Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Saturday I will go home, after 6 months that I am away for work, I have a month and a half to, purify the liver, resume with supplements and exercise, I will do my best but ... I honestly do not believe that I will be able to work miracles in a month and a half
sorry if I tell you but I do not believe much in prana etc .. simply man produces testosterone, which is useful for many things, if it does not produce it is bad and very bad, the mood is affected, after a long time the bones, the 'physical energy in general, sleep (not only serotonin is about), before these experiences with drugs I was much more spiritual, today I see it a little more on the chemical side honestly
posso avere l'erezione .. l'unica disfunzione è la mancanza di orgasmo a causa dei recettori D2 bloccati
l'orgasmo è un gioco di equilibri, non contano solo i recettori d2, i d2 contano gli alfa-adrenergici e i serotoninergici, e sono tutti gestiti dall'asse gonadico ipofisario, non è facile ristabilire l'equilibrio ma è possibile
Io invece mi sentivo benissimo quando stavo con la mia ragazza, facevamo sesso anche 2 volte al giorno e credetemi non mi mancava l'energia, ero piena di energia e sempre felice, al lavoro producevo tanto e è stato molto stimolato a prendermi cura di me stesso e del mio corpo, penso che la meditazione sia buona da accettare ma non credo sia meglio del sesso e di una vita vissuta alla grande
Believe me or not its better than sex at least x10 lol. Feelings I got from chakras and deep meditation are stronger than those you get in sex but you gotta work on meditation and chakras to acomplish that.
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I just can't believe how horrible this drug makes you feel. Mental health meds are supposed to make you feel better. Even after a couple of bourbon I can't even feel it. What a s*** drug. It just makes your mood miserable and boring.
I know I said I wasn't going to post on here anymore, but I have too big of a heart to not share my current experience with you guys.

Recovery is possible. I'm living proof of it. Everyday I heal and I get closer to being that person I'm meant to be. Emotions are coming back strong. I had a super deep cry the other day and it was amazing to feel a rush of emotion like that. Also my sex drive has come back really strong. If you are off the shots, please start making positive life changes. There is no one coming to save you other than yourself. It takes courage to make those first steps towards recovery, but it's something you have to work at. It won't just magically happen for you. Meditation, quit masturbating, cold showers, suppliments, exercise, yoga. All these things are helping me a lot and I'm sure they may help you as well, if you're willing to give them a try. I feel like a lot of us are looking for some quick remedy for recovery. There isn't one. Only strong determination and will can get you where you are meant to be.

Good luck everyone, it will happen for you.
Do you mind me asking how long you took it for or how long you been off it? on day 40 here and trying to follow healthy practices for recovery.
what do you guys think of invega hafyera? could it be the road to enlightment XD ?
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I don't know they won't tell me, i didn't go back for any more, you noticed any improvements in your 40 days? I'm taking clonazepam to help me sleep.
first and second shot was 2,5 months ago i'm roughly 40 days or 38 days from my last shot. Yeah i noticed improvements as in less anxiety, able to breath through nose again and so forth. other symptoms like fatigue and sleep problems seem to stick. Plasma halve life for invega is 30 to 49 days and the packets injected stay around there for 126 days according to jansen website. you need 6 halve lives to get rid of it completely that means either 150 days if you are the lucky one or 300 days if you are very unlucky.

if you get one shot its usually the 150mg or the 234mg or maybe you had a trinza shot.. if i were you i would call around to know for sure.
who else takes long walks with their mom xD
I've been living with mine for three years almost. Since all this happened. I'm thankful for her because without her I wouldn't know where I would be. If I lived with my dad, I may as well end it. I'm hurting to be on my own again though. I had everything before this. But sometimes you have to understand nothing to understand what everything is.
first and second shot was 2,5 months ago i'm roughly 40 days or 38 days from my last shot. Yeah i noticed improvements as in less anxiety, able to breath through nose again and so forth. other symptoms like fatigue and sleep problems seem to stick. Plasma halve life for invega is 30 to 49 days and the packets injected stay around there for 126 days according to jansen website. you need 6 halve lives to get rid of it completely that means either 150 days if you are the lucky one or 300 days if you are very unlucky.

if you get one shot its usually the 150mg or the 234mg or maybe you had a trinza shot.. if i were you i would call around to know for sure.
Feel like it was the 234 i got was meant to get one a week later and then a month later but thank God i got out of that place at least before they got the second one into me.

I noticed the same with the breathing improvements too,finding clonazepam every 2 days seems to be working at the minute but once the dose wears off the restlessness and tiredness kicks in hard .
I was on pill form anti psychotics (Seroquel, olanzapine, risperdone) for several months and then I got on invega for a year. I've been one year and three months off everything.
Thats good to hear have you any hope for someone just 40 days off last shot,because as it is i'm looking into next year and i needed to be myself sooner but unfortunately i cannot control my own body anymore.
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