Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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i sugggest taking as much supplements as possible because invega causes mitachondrial and epigenetic changes
Just dont take too much magnesium. Don't take supplement of potasium, calcium, sodium since its required for invega to calcify receptor and more you have that minerals in blood it makes invega more potent, make sure you get those in food. Dont use salt for meals since it contains sodium, you get enough sodium in food. Avoid baking soda since it boosts amounts of those 3 minerals which I noticed.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an important medical herb widely used in India. It has many pharmacologic properties like anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, neuroprotective, and anti-diabetic effects.
- Recommended dose is 1500mg daily but can be taken up to 5g, if you experience stomach problems use recommended dose.
The analysis of results shows that resveratrol is highly effective as a neuroprotective agent. It includes some clinical trial on the studies of treatment of AD (Chen et al., 2019).
Ginko biloba is also neuroprotective and antioxidant. Wheat grass is neuroprotective (I suggest 4 tea spoons 2-3 times a day, if you get side-effects lower dose.
Iodine speeds up metabolism and makes invega metabolize faster (don't take if you have throid problems).
Boron and apple cider vinegar(1tsp) as I already said helps body to unbind invega from receptor. I take 18mg boron daily, in morning and evening.
It has been largely demonstrated that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid, is highly neuroprotective. I suggest you use max dose of omega 3 daily.

All those things help body and brain and I started noticing improvements every 14-10days after I started using them all. Dont expect much this helps in a long run.
At a neuronal level, piracetam modulates neurotransmission in a range of transmitter systems (including cholinergic and glutamatergic), has neuroprotective and anticonvulsant properties, and improves neuroplasticity. Don't use this without lecitin or it will cause you sedation.
More usefull suplements:
B complex(niacin - take max dose, B6, B9, B12), spirulina(rich in minerals/vitamins), zync(helps immune system), vitamin D3, probiotics(biorela), histidin, cystein.

Cells have multiple layers of protection and if they are healthy they will more easily defend themself from chemicals and more easily recover parts of them. Its not a coincident that younger people recover more easily, its cuz their cells are more immune to damage cuz they are healthier and they more easily recover receptors/etc. Things like wheat grass and spirulina are like food to small molecular machines which are required to fix receptors, cells and neurotransmitters.
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Hello everyone, I have just read the entire 'Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v1' page. So I feel like I have a general idea of what people are dealing with and the time-frame of recovery. I have been forcefully put on Invega Sustenna about 3 years ago during a psychotic episode where I was detained in a psych ward for the second time in my life. I pretty much instantly became depressed, and had some other nasty side effects like akathisia. The akathisia luckily went away after about a month but the depression stayed with me for 2.5 years. After this period the dysphoria luckily went away but my anhedonia aggravated and turned into me not enjoying anything. Now I can't even enjoy music, something which helped me through some very dark times. While being institutionalized I did tell my psychiatrist that I felt suicidal and asked him to be put on a different antipsychotic but he saw the depression as a natural response to my psychosis and probably classed it as a negative system of my psychotic disorder, even though I never experienced serious depression or anhedonia after my first 6 psychotic breaks.

After about 2 years of trying a lot of things to recover from my depression such as living healthy, working out, CBT, a coach, meditation, having 20 TMS sessions, some neurofeedback, trying magic mushrooms, being put on, lithium, 2 SSRI's, an SNRI, a tricyclic antidepressant and a MAOI one by one I found that nothing even helped a tiny bit. I do somehow, quite miraculously, have had a total of lets say 5 weeks in which I felt pretty normal all of a sudden, but these incidental transformation to normalcy quickly passed. After 2.5 years the darkness which had engulfed my mind for so long quite abruptly lifted, and I was left with total anhedonia which I am still dealing with up to this day. During this 3 year period I have also had many days in which I had some kind of terrible depressive headaches, which were torturous to say the least. Also my overall fitness has collapsed disproportionately with what you'd expect in comparison to the training I do, and I am now left with low testosterone. A few days ago I got really tired after doing only 1 set of bench press. After forcing myself to do 3 sets I felt a tiredness which is worse than how I used to feel after working out 2-4 hours before all of this happened. I used to workout for 8+ hours a week whilst being really fit and now after 2.5 months of training 2-3 times per week I sometimes manage to run 5k (usually I need a break after 3k) at a very slow pace (9km/h). It's something, but its really frustrating to see my progression falter so much.

After a little over two years I really started to feel like the Paliperidone was poisoning my soul, and decided it couldn't be a coincidence that my world has been falling apart ever since I started it. I tried to switch to Abilify at first, but became extremely paranoid, which probably meant that it didn't protect me enough. Then tried to switch to Seroquel again, on which I functioned quite well for 6+ years before the Paliperidone, but I didn't push through the conversion because I didn't feel mentally stable enough to go through with it. Now about 6 months later I've, as of today, tapered off the Paliperidone completely and am now on Seroquel only. The horrible depressive headaches have already gone away, but at the moment seem to have been traded in for Seroquel sedation, which I hope will go away in the future.

Now the waiting process begins. Luckily my last monthly Invega injection has been about a year ago. But unfortunately they decided to give me the 3-monthly injection as well, which I got somewhere between March and June of 2020. The contents of the pills I have been on for the last year should leave my systems relatively quickly, the monthly injection should be somewhat out of my system as well, but unfortunately the contents of the 3-monthly injection seems to be in my system still. More specifically I was injected with Trevicta 263MG = 1,315ML. It was injected in my glutes. I have found some information on it saying the half life is about 100 days. I've found through reading through this forum that it takes about 6-8 half lives to get Paliperidone out of your system. So this would mean it will take 600-800 days after I was injected for it to leave my body almost completely. It was about 1.5 years ago that I got the injection so if the 100 day half life is accurate over 5 half lives have passed already. Does anyone maybe have a more accurate estimation of how long Trevicta 263MG = 1,315ML keeps releasing Paliperidone if it was injected in someone's glutes. I know there are a lot of factors which can influence an individuals capacity to clear a toxin from the body, but I'd like to have some sort of time-frame to focus on. Once the contents of the Paliperidon pills have left my system I will have my blood plasma tested. That would at least give me some indication whether to keep on waiting or perhaps look for answers elsewhere.

I also currently sleep for 14 hours every night if I don't set my alarm. If I leave it unchecked, as I often do, I inverse my sleeping schedule entirely in the span of a few weeks. Even with an alarm it can be nearly impossible to get out of bed. Somehow I do feel quite normal in my dreams. Even though dreams are only fleeting the tremendous difference in state of mind between being asleep and being awake is a large obstacle to overcome for me. I can often feel quite paralyzed when I try to wake up after 8-12 hours. Last week I slept for 8 hours two days in a row but it left me feeling burnt out after the second night. The next day I didn't set an alarm and woke up after 15.5 hours. I would like to keep working on changing my sleeping schedule but I am not sure how. I sometimes have appointments planned earlier during the day but I often just end up not going. I'm currently trying to sleep 11-12 hours, but the Seroquel sedation doesn't make it any easier.
Have you checked your prolactin levels?
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Before virus breaks into cell it needs to pass through ~10 layers of protection. If cell is weak and malnourished those layers will be weak and virus will easily break. Proof of importance of good diet and supplement.
Have you checked your prolactin levels?
Yeah it was elevated 4x the maximum range. High prolactin fucks you up for sure. In adult patients weight gain is a frequent complaint of hyperprolactinaemia and it has been associated with a high prevalence of obesity. i turned into a fat fuck under 2 months time normally i'm skinny as hell
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