my preferred way... most DMT containing plants taste pretty yucky when brewed up!

I'll be doing a pharmahuasca trip soon...doing 4-aco-dmt first, and my body and mind just need their breaks from tryptamines (to lower my tolerance...I have a slow metabolism too)...but anyways yeah I'll do a write up on it...I'll be using very very clean (so close to pure...especially when you watch it melt in a lightbulb) DMT capped and swallowed with some capped rue...soon enough.. DMT is so damn fascinating smoked...but obviously too short...I have just enough left to do a prolonged very strong oral trip, so why not? :) I just hope i'm not one of the robots that are broken, but the factory knows I'm broken and sends me to a turkish prison to walk in circles all day because the factory prefers machines that work. ;)
I have 40 gr Mimosa Hostilis and 60 gr of P. Harmala.

Can I make something with this? Or do I need a lot more equipment?

yeah man take a lemon or two and some hot water and mix it in with around 8 grams of the mimosa and 3 of the harmala drinkerdowwnnn

How long will it work?
i havnt been there in a year or two. there have been so SO many new developments. STB is practically ancient. wow.
Mimosa recipe not quite right?

Yesterday I finally summed up the balls to try my mimosa powder I've had for about 2 years now. I added 4 cups of water to 16 grams of purplish mimosa powder as well as 2.5 tbsp of white wine vinegar. I then just barely simmered down to 1 cup and added 2 cups of water. I did this 3 times over 4 hours untill I ended up with about a cup of very dark purple liquid. I strained it with a cloth and put it in the fridge for a few hours.

Later on I ate a banana and drank a cup of fruit juice then 2 hours later I took a 80-100mg dose of Harmaline tincture I obtained from an online vendor I'm sure very many of you are familiar with.

I then took the brew out of the fridge and scooped the floating gelatin looking crap off the top and passed it through a coffee filter and was left with a fairly light red/bitter liquid. I waited a half hour for the harmaline to kick in then added honey to the brew and slammed it down.

I was expecting something mind shattering like in my days of chewing 6 grams of mushrooms and exploring the dark. But all I got was the slightest psychedelic mindstate, barely visible visuals trying to come to the surface but not quite and the classical was nice.

Where did I go wrong?
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You didn't mention using any lemon juice - when simmering mimosa you need to make the water acidic in order to draw the alkaloids out of the plant material.
How acidic is white wine vinegar tho ? Probably depends upon the make etc ......
I'm wondering about the storage of powdered mimosa. Two years is a while.... how was it stored?