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Drugs as food ingredients

Wish it was! It's so random and annoying how some countries and states have banned it and some haven't. The UK would have to be one of the places that did.
Due to an idiot government, who's morals are based in the worst sort of Victorian instincts (I mean, look at that Jacob Rees-Mogg twat).
Chocolat + meth = win
Oh wow! I would definitely eat that!
Phenibut tastes a bit like some sour or salty powder used in candies

Psychoactive amanitas could probably be used in cooking

Cannabis i find vile tasting unless smoked, despite loving it so. I make strong butter and swallow it like a pill. I don't understand people who advocate cannabis in food.

Furthermore (after reading the thread) I agree with speed in coffee. Sounds like a good combo. The taste is one of the better things about speed!
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e there any drugs that work well in food preparation, other than cannabis? The only one that springs to mind, is GHB (sodium salt), due to it's similarity in some ways, to monosodium glutamate.

fuck the idea with Na-GHB, heard it in another forum as well that somebody wanted to cook meals with their ghb. this stuff tastes so disguisting after salty soap you cannot bear that taste in anything. well, perhaps in porridge. just kiddin. what i once heard though was that the land bangladesh means translated land of bhang which is a traditional preparation of canabis edibles, sweet if im not mistaken.
My favourite, because I discovered it.

Khat tea.

The Somalis I used to buy khat from never knew this. Khat is a speedy type drug that you chew for effects. However, if you put the leaves into a pot of tea it produces massive morpheus type effects. Doesn't send you to sleep but will definitely give you a nod and then some.

I've blown a few minds of experienced druggies who thought they knew it all in this way.
My favourite, because I discovered it.

Khat tea.

The Somalis I used to buy khat from never knew this. Khat is a speedy type drug that you chew for effects. However, if you put the leaves into a pot of tea it produces massive morpheus type effects. Doesn't send you to sleep but will definitely give you a nod and then some.

I've blown a few minds of experienced druggies who thought they knew it all in this way.
I read somewhere that Khat is a cathinone that is chemically similar to Mephedrone, or the other way round. I would love to try it.

I find it very surprising that making a drink out of it makes it noddy seeing as it's stimmy when the leaves are chewed.

There's a few Somali shops near me, and during / after the Mephedrone legal high era I went in all of them asking for Khat, but they didn't have a clue what I was on about.
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There's a few Somali shops near me

hm, that might be an idea. always wanted to try khat or coca leaves. i read dozens of times in the newspaper over here that the police fished out some transporter filled with cath on its way to denmark. i know that theres also a big somali community in the uk where it seems to be consumed.
I bought khat or tchat as it's pronounced off a random somali once used to be legal until 10 years ago in Holland.

Can't say I was particulary impressed by it's effect , taste was bearable I guess.
I bought khat or tchat as it's pronounced off a random somali once used to be legal until 10 years ago in Holland.

Can't say I was particulary impressed by it's effect , taste was bearable I guess.
Khat was my favorite stimulant, Were the twigs fresh or dried? Fresh is essential. And adding Tea add's to the high, so some Green, Yellow or White tea.

Loved that Cathinone high. Better then then the other available stimulant's. Coke, Amphetamine and Ephedra extract.
Khat was my favorite stimulant, Were the twigs fresh or dried? Fresh is essential. And adding Tea add's to the high, so some Green, Yellow or White tea.

Loved that Cathinone high. Better then then the other available stimulant's. Coke, Amphetamine and Ephedra extract.
Was fresh but at the time I was into smoking crack so perhaps that's why?
I once poured methadone all over some vanilla ice cream and put some lucky charms on there to boot... It was nice actually! Twas the sweet 1mg/ml stuff.

I hear fly agaric is delicious and goes well with most things other mushrooms go well in. Very meaty flava apparently!
whoever says fly agaric is delicious is either a liar or they have one of the most fucd palettes ever

It tastes like cardboard that a cat pissed on two weeks ago
whoever says fly agaric is delicious is either a liar or they have one of the most fucd palettes ever

It tastes like cardboard that a cat pissed on two weeks ago
Never tried them, but I know people who eat psilocybes with dip and crackers. I usually find eating them is a chore, but with a big payoff.

Some people like blended up pods too. I find they taste like earwax, but don't mind the seed tea.

Different tastes I suppose.
Cardboard, cat urine and earwax. You just turned me off instantly.

Eating Shrooms in a candybar is as far as I went. Horrible idea. Making a tea goes down way more easily.
fuck the idea with Na-GHB, heard it in another forum as well that somebody wanted to cook meals with their ghb. this stuff tastes so disguisting after salty soap you cannot bear that taste in anything. well, perhaps in porridge. just kiddin. what i once heard though was that the land bangladesh means translated land of bhang which is a traditional preparation of canabis edibles, sweet if im not mistaken.
lassi - a sort of smoothie is used with added dope
whoever says fly agaric is delicious is either a liar or they have one of the most fucd palettes ever

It tastes like cardboard that a cat pissed on two weeks ago
Haha yeah? Did you eat them raw? How did you prepare them?
If you search for "prepare fly agaric" or whatever, you see loads people giving it rave reviews!