Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Day 65 since last injection
While I was under the medication i couldn't stay still , focus or concentrate on anything.
I had and still have Restless Leg Syndrome (Can't stop moving my legs while sitting).
Low libido
No emotions (Music is just noise now)
I drank a whole botle(750ml) of Rose(9% ) and was able to get drunk. This was on day 33.
I'm seing small improvements gonna try st john wort, ritalin and bupropion, the only problem is that this last two need prescription, fingers cross my psychiatrist helps me with that.
I'm not sure that ritalin and bupropion are a good idea, thus I don't think your psychiatrist will agree to that. It'll basically be raping your dopamine receptors instead of letting them heal. St Johns Wort seems to help some people, but you can't take it with psych meds.
fuck i want to jump in front of the train really bad i'm on the verge of writing a goodbye note
high prolactin fucks you up mentally for sure
fuck i want to jump in front of the train really bad i'm on the verge of writing a goodbye note
high prolactin fucks you up mentally for sure
Please don't give up mate. Please just stick this out. I know it's really hard, but you WILL get better with time.
how many injections what dose ? you cannot combine st johnswort with other medications it render them less effective.. so its either ritalin+ bupropion or st johnswort.
The first month you can get drunk, high and whatever ... up to 1 1/2 month then the blocking effects really start to kick in
I took the initial 2 doses plus 4x150mg
My prolactin levels are always really high in my blood work but my endocrinologists doesnt seem to think its an issue nor does he seem concerned. I think it might be because of the adderall I was on for years. I had to stop taking the stuff because I felt like it was behind all the issues I was having with my skin, veins and joints. My thyroid is still a mess. My doctor is wanting ANOTHER needle aspiration biopsy now. I know everyones different and its helpful for some people. Its the only thing thats ever made it possible for me to finally maintain sttucture and stability enough to be productive. Since Ive stopped my lifes turned upside down. But it was just too toxic for me. I often feel like I am stuck in flight or fight mode. The high prolactin seems related to it all.

Didnt mean to derail but I never see anyone else mentioning prolactin so it got my attention
I'm quite convinced that the only cure to invega is psychedelic drugs: DMT, mushrooms and LSD. Especially if you are 300+ days of invega so that it doesn't block your receptors again
Last month you said it was mdma 🤨. This would be true if it psychedelics effected your dopamine receptors.
My prolactin levels are always really high in my blood work but my endocrinologists doesnt seem to think its an issue nor does he seem concerned. I think it might be because of the adderall I was on for years. I had to stop taking the stuff because I felt like it was behind all the issues I was having with my skin, veins and joints. My thyroid is still a mess. My doctor is wanting ANOTHER needle aspiration biopsy now. I know everyones different and its helpful for some people. Its the only thing thats ever made it possible for me to finally maintain sttucture and stability enough to be productive. Since Ive stopped my lifes turned upside down. But it was just too toxic for me. I often feel like I am stuck in flight or fight mode. The high prolactin seems related to it all.

Didnt mean to derail but I never see anyone else mentioning prolactin so it got my attention
most doctors say it isn't a issue .. a 5 minute search on google ''prolactin pubmed '' gives you all kind of results from inflammation disease to mental disorders. these doctors are stupid
Last month you said it was mdma 🤨. This would be true if it psychedelics effected your dopamine receptors.
LSD acts on with a number of different receptors in the brain, including ones for the chemicals serotonin and dopamine, but it’s not known exactly which receptors are responsible for its various effects.
most doctors say it isn't a issue .. a 5 minute search on google ''prolactin pubmed '' gives you all kind of results from inflammation disease to mental disorders. these doctors are stupid
You saying that made me consider why I hadn't found that info cause I am always googling but I've not found much relating to the causes of high prolactin. But then I realized that I've always googled about prolactin in relation to Adderall. Now I'll go in a different direction lol
LSD acts on with a number of different receptors in the brain, including ones for the chemicals serotonin and dopamine, but it’s not known exactly which receptors are responsible for its various effects.
Serotonin 2A Receptors, only reason you can feel the effects there’s a chance because invega doesn’t block those receptors.
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You saying that made me consider why I hadn't found that info cause I am always googling but I've not found much relating to the causes of high prolactin. But then I realized that I've always googled about prolactin in relation to Adderall. Now I'll go in a different direction lol
I believe invega also blocks 5-HT2A receptors so.
invega blocks 5HT2A as well with ridicilious highi potency somwhere around 1.2 or 1.5
It’s true it does block the 5HT2A, I Should Have Rephrased my answer to there is a chance it does, but not in every case. If he can feel the effects of the mdma and lsd then they are not blocked like I said before. You 5HT2A receptor may be blocked if you are feeling suicidal and depressed. Too bad there’s no real way to check serotonin and dopamine levels.
I believe invega also blocks 5-HT2A receptors so.
There is a chance, but it’s not proven. Like I said many times if you feel the effects of lsd and mdma they are not blocked apparently. You are basically rolling the dice taking these drugs, you can also damage your serotonin receptors, then cause low levels of serotonin and dopamine and you don’t want to be in that boat. It’s just not a consistent drug.
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