Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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I'm back, I took a hydrocodone and past the fuck out, It felt like I was a piece of butter, melting on a big ole pile of flap Jack's
Just 1 pill? What mg was it? That’s a pretty good sign if your nodding off from a single pill no matter what the dose is really. I think those only go up to 15 mg don’t they?
Looks like they go up to 50 mg actually. Just wondering what you felt like and what milligram it was if you don’t mind sharing lol. I was nodding earlier from the sub i did
You nodded off so I’m guessing it got you high?
I only took a half of one I think it was a 15 or a 32 not sure but I can check, my step dad had a prescription. It was like I was slowing melting into the bed, I was watching Harry Potter, my eyes started to get really heavy so I was like I gotta turn this shit off, then i passed out and i woke up i thought it was morning, I was pissed when I found out I only slept 2 hours
Subs make me feel a lot better lately. They give me energy and allow me to feel emotions a lot stronger. I used to be addicted to them though and they’re $25-$30 a pill on the streets so I don’t wanna make it a habit. I used to get so sick when I didn’t have one. And you withdrawal for almost a month straight coming off of them. Maybe I’ll get the vivitrol shot again so I’m not tempted to do them. It fills your opiate receptors so you don’t crave them
Subs make me feel a lot better lately. They give me energy and allow me to feel emotions a lot stronger. I used to be addicted to them though and they’re $25-$30 a pill on the streets so I don’t wanna make it a habit. I used to get so sick when I didn’t have one. And you withdrawal for almost a month straight coming off of them. Maybe I’ll get the vivitrol shot again so I’m not tempted to do them. It fills your opiate receptors so you don’t crave them
Have ever tried methadone?
No I never have but it’s similar to subutex right? It’s an MAT
Yeah its comes in little drinks, I heard the withdrawals are worst than subutex, this guy I know has been on the drinks for 9+ years and he says he will feel like shit everyday until he has his drink, he goes to the methadone clinic and gets them, but he was addicted to high grade oxycontin, so that's why he started the drinks. Ive always wanted to try oxycontin.
Good news, I can confirm that my receptors are no longer blocked, I did the some research on why everytime I listen to music I get chills or goosebumps to a good song, its because my brain is releasing dopamine and giving me pleasure, so there's no way my receptors are blocked if I'm releasing dopamine and I'm recieving pleasure.
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Anyone actually sick that’s on Invega Sustenna? Do you notice yourself progressively getting worse from being on this medication?
yes i got auto immune disease but i couldn't communicate this correctly to them and fucked myself up because of that
it makes auto immune disease worse thats all you need to know .. some other guy on another forum claimed to have developed lupus on the shots
Don't ever doubt I went off Invega faster than you could blink when I found out it could be causing the most severe erectile dysfunction. That was the most sick shit imaginable, it made me think it was somehow self inflicted.

I thought my erectile dysfunction was at the root of all my problems: restlessness, the unplaceable boredom... I couldn't really sort it out for a long time 'til I found out sites like these. Thankfully I have at least a shred of hope now.

I hope I recover eventually. Hope may be too strong of a word. More like, I despair I'll not recover. I'm not sure if it's the anhedonia but I feel bored of everything. Nothing does it for me. There's nothing to do. I really, really despair of not recovering.

Oh and thanks, @Bigsmoke420.
it makes your dick crash harder than anything
Hey, I found out I got a disorder that I need to continue on invega that it got so bad I need it again. I hope I get better. I’m worried on how long I got on invega.
not true paula you don't need it ... eventually you quit invega anyway because it does too much damage... if you take it for a long time you will be overweight, ugly , tired and many more.. goodbye life if you take those shots

Mornings on Invega are a living hell
not true paula you don't need it ... eventually you quit invega anyway because it does too much damage... if you take it for a long time you will be overweight, ugly , tired and many more.. goodbye life if you take those shots
Sounds like something a manipulative family member said. The road to hell....
Anybody else get a dm from musclespickled talking some shit?
Yeah I immediately ignored him. Some weird bot or something
Yeah he's been in my DMs as well. He's not a bot, he's a real person, just a bit troubled.

It's a wonder anyone survives this shit. I was thinking of committing suicide before I joined this site.
I am really glad you found us <3 A lot of people recover and survive invega so please just keep going each day.

I seriously contemplated suicide for a very long time. It gets really bad bro. But hang in there. It will get better. It’s gunna to be a bumpy ride and you’re gunna suffer but there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t kill yourself bro. It sucks major ass for sure and it makes you want to die. But give it time and you’ll come out of it. Just don’t take any more antipsychotics in the process. You’re gunna be okay man. A full recovery is waiting for you at the end.
Look at you being all optimistic and encouraging n shit :) I love it <3

fuck shit i think about jumping in front of the train all day
Please don't give up dude. Please hold on <3
Have to take abilify pills because i'm on a shitty CTO....i don't want to take this crap i want to recover
not true paula you don't need it ... eventually you quit invega anyway because it does too much damage... if you take it for a long time you will be overweight, ugly , tired and many more.. goodbye life if you take those shots
Invega causes depersonalization cuz persona is collection of memories(decisions, likes and dont likes) for which is serotonine responsible so we lose our persona while on invega since it disables serotonine receptors. I notice regaining it slowly as I recover my mood for which are also responsible serotonin receptors.
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