Hopeless Please help me get clean off heroin

Keep on trying and you get there! Mistakes happen. Tons of people slip up every now and then. It's the constant intention to get clean that is on point. I'd think of this as an investment in yourself, which sounds obvious, but I mean that your health is most important here, so work and other things are really second, unless it's absolutely critical. No need to stress yourself out while you're taking care of your medical illness. It's for a future payoff that will make all parts of your life better in the end. Keep going. :alien:
Hi, unfortunately I have no savings and my parents rely on me providing. My management is pretty strict and unflexible with working from home and timeoff is out of the discussion as I am alone in my department and even if I am on a sick day, I still work around 3 hours that day.
It is pretty shitty, but I have no choice here.
yeah don't be hard on yourself.

Relapse is good. It makes you realise how much you hate it and then you go longer without it.

Be kind to yourself brother.
Oh man, at the beginning it was so fun but now most times after I use again, I start crying thinking what piece of shit I am for doing this all over again
Guys I took like 450mg pregabalin spread over 6 hours and like 10mg diazepam spread over like an hour and a half.

should I take the other diazepam? I was waiting to go to sleep and take the rest if lyrica just before going to bad.

Withdrawals are pretty bad but not as worse.

Should i smoke 0.01g heroin to sleep or if I do this I basically have to start over again?
Guys I took like 450mg pregabalin spread over 6 hours and like 10mg diazepam spread over like an hour and a half.

should I take the other diazepam? I was waiting to go to sleep and take the rest if lyrica just before going to bad.

Withdrawals are pretty bad but not as worse.

Should i smoke 0.01g heroin to sleep or if I do this I basically have to start over again?

yes take the other valium
Hi guys,

Here is 6am right now. I woke up in tremendous amounts of pain and I could barely move.

I fucked up again....I smoked a bit of heroin after 17 hours of being clean.(biggest progress)

I took 10mg diazepam and 300mg lyrica after I smoked like 0.02 heroin( I still have withdrawals but easisr)

Honestly I don't think I ll ever manage to get clean...but I need to and I want it so so much.
I hate myself so much for smoking it and I feel I disappoint everybody.

Thou I won't stop trying but yeah...

Do you guys have something for me? A recommendation? An advice?

Have you guys been through this? If so, how it was? How you got clean? Did u guys also failed multiple times?

I ll take another valium now, smoke a joint and go to sleep.

I ll check this in the morning. I really appreciate all the support. I feel so lonely, alone and helpless. I do have my girlfriend but things are not going as they should...we live together and I caught her smoking my heroin without asking.
I actually asked her if she has a problem one day before I caught her and she said no... I have to always be on guard in my own house now...

This also puts a lot of stress on me.
Can I also just swallow kratom or I need to make tee
There is NOTHING GOOD regarding Kratom. It’s garbage and laced with garbage. Stay the f away from to period. It does not help nor cure nor alleviate any withdrawals! Whoever started this rumor should be…..
Please stop talking about this trash as it does nothing but further harm!
I really like brixadi if you are serious and you sound like it so yeah I’d recommend brixadi or might be buvadol if you are in EU. There’s no naloxone and you take it once a week or once a month depending on your dr. So you don’t have to take something every day.

It’s an implant that slowly releases Buprenorphine. I like it because I don’t think about taking a drug every day. Helps restore normality.
There is NOTHING GOOD regarding Kratom. It’s garbage and laced with garbage. Stay the f away from to period. It does not help nor cure nor alleviate any withdrawals! Whoever started this rumor should be…..
Please stop talking about this trash as it does nothing but further harm!
It does help withdrawls. I know from experience and the majority is not laced. Spreading misinformation is harmful friend.
It does help withdrawls. I know from experience and the majority is not laced. Spreading misinformation is harmful friend.
Hi, I am in the Netherlands and here we have smartshops from where I buy kratom.

I tried it but it didn't help at all. Maybe I ate too little? I parachute them. I also tried half gram of them concentrates . I think it was 30x stronger them normal kratom.
Also tried the normal ones and nothing just stomach pain. Any recommendations on dosage and whatnot

I really like brixadi if you are serious and you sound like it so yeah I’d recommend brixadi or might be buvadol if you are in EU. There’s no naloxone and you take it once a week or once a month depending on your dr. So you don’t have to take something every day.

It’s an implant that slowly releases Buprenorphine. I like it because I don’t think about taking a drug every day. Helps restore normality.
Should I go to the general physical and ask about it?

I also didn't smoke 13 hours but then I fucked up..

Today I had s mental breakdown and stated crying....ehel smoking again after 9 hours....

I can't even last 24 hours....I don't know wbg. I hate it and k hate myself for doing it.i also have suicidal thoughs

I also have no money until salary(25th) but I have some diazepam 10mg, lyrica. 2 patches of 25/ug hour. And a patch of 12ug/hr.
I also have ketamine and 1g heroin

Everything I fail. My self-esteem dropped significantly.

I am thinking of either asking for pto or for a sick day.

Would it be enough for the withdrawals? Will I be able to go just on lyrica or should I smoke a bit before work?
Hi, I am in the Netherlands and here we have smartshops from where I buy kratom.

I tried it but it didn't help at all. Maybe I ate too little? I parachute them. I also tried half gram of them concentrates . I think it was 30x stronger them normal kratom.
Also tried the normal ones and nothing just stomach pain. Any recommendations on dosage and whatnot

Should I go to the general physical and ask about it?

I also didn't smoke 13 hours but then I fucked up..

Today I had s mental breakdown and stated crying....ehel smoking again after 9 hours....

I can't even last 24 hours....I don't know wbg. I hate it and k hate myself for doing it.i also have suicidal thoughs

I also have no money until salary(25th) but I have some diazepam 10mg, lyrica. 2 patches of 25/ug hour. And a patch of 12ug/hr.
I also have ketamine and 1g heroin

Everything I fail. My self-esteem dropped significantly.

I am thinking of either asking for pto or for a sick day.

Would it be enough for the withdrawals? Will I be able to go just on lyrica or should I smoke a bit before work?
They make lyrics patches? That’s new to me but it’s not a drug I like a whole lot though I hear it’s wonderful for opioid withdrawal and especially restless leg syndrome.

I am really very sorry for the pain and despair you are experiencing. I know it feels like it will never end or that it will never get better but it will. I used to get like that but it was mostly around when I was doing too much drugs. When I quit and got thru the withdrawal and got stabilized (in my case) I feel 1000x better and I ain’t ever told no lie or how does the saying go? You get what I’m saying tho right?

Even in the most hopeless of times, remember, the darkness cannot extinguish YOUR light. Be a light today.

I’m always available unless I’m sleeping or at work. What I’m saying is feel free to DM me if you ever need to talk. We support each other here and some here helped me get back to me and away from binges. So I say that to say I know how it feels. Many of us do.

We are all humans experiencing the suffering of addiction in our own way but there are uncanny stimuliarities in how we feel and what we go thru when struggling with it. Most anybody can help you in bluelight, just take what advice is given and test it against logic before acting on any advice because we all are human after all.

In regards to the kratom. It will help if it wasn’t a huge Fentanyl habit. I was thinking you had true heroin being in EU and all. Is it H or fentanyl?

And yeah I really don’t buy from smoke shops. Still idk sounds like you tried extract but again idk know the quality. Sounded like some homemade extract they were selling? I know it’s worked for me with subs just got to be too impractical dosing 4 times a day when I had to work at the same time so I went back in subs. But when I was in between jobs it worked great but I know I have some top level Kratom but I live in the USA so we have an overflowing market.

***Important: One of the biggest lies in the war on drugs in America I believe is that they teach in our rehabs that “you don’t have a choice, it wasn’t your fault,” or “ you will always be an addict” biggest lies ever told. And they DESTROY lives if people buy into them. They steal YOUR power if you buy their lies they are regurgitating because it’s mainstream methodologies (not evil intention). They are just the soldeirs following orders unknowingly.

You do have a choice. Do I tough it out and go thru the suffering of withdrawl and pain to be clean? Do I get help from a doctor ?(highly recommend for medication intervention depending on your countries set up)

Do I take my life? What will happen to me? What will happen to my loved ones if I do? (Please do not) Will that pain go away? Or will it just transfer to those that loved me? See energy doesn’t disappear like that. That pain transfers. It doesn’t go away. We just pass it onto our loved ones if we kill ourselves. It ruins some lives because they can’t handle the pain like we can. Yes it nearly breaks us, but we are used to it. They cannot and will not handle it. It will break them.

So I say, you have a choice and you have more power than you think. Don’t give your power away anymore. No more! No more lies! No more telling yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow, one last time, it will just be this once, I need this to survive, etc.”

I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never been in pain that they give fentanyl patches for or anything that severe so I can’t speak on that but most pain can be treated better without opioids. They just mask it. I prefer to go thru the fire, but again I never had the kind of pain that cancer patients and others experience so I am not an authority on the subject of physical pain.

most of all remember that you are the man in the arena. And that’s what it’s all about. Fighting against decay, striving for your dreams and freedom, and being there for others. Not just your friends. That’s what it’s all about.

And just as important, find your why! Having a reason for doing something challenging gives you the drive that you need to keep going when it gets hard. So find your why. It’s different for everyone, but my why is I’m not accepting this as my life, I’m not accepting their assigned place for my life in the world, I’m not going to let them put me down anymore for being an addict, I am going to rise up and overcome everyone and everything in my way. I will win because I will not stop. Each failure will make me stronger and each victory even moreso. My why is about starting a non profit I help at risk youth to prevent more from experiencing my suffering. These are some of my whys. What are your whys? Why do you want to get off this? Why do you want a better life? Do you think you deserve to suffer? Seriously wondering. I think a lot of us do.

So I leave you with this quote from Theodore Roosevelt. I am not a fan of most presidents but I love this quote:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
Theodore Roosevelt

Edit: I just saw Netherlands has no maximum patient limit for opioid substitution clinics but I don’t know what meds they use. I imagine subs but idk could methadone could be morphine idk could be a lot of things. But they have them and it’s easy to get into according to what I read but idk for sure
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They make lyrics patches? That’s new to me but it’s not a drug I like a whole lot though I hear it’s wonderful for opioid withdrawal and especially restless leg syndrome.

I am really very sorry for the pain and despair you are experiencing. I know it feels like it will never end or that it will never get better but it will. I used to get like that but it was mostly around when I was doing too much drugs. When I quit and got thru the withdrawal and got stabilized (in my case) I feel 1000x better and I ain’t ever told no lie or how does the saying go? You get what I’m saying tho right?

Even in the most hopeless of times, remember, the darkness cannot extinguish YOUR light. Be a light today.

I’m always available unless I’m sleeping or at work. What I’m saying is feel free to DM me if you ever need to talk. We support each other here and some here helped me get back to me and away from binges. So I say that to say I know how it feels. Many of us do.

We are all humans experiencing the suffering of addiction in our own way but there are uncanny stimuliarities in how we feel and what we go thru when struggling with it. Most anybody can help you in bluelight, just take what advice is given and test it against logic before acting on any advice because we all are human after all.

In regards to the kratom. It will help if it wasn’t a huge Fentanyl habit. I was thinking you had true heroin being in EU and all. Is it H or fentanyl?

And yeah I really don’t buy from smoke shops. Still idk sounds like you tried extract but again idk know the quality. Sounded like some homemade extract they were selling? I know it’s worked for me with subs just got to be too impractical dosing 4 times a day when I had to work at the same time so I went back in subs. But when I was in between jobs it worked great but I know I have some top level Kratom but I live in the USA so we have an overflowing market.

***Important: One of the biggest lies in the war on drugs in America I believe is that they teach in our rehabs that “you don’t have a choice, it wasn’t your fault,” or “ you will always be an addict” biggest lies ever told. And they DESTROY lives if people buy into them. They steal YOUR power if you buy their lies they are regurgitating because it’s mainstream methodologies (not evil intention). They are just the soldeirs following orders unknowingly.

You do have a choice. Do I tough it out and go thru the suffering of withdrawl and pain to be clean? Do I get help from a doctor ?(highly recommend for medication intervention depending on your countries set up)

Do I take my life? What will happen to me? What will happen to my loved ones if I do? (Please do not) Will that pain go away? Or will it just transfer to those that loved me? See energy doesn’t disappear like that. That pain transfers. It doesn’t go away. We just pass it onto our loved ones if we kill ourselves. It ruins some lives because they can’t handle the pain like we can. Yes it nearly breaks us, but we are used to it. They cannot and will not handle it. It will break them.

So I say, you have a choice and you have more power than you think. Don’t give your power away anymore. No more! No more lies! No more telling yourself “I’ll do it tomorrow, one last time, it will just be this once, I need this to survive, etc.”

I’ll be honest with you, I’ve never been in pain that they give fentanyl patches for or anything that severe so I can’t speak on that but most pain can be treated better without opioids. They just mask it. I prefer to go thru the fire, but again I never had the kind of pain that cancer patients and others experience so I am not an authority on the subject of physical pain.

most of all remember that you are the man in the arena. And that’s what it’s all about. Fighting against decay, striving for your dreams and freedom, and being there for others. Not just your friends. That’s what it’s all about.

And just as important, find your why! Having a reason for doing something challenging gives you the drive that you need to keep going when it gets hard. So find your why. It’s different for everyone, but my why is I’m not accepting this as my life, I’m not accepting their assigned place for my life in the world, I’m not going to let them put me down anymore for being an addict, I am going to rise up and overcome everyone and everything in my way. I will win because I will not stop. Each failure will make me stronger and each victory even moreso. My why is about starting a non profit I help at risk youth to prevent more from experiencing my suffering. These are some of my whys. What are your whys? Why do you want to get off this? Why do you want a better life? Do you think you deserve to suffer? Seriously wondering. I think a lot of us do.

So I leave you with this quote from Theodore Roosevelt. I am not a fan of most presidents but I love this quote:

Theodore Roosevelt

Edit: I just saw Netherlands has no maximum patient limit for opioid substitution clinics but I don’t know what meds they use. I imagine subs but idk could methadone could be morphine idk could be a lot of things. But they have them and it’s easy to get into according to what I read but idk for sure
Where have u read that? I told my gp I am addiction and I need help and they send me to a rehab clinic. I wanted more like methadone or subs to taper down....

Thank you for all the support. I can say lyrica is a magic drug. I took 300mg in the morning and 300mg afternoon and the wd are bearable.

Also I have fenta patches matrix patch. The ones u stick on your skin

And I am addicted to smoking brown. Quality is around 40-60% and I was smoking at some point 0.5g a day.

Now I am 10 hours clean
A moment ago
I have some withdrawals, should I take 5mg diazepam? The lyrica pill I took in the morning.

Would smoking just a bit of heroin fuck ul my progress of 12 hours?
Methadone was harder for me to quit than heroin. I was on it long term though.
Maybe if u use properly short term it might be ok.
Withdrawal is way worse than h though
I smoked again... I went to sleep at 8am after taking 300mg lyrica and 20mg diazepam. I woke up at 3am and I smoked.

This morning(9 am) I also smoked a tiny bit(less than 0.05). I also took 100mg lyrica.

I hate myself so much for doing this.
I am left with 1 diazepam and 2 x 300mg + 100mg lyrica in a parachute.

I have a work meeting at 9:30am but I am working from home.

My girlfriend says she is still proud of me because even if I smoked the last days, I cut it drastically, but I feel I fucked everything up and blew my chance....I my work doesn't really allow working from home and getting drugs is easy for me(darkweb) but it takes time to arrive and I have no money until the salary)

When I get my salary it will be too late to order some diazepam and lrica and I won't be able to work from home during that time...
I smoked again... I went to sleep at 8am after taking 300mg lyrica and 20mg diazepam. I woke up at 3am and I smoked.

This morning(9 am) I also smoked a tiny bit(less than 0.05). I also took 100mg lyrica.

I hate myself so much for doing this.
I am left with 1 diazepam and 2 x 300mg + 100mg lyrica in a parachute.

I have a work meeting at 9:30am but I am working from home.

My girlfriend says she is still proud of me because even if I smoked the last days, I cut it drastically, but I feel I fucked everything up and blew my chance....I my work doesn't really allow working from home and getting drugs is easy for me(darkweb) but it takes time to arrive and I have no money until the salary)

When I get my salary it will be too late to order some diazepam and lrica and I won't be able to work from home during that time...
While it is good that you reduced your usage and that your GF is so supportive, I suggest you seek medical assistance. Suboxone will take care of your withdrawls. I’m worried you may slip back into active addiction. And we all know the hell that brings. Will you please consider it?
While it is good that you reduced your usage and that your GF is so supportive, I suggest you seek medical assistance. Suboxone will take care of your withdrawls. I’m worried you may slip back into active addiction. And we all know the hell that brings. Will you please consider it?

I just smoked again 0.03g of like 50% purity brown after 18 hours and 42 minutes of being clean.(I was thou high on weed, lyrica and some benzo). I managed to work the whole week from home but unfortunately I only have 500mg lyrica left.
I do have 1 10mg diazepam and like 50 x 1mg xanax.

I have no money thou, only that. I get the salary on the 23rd.

What do you mean by mesical help? I called my gp, explained the situation and they send me to s rehab clinic (I can't afford not working a week. Even this week working from home is difficult)

I am looking more for some methadone or suboxone clinic so I can taper it down slowly.

Regarding relapse, I have no worries about that. I do have a lot of issues. I got my heroin addiction ad a by product of smoking crack for 9 months. Almost lost everything. Recently i also caught my girlfriend stealing from my last bag even thou a night prior I asked her if she had an issue.

Maybe you guys can help me with that? How should I approach the situation? I am nothing but understanding and have always been.
This first happened while we both addicted to crack and she blamed it on the drug.

Months later, with me in the room she was smoking from my heroin knowing we spend the last money (20eur for her weed) and 10 euro for my brown so I won't feel like shit. I give it that I also smke the weed and we also have the money combined. She brushed this off as an "upsy daisy"

But them weeks later I went outside to buy energy drinks and left the bag at gome. She didn't texted me that she gonna use....she just did it and I caughtbher.
She promised it is an isolated incident but as history doesn't lie, it is not.

She also has bursts of rage that correspond with my trials to quit. Honestly I think she wants me like this, but idk....a

If I manage to fightbthe physical withdrawals, I won't ever look. My parents count on me and I was a disappointment for too long and now they NEED me. My mother broke her spine and has cervical hernia. A 145cm and 40kg female... her C3 or C4 vertebrate was shuttered due to too much effort and she has 3 pre-infracts...one that I am personally responsible and wont ever forgive.My adoptive father as well has issues due to overworking and a rare blood condition...
they are fully dependent on me and I have no savings so I live paycheck to paycheck.
I work in the cloud/security sector but my management is really strict

I need to make my family proud and know that they can count on me. Life was hard growing up and my mother traded her life basically for me and I fucked up a ton.....I want to change things but more than that I NEED TO CHANGE THINGS
Currently I have 10 euro cash to spare but have some brown that I don't want to touch again,

50 x 1mg xanax
500mg lyrica
2g ketamine
2g weed
1x 10mg diazepam

I have to work all week but I am able to work from home.

I need to not be in wd but also functional enough as i have a high demanding job with not enough personnel
Also everyone you are amazing.

My journey had ups and downs and I didn't fully mamanged(even druhged)

But you are amazing, beautiful and extremely helpful people. Thabk you again

Also lyrica is a magic drug for withdrawals