Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Man Im so f*king desperate now.
i'm on a CTO means i got to take anti-psychotics for an entire year i'm not even close to recovery... you aren't on a CTO and can do you chakra shit and whatever
i fucking hope they take me off CTO after that otherwise i'm fucked
i'm on a CTO means i got to take anti-psychotics for an entire year i'm not even close to recovery... you aren't on a CTO and can do you chakra shit and whatever
i fucking hope they take me off CTO after that otherwise i'm fucked
You better start looking into a higher being or a spiritual awakening, I’m not trying to put you down.
I honestly don’t think it matters at all how many shots you had. I think 1 shot of any mg is enough to fuck you up
True.. But everyones mind is different so some can be fucked up over 1 and some 10. Like some people can do drugs for years and have no damage and some can one time and be screwed
You better start looking into a higher being or a spiritual awakening, I’m not trying to put you down.
already tried .. since getting injected and abused my chakras are gone .. i already tried everything to get them back but doesn't work .. im totally screwed
hopefully other people have more succes
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man i feel hopeless ... now on CTO need to take forced medication there is no freaking way i will heal from invega if i take other APs
fuck this im absolutely loosing hope .. i don't even have mental illness just had psychosis twice
How do you go about doing that with the chakras? How do you go about balancing and strengthening the chakras?

Any books you would recommend?
I learned from experimenting and learning from others. I can teach you in dm but probably you wouldnt be able to concentrate for that. I cant find enough focus to work on chakras for more than 20min daily.
man i feel hopeless ... now on CTO need to take forced medication there is no freaking way i will heal from invega if i take other APs
fuck this im absolutely loosing hope .. i don't even have mental illness just had psychosis twice
Even with noticable improvements I somehow manage to lose hope but not completely, it would be horrible to be in your position. Hopefuly you get off cto. Now Its not like Im suicidal but I either dont think its worth to live like this in zombie state. If it lasts very long I dont think I would be able to handle it, hopefuly It wont.
But is that normal so strong anhedonia? I’m 3 months off but I can’t see improvements for the anhedonia, I can’t cry or enjoy anything and it’s like my left side of the brain it’s turned off. I don’t know how to find some hope I have 0 emotions
man i feel hopeless ... now on CTO need to take forced medication there is no freaking way i will heal from invega if i take other APs
fuck this im absolutely loosing hope .. i don't even have mental illness just had psychosis twice
I don’t put yourself down, anything can happen, just because the odds aren’t in your favor doesn’t mean you won’t recover! You can work hard and get to point where you can a live a semi normal life if you don’t recover! There are no cases of people staying in that zombie state forever, people most complain about living with anhedonia or not feeling substances, but you’ll get to a point where you can start working again if you choose and work to achieve things.
But is that normal so strong anhedonia? I’m 3 months off but I can’t see improvements for the anhedonia, I can’t cry or enjoy anything and it’s like my left side of the brain it’s turned off. I don’t know how to find some hope I have 0 emotions
The anhedonia can take up to a year or longer to go away so don’t lose hope. Most people get some emotions back or full emotions. Your anhedonia should start easing up around 9 months. There’s always rain before a rainbow.
I don’t put yourself down, anything can happen, just because the odds aren’t in your favor doesn’t mean you won’t recover! You can work hard and get to point where you can a live a semi normal life if you don’t recover! There are no cases of people staying in that zombie state forever, people most complain about living with anhedonia or not feeling substances, but you’ll get to a point where you can start working again if you choose and work to achieve things.
taking abilify pills is still better than being on the invega sustenna ... but man .. when you already are suffering this much and you have to take something on top of it which creates more suffering.. this is so unethical .. these psychiatrists are pure evil
Hey. Just checking in...

wondering if anyone has tried cranberries in an attempt to flush the medication out faster...

I've tried it myself with Invega Sustenna and Vraylar. Seemed to help a little bit
This is just my opinion, I think if we took a CT scan of our brain that we wouldn’t have any structural damage to it if you haven’t taken antipsychotics for years, seems like most people are having problems to the chemical side of things. Only information I’ve found of taking antipsychotics for a long period of time is it can actually shrink the size of the brain by 10%. But I also found taking any type of drug even alcohol, before then age of 25 why the brain is still developing can actually change the structure of the striatum.
not true paula you don't need it ... eventually you quit invega anyway because it does too much damage... if you take it for a long time you will be overweight, ugly , tired and many more.. goodbye life if you take those shots
Yeah your right. I think I’m going to quit invega and get my life back. I couldn’t do anything with it. I’m still weak, bored, and lonely I really don’t have anybody to love me I feel depressed and weak mostly. I will stop the shot to see if I can accept life without it.
I don't know about you guys, but it feels like a prison sentence. Ouch. That hurts. Anyone want to exchange email addresses? I know, hell no, but I'm lonely.

And bored.
I would say I’m lonely and bored to. It sucks how medication can destroy your life. It’s messed up and I can pm you if you like I don’t check my email. I need a boyfriend in my life to make my depression go away this sucks. I need to go out and I just can’t stop being weak.
They came down with the hammer on me hard with this Invega Sustenna.

Life can be so cruel. Sorry, their misuse of drugs is cruel.

Who knew that a drug like this even existed? I wish I had some inkling that such a drug even existed.

Such a drug shouldn't even be used in maximum security prisons.

But that's what it feels like. That's cruel and unusual punishment. This is a dementor drug.
I would say I’m lonely and bored to. It sucks how medication can destroy your life. It’s messed up and I can pm you if you like I don’t check my email. I need a boyfriend in my life to make my depression go away this sucks. I need to go out and I just can’t stop being weak.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back on my previous bit. Yeah, you can pm me.
I just wish I could tell them what they did to me.

But they took even that from me.

How long does the pain have to go on?

I just wish I could tell them what they did to me.

But they took even that from me.

How long does the pain have to go on?
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