Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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^ I commented 4 months ago see if he had sexual dysfunction and he does not now, he also is able to cry again so he made a full recovery. There’s also people in comment section who have recovered and who hasn’t on each comment section.
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Just because you didn’t recover you cant generalize that everyone is not going to recover or is not recover.
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He’s still fucked up. He just said he is still trying to recover. And I’m sure he can’t get high. I saw that video forever ago
See you are so full of shit. Your high is still fucked up because your dopamine receptors are fucked up. Your prolactin is permanently high. And how long has it been now? You still don’t see that it’s permanent damage? That’s denial. You aren’t the same and you fucking know it man. You never experience happiness the way you did before and I guarantee it.
I never said 100 percent recovery was a thing. I told you guys i was different. What i said was, you can get pieces of yourself back and can rebuild yourself. You can feel happiness. I NEVER THOUGHT ID LAUGH AGAIN. IM STILL RECOVERING its a work in progress. My prolactin is not permanetly high, i took abilify when i got locked up after invega
I never said 100 percent recovery was a thing. I told you guys i was different. What i said was, you can get pieces of yourself back and can rebuild yourself. You can feel happiness. I NEVER THOUGHT ID LAUGH AGAIN. IM STILL RECOVERING its a work in progress. My prolactin is not permanetly high, i took abilify when i got locked up after invega
Bro fuck off. I want to be 100% back to normal. I’m not living with side effects from a mother fucking stupid fucking piece of shit shot I got at 30 years old. I’m not never getting high and it actually feeling good again. I don’t want a “different” high. I don’t want to waste YEARS of my life making moderate progress and gaining small portions of my being back. All for fucking nothing. Jesus Christ I didn’t realize how lucky I was before this. I should have never went to the fucking hospital. But I did and now I am fucked for life. So fucking terrific. Great. Fucking mother fucking awesome. The whole thing is done. I’m killing myself. Hands down I’m the fuck out of here. This is my last post on this piece of shit worthless thread full of people with fucked up brains 17 months after getting 1 fucking shot. It’s sad that anyone is here at all. The whole thing is disgustingly sickening and I’m the fuck out of here.
Dude still takes antipsychotics and is clearly brain damaged, other guy said he is still recovering. I’m not talking about partial recovery I’m talking about full recovery.
You must have brain damage because you ask the same question over and over, sounds like insanity, like you want a different result each time, maybe you need to be medicated. I gave you 5 full recovery stories off the top of my head. The first video he made a full recovery watch the video again. You still haven’t gave me anybody who hasn’t recovered

You must have brain damage because you ask the same question over and over, sounds like insanity, like you want a different result each time, maybe you need to be medicated. I gave you 5 full recovery stories off the top of my head. The first video he made a full recovery watch the video again. You still haven’t gave me anybody who hasn’t recovered
He didn’t make a full recovery. He said he is still recovering. We all have brain damage from this shot dude. Your tiny brain doesn’t analyze the details of what the people say and every single recovery story includes something about how there is still something wrong with them at some level. I’m talking about a full recovery. I ask you the same question over and over again because I could sense that there was some bullshit in what you were saying and I was correct. You’re in absolute denial about basic facts.
He didn’t make a full recovery. He said he is still recovering. We all have brain damage from this shot dude. Your tiny brain doesn’t analyze the details of what the people say and every single recovery story includes something about how there is still something wrong with them at some level. I’m talking about a full recovery. I ask you the same question over and over again because I could sense that there was some bullshit in what you were saying and I was correct. You’re in absolute denial about basic facts.
How do have damage from this shot? It’s all in your head like truthinvega said, you have no proof that you have brain damage: your tiny brain didn’t listen to the video he said he recovered from invega sustenna and you can too. You keep saying all these people have something wrong in these stories, who? You can’t name anybody dumbass it’s been a day and you still haven’t answer my question. I have no sympathy for people like who don’t even try to recover and just whine and cry on the forum wanting a nipple to suck on. You asked the same question over and over and I gave you same answer, how is my story bullshit when it has been the same sense the beginning and I lhaven’t changed it? Also you know investigators know people are lying when there story is always changing. How am I in denial you brain dead toad, you ever see me talking about how depressed and miserable I am wanting to Kill myself? No. I gave you full recovery stories but yet you still haven’t not showed me no people who haven’t recovered, I think you have your mind so hell bent that you have Brain damage you don’t want to recover, if that’s the case, it’s your life, go get government assistant and go be a potato and sit in front of the tv all day your fucking life.
Dude still takes antipsychotics and is clearly brain damaged, other guy said he is still recovering. I’m not talking about partial recovery I’m talking about full recovery.
He clearly has mental problems that’s why he’s on oral antipsychotics, doesn’t mean he has brain damage.
As I was doing my list of recoveries. Until now found 9 people in which 2 didnt recovered (one after 1 year and 3 months, another after 5 years), 2 recovered mostly (one 90%, another still has depersonalisation and feels like beta), others fully recovered without lasting problems.
I’ve been on Invega for a little over a year…and I don’t feel like I’ve progressed at all mentally. I was down to 113 pounds and shot back up to 121 pounds after not starving myself and it totally changed the way my face looked with swollen eye lids and a really puffy face and slanted eyes and it’s just really bad. Not to mention what it did to my body. I don’t feel good ever. And I don’t feel like I’m progressing at all, im on this medication after being on abilify for a year with it not working and suffering from a really bad psychosis and delusions. I want to try a different antipsychotic but im afraid I might be treatment resistant to other medications. But this Invega has changed the way I look and feel so much that I don’t know what to do. I feel like there’s no way out of this hell. I want to try going on geodon. But im scared to switch! I just don’t know what to do but I know that Invega is killing me.
go get government assistant and go be a potato and sit in front of the tv all day your fucking life.
This is exactly what invega does

I think hopton reached his limit both mentally and spiritually im also on the verge of losing hope
I’ve been on Invega for a little over a year…and I don’t feel like I’ve progressed at all mentally. I was down to 113 pounds and shot back up to 121 pounds after not starving myself and it totally changed the way my face looked with swollen eye lids and a really puffy face and slanted eyes and it’s just really bad. Not to mention what it did to my body. I don’t feel good ever. And I don’t feel like I’m progressing at all, im on this medication after being on abilify for a year with it not working and suffering from a really bad psychosis and delusions. I want to try a different antipsychotic but im afraid I might be treatment resistant to other medications. But this Invega has changed the way I look and feel so much that I don’t know what to do. I feel like there’s no way out of this hell. I want to try going on geodon. But im scared to switch! I just don’t know what to do but I know that Invega is killing me.
Just get off invega...go take latuda
I’ve been on Invega for a little over a year…and I don’t feel like I’ve progressed at all mentally. I was down to 113 pounds and shot back up to 121 pounds after not starving myself and it totally changed the way my face looked with swollen eye lids and a really puffy face and slanted eyes and it’s just really bad. Not to mention what it did to my body. I don’t feel good ever. And I don’t feel like I’m progressing at all, im on this medication after being on abilify for a year with it not working and suffering from a really bad psychosis and delusions. I want to try a different antipsychotic but im afraid I might be treatment resistant to other medications. But this Invega has changed the way I look and feel so much that I don’t know what to do. I feel like there’s no way out of this hell. I want to try going on geodon. But im scared to switch! I just don’t know what to do but I know that Invega is killing me.
I wouldn't play with it. 8+ shots of invega and you are basicly playing with your life. To recover from 8 shots it will probably take you 1-3 years. Why dont you just learn to control your actions if ur manic or psyhotic, you still have your own will to decide what you wont do and prevent manic actions. You choose between doing manic action or be put on invega what would you prefer? Also lack of iodine, leaky gut syndrome which causes thyroid problems can cause mania.
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