Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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this is what bothers me ... all interest gone.. all knowledge and information gone ... personality gone .. i used to love plants and gardening and now not so much anymore. This stuff makes you really suicidal
You have it pretty bad I’m sorry
After being injected with 8 different antipsychotics, the last one was nearly 4 months ago, I've realised that a feeling of the spirit is all in the brain and comes from dopamine and serotonin and whatever other receptors antipsychotics block. I've been dead for over a year and a half now , I hope I recover back to my previous self after 7 months but it's hard. I always believed that there was an afterlife and family members who have passed away as well as pets spirits moved on to another dimension and this gave me peace, but now since Psychiatry can cause a living death with antipsychotics it's hard for me to believe we have a spirit that transcends the brain. This causes me sadness as well as the constant daily misery I endure due to antipsychotic injections, I didn't have invega but they are all the same misery causing, dopamine and serotonin blocking drugs with different degrees in misery. I apologise for my depressing post, I do have hope I'll recover after 7 months to a year, as I've read of people recovering from 7 invega injections and another person had 11 injections. It's just a very hard experience.
You cant feel your spirit/soul since its your awareness and cant be felt. But it can affect brain so brain feels things like chakras since they are part of spirit, still it requires dopamine and other hormones to be felt.
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So I’m confused? That French guy can or can’t feel the high from nicotine after 11 months?
According to the French guy maybe exercise helps restore dopamine receptors? It seems like he was saying he didn’t see real progress until he started running and then suddenly he can feel nicotine again. Maybe exercise does something that allows new receptors to form or heals worn out ones? Seems to me like it could only help to give it a try
According to the French guy maybe exercise helps restore dopamine receptors? It seems like he was saying he didn’t see real progress until he started running and then suddenly he can feel nicotine again. Maybe exercise does something that allows new receptors to form or heals worn out ones? Seems to me like it could only help to give it a try
Could be true.
According to the French guy maybe exercise helps restore dopamine receptors? It seems like he was saying he didn’t see real progress until he started running and then suddenly he can feel nicotine again. Maybe exercise does something that allows new receptors to form or heals worn out ones? Seems to me like it could only help to give it a try
Exercising releasing dopamine - endorphins I did so much research though and apps don’t block endorphins, so it does make sense that why some people say they experience a runner's high, but play a game or smoking a cig releases dopamine so idk.
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What happen to Tim? I hope he didn’t commit suicide.
Hopefully just feeling better and distracted by life. Seemed like he was making progress. He’s really young so I feel bad that it happened to him before his life even started but on the other hand I think being young gives a better chance at a better recovery.
You cant feel your spirit/soul since its your awareness and cant be felt. But it can affect brain so brain feels things like chakras since they are part of spirit, still it requires dopamine and other hormones to be felt.
Thankyou for your reply, it seems most people here only care about drugs and they can't get high. I just want my life back.
Thankyou for your reply, it seems most people here only care about drugs and they can't get high. I just want my life back.
Getting high is a part of life for some people. Getting my life back to me includes being able to get high again
Getting high is a part of life for some people. Getting my life back to me includes being able to get high again
if you have reduced sensitivity to drugs you probably also have reduced sensitivity to endogenous chemicals
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