Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Too many people having permanent reduced sensitivity in the penis, thats nerve damage right there diabetics who have neuropathy have the same thing going. You don't need to have parkisonism in order to have nerve damage
I’m my recent post I made you can read for yourself I said the number 1 one side effect people live with is physical symptoms.
If invega fucks with the vagus nerve you can have a wide array of symptoms including anhedonia, deppression and many more
If invega fucks with the vagus nerve you can have a wide array of symptoms including anhedonia, deppression and many more
Is this a theory or do you have medical evidence. Also anhedonia, depression are not brain damage. Anhedonia involves dopamine. Depression is involved with dopamine and mostly serotonin, that’s why doctors prescribe serotonin uptake inhibitors for depression ( antidepressant ). I also never stated that invega blocks your dopamine receptors for a whole year. Also you ever think elevated prolactin levels could be causing some physical issues also, Ross also believes in that theory, such as low t causes physical symptoms.
Invega is a bag of shit which causes all kinds of symptoms probably through multiple mechanisms everyone is right
Invega is a bag of shit which causes all kinds of symptoms probably through multiple mechanisms everyone is right
I agree, but If the problems are not considered permanent unless you experienced them for a long time, take in consideration most of you haven’t even been off the drug a year, and none of you 2 years that are active. @dirtyinvega did not see any improvements in symptoms until he off for a year and 6 months.
With his age he’s in his 50s now, he would probably need testosterone injections, but Ross never stated in his videos he has tried, or has been on prolactin medications, also he lives in Canada so it’s free medical care.
The injections come with more responsibility. Ive known people over 50 who got the patch and grew muscle without exercizing. Bodybuilders find oral/patches to be garbage...but they also think deadlifting wont destroy their fact they think deadlifting is good for the back. Its not.
It’s still damage. In the brain. That’s brain damage. I’m not concerned about the definition. I’m concerned about the fact that I’m literally unable to experience happiness, have motivation, be interested in things, have energy to function, unable to think clearly, I’m less intelligent. Something is wrong with my brain. And it all happened after the shot. It has been 6 months and it’s still going on. That means the chemical damaged shit. That’s reality.
Be honest. Are you exercizing, taking a supplement stack?
The injections come with more responsibility. Ive known people over 50 who got the patch and grew muscle without exercizing. Bodybuilders find oral/patches to be garbage...but they also think deadlifting wont destroy their fact they think deadlifting is good for the back. Its not.
He hasn’t tried patches or the injection from what I have seen.
This whole situation is extremely frustratingi
Its all ridicilious
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@Bigsmoke420 seems if somebody notice anhedonia reliefing as months pass then that person body has ability to remove invega from receptors efficiently and with time it will remove all and no chemical imabalance remains.
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Is this a theory or do you have medical evidence. Also anhedonia, depression are not brain damage. Anhedonia involves dopamine. Depression is involved with dopamine and mostly serotonin, that’s why doctors prescribe serotonin uptake inhibitors for depression ( antidepressant ). I also never stated that invega blocks your dopamine receptors for a whole year. Also you ever think elevated prolactin levels could be causing some physical issues also, Ross also believes in that theory, such as low t causes physical symptoms.
Psychological trauma can cause brain damage. Internet porn can cause brain damage. Its a lot easier to do then people think. Brain damage, that is.

, “studies of addicts show reduced cellular activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain area…[relied upon]…to make strategic, rather than impulsive, decisions. Patients with traumatic injuries to this area of the brain display problems–aggressiveness, poor judgment of future consequences, inability to inhibit inappropriate responses that are similar to those observed in substance abusers.”[ 8 ] (emphasis added)
I promise you if you don’t have Parkinson’s symptoms there’s no damage to the cell, damaged wouldn’t be correct term, it’s more of blunted, like your brain is receiving that same amount of dopamine as before, it’s just the receptors don’t know what to do with it anymore because they have been blocked at one point.
They don’t know what to do with it? That doesn’t make any sense. They don’t forget what to do with it. They operate automatically. If they aren’t able to respond to the dopamine that to me is damage. The reason they aren’t responding to it is because they got fucked up from the Invega. You’re just calling that “not knowing what to do with it”. They are unable to do anything with it because they’re literally not there. They’re destroyed.
I agree, but If the problems are not considered permanent unless you experienced them for a long time, take in consideration most of you haven’t even been off the drug a year, and none of you 2 years that are active. @dirtyinvega did not see any improvements in symptoms until he off for a year and 6 months.
Yeah and I’m sure they’re moderate improvements and he still can’t feel as happy as before and still can’t get high. Same old “success” story. Wait 2 years and still be unfulfilled
That’s all any of the success stories are. They’re all still fucked up. They just aren’t as fucked up as when it was still in their system. But every single one of them are half-assed, still having problems yet wanting to say they’re recovered so bad they call it that. No one goes back to normal after this.
I’m just sick of this fucking bullshit. This absolutely fucked up fucking bullshit. I shouldn’t be on this forum. I should be functioning and normal and enjoying pleasures I used to enjoy. Not wanting to kill myself every single second of every day. And those mother fuckers do this shit and get away with it, how? Look how fucking many of us there are. Jesus Christ. How do they still give it out? How is nothing being done? Where is our fucking lawsuit for them entirely butchering our entire lives? This whole fucking thing is just fucking pathetic. It’s not acceptable. It’s not something to just accept and move on. Fuck this shit. I’m killing myself
They don’t know what to do with it? That doesn’t make any sense. They don’t forget what to do with it. They operate automatically. If they aren’t able to respond to the dopamine that to me is damage. The reason they aren’t responding to it is because they got fucked up from the Invega. You’re just calling that “not knowing what to do with it”. They are unable to do anything with it because they’re literally not there. They’re destroyed.
If your receptors were destroyed you wouldn’t be able to function, your dopamine receptors recycle. There’s no such thing is having destroyed dopamine receptors. Your brain doesn’t know how to respond with dopamine, it’s proven in people have drug abuse problems that can’t experience happiness and motivation. They can receive the same amount of dopamine as a normal person after recovery, but the receptors have been flood for a long time once they don’t have the same amount of dopamine there brains don’t what to do. Same theory goes to people who they receptors blocked for some time and are receiving no dopamine, once you reach normal levels of dopamine, your receptors doesn’t know how to react to it.
If your receptors were destroyed you wouldn’t be able to function, your dopamine receptors recycle. There’s no such thing is having destroyed dopamine receptors. Your brain doesn’t know how to respond with dopamine, it’s proven in people have drug abuse problems that can’t experience happiness and motivation. They can receive the same amount of dopamine as a normal person after recovery, but the receptors have been flood for a long time once they don’t have the same amount of dopamine there brains don’t what to do. Same theory goes to people who they receptors blocked for some time and are receiving no dopamine, once you reach normal levels of dopamine, your receptors doesn’t know how to react to it.
Invega never affected dopamine levels. It blocked its action by clogging the receptors. Now they’re unclogged and yet not functioning. That’s damage dude. What else is there to call it. They’re unable to take in the dopamine and produce its action. What you’re calling “not knowing what to do with it” is them being damaged.
If they just needed time to get back in the groove we wouldn’t have these problems this long after. Narshe 81 wouldn’t be suffering 5 years later. People would go back to normal. And no one here is doing that.
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