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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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With all due respect to proper harm reduction practices and "exclusion criteria", you are probably overthinking this one and the rather meta nature of that can bring its own problems, as will thinking too much about that, on and on in a cycle. It's a drug. A powerful one, but nothing more than another drug in a lifestyle that's about nothing if it's not about pharmaceutical variety.
Oh for sure, I might have worded it wrongly. I have nothing of spirituality in me, and I am solely a lover of tripping really hard, something I'd rather not leave behind.
I was more referring to me arriving here potentially saying that I fucked up and I landed full of haldol. This is a hard thing to rationalize, I'm sure you understand, especially in these circumstances. I tried doing so but typing out my thoughts in what is undoubtedly a hypomanic episode.
But I am indeed massively overthinking, it's what I do. I talked myself into this, I enjoy finding my way out.
But in short, to any person, what I try to rationalize, and what I have rationalized for myself, seems crazy. Because as you say, it is exactly about nothing. In my defense however, many on this site are in somewhat similar boats, but they don't go through the trouble of trying to explain themselves and rightfully so.
Interesting discussion. :) I'm too tired to process it all though. Dragged myself to [practice and ended up having a really good one, but fuck I need to eat a bit, and sleep. Been so fucking tired from this cold. I'd suspect COVID because it's a dry cough and throat, and extreme fatigue for days on end, but I already had COVID and I'm fully vaccinated and I got vaccinated a while ago. So probably cold combined with... oh yeah, opiate withdrawal being covered up by clonidine and gabapentin. Good times. Hopefully not much longer.
You sure know a lot about a lot of things SKL.

This is true and I agree. I will go as far as to say that I will never advocate for open use of psychedelics.

I also agree, but I got held down roughly for a long time and got knocked out by a high dose of haldol for 7 hours. Psychosis is a state of pure madness, but I would've gotten there on my own, now it's this open wound that I think of every day. If I were smart I would never use another drug again, but I won't, not yet. A combination of too much hunger for new things and a massive ego.
I will continue to use psychedelics, sparingly that is, tripping every two weeks does nobody any good, and I'm ready to face consequences for it, and I will face them, if there ever are any.

Now, this is not a good look for any regular poster on a drug forum that loves to talk about his own and others (future) psychedelic experiences, I am aware. Whatever would happen on a potential 5-MeO-DMT trip, I could never tell without possible eye frowning. But luckily it's only ourselves that we have to look in the eye at the end of the day.

Do you get flashbacks still when tripping? My flashbacks are intense, I don't think I can ever safely trip on lysergamides again, I probably will sometime in the next 50 years but certainly not in the foreseeable future. See this is the thing, psychotic breaks are not that uncommon when it comes to psychedelics, many have kept on tripping and kept on being fine. I am fine and don't have PTSD, but I do think of it often.
The next trip that after one which was a month later on just one tab 100 ug compared to like 400-500 ug still had a flash to it and i got scared and questioned if i was even real or anything but my mate talked me down and had a amazing trip. Had good trips after that but also very dark ones and one more episode where i lost touch with reality but not a full on psychotic break just trapped in a loop repeating the same shit then i had just a couple more trips where i got tiny flashs of the dark places i went to in that moment. But during that moment of total psychosis no other trip can even touch it holy smokes the things i experinced and saw total detatchment from earth and my body yet lost in a psychotic reality of delusions filled in my mind shouting and screaming random things but mainly of religious tones aka hell and the devil saw shiva. fuck i was so psychotic i was in outerspace couldnt even see the road was in a hyper space of anything happening even fucking saw a 5 dimesional bart simspon walk up to me and start telling me secrets about reality that made no fucking logical sense at all. In that moment it seemed more real than anything but i was also screaming about really traumatic moments in my childhood. Panadoras box was unleashed i crossed that wall in the mind between sanity and insanity and went insane for 10 minutes i was outside running down the road screaming like a mad man trying to escape the hellish realm i got stuck in.

My friend managed to talk me down for just a short while to snap me back to my senses enough to get inside and pop antipsychotics and ride out the rest of the trip.

That gave me fucking PTSD for a whole month man i was scattered and reliving it in dreams and even still to this day sometimes ill get a wild flashback of a dream to that moment of insanity and when i wake up ill acutally feel like my brain is fried.

Though idk if it was total psychosis since i was able to be talked back to earth for just a short time to regain my composure and end the trip with antipsychotics. I think i was just tripping to hard on a insane dose with two fat joints on the peak of it. I never gone crazy on just LSD alone only when mixed with cannabis.

When i ate pure hash butane brownie last year i had a massive flashback to that night it was a rough edible experince must of been a few hundred mgs in there on no weed tolerance and i relived that shit spooked me. I spent many trips pondering what went wrong and many times sober till i came to terms with it and healed that wound and faced my traumas. But everybody will be different that was just my experience of freaking out on too much acid and mixing it with weed. Even Owsley had a massive freak out at a acid test after taking to much and everybody was just laughing at him which must of been shit.

Quite a few women went totally batshit insane travelling with ken kesely on further after to much acid. There comes a point where we must eventually end our psychedelic journeys when the negative effects of the drug outweigh the positives. Owesly always wondered how far can you push these things. While nick sands could probably handle 1000 + dmt trips and how many acid trips he had most people burn out within 60-100 trips or even less.

The thing about 5meo dmt its a normal reaction for your body to go insane and scream or do whatever everybody reacts differently some people with no previous psychedelics handle it well while heavy psychonauts have very wild reactions. Some people just lie their quietly some people throw up which is why a sitter is good idea so you dont choke on your own vomit incase it happens.

5 meo DMT is the most powerful of all the psychedelics and i stress its not for everyone the czech therapists have come with good criteria to assess people to take it or not.

And even then i know schizophrenic's who take LSD And it makes them fucking normal and then "normal people" who became fucking insane after one psychedelic bender over a month.

i known at least 3 girls i went to school with who i heard ended up going crazy after doing shrooms and to the ER room. All with no background but one common thing i belive they were experienced childhood sexual abuse. Traumatic things like as a child rise the risk imo of psychosis on psychedelics due to the brains psychological defense mechanisms to try run away and not process that trauma leading to a break from the sane mind escaping into a psychotic delusion. But thats my own hypothesis.
Thinking about it i will probably not candyflip i just dont got the time to deal with mdma comedowns anymore i told myself last year no more mdma so idk what ill do with this mdma. Even though its been a year since i done it.

Will probably be tripping near the end of the month tbh the longer the break the better. my trip on 3 tabs was magical in april. just sadly some things went down in life the following week and two after that ruined my afterglow.

I will only take one acid trip see how it goes and leave two month breaks between them or longer.
Weird how negatively video games effect my overall mental health. I used to be completely addicted and I was leaving my computer broken so I didn't have the option to fill my time with them. Fixed it recently and had a day off spent most of it gaming then last night played a few games before bed and I'm laying there just thinking I can't do anything, it wont work out, I should quit working over time and just play video games instead it will make me more happy.

Then just laid there with racing negative thoughts for a while until they eventually passed.
Wow, that sucks, do you have other hobbies you are into? Sounds like you should be focusing on those.
Weird how negatively video games effect my overall mental health. I used to be completely addicted and I was leaving my computer broken so I didn't have the option to fill my time with them. Fixed it recently and had a day off spent most of it gaming then last night played a few games before bed and I'm laying there just thinking I can't do anything, it wont work out, I should quit working over time and just play video games instead it will make me more happy.

Then just laid there with racing negative thoughts for a while until they eventually passed.
What do you play?
Wow, that sucks, do you have other hobbies you are into? Sounds like you should be focusing on those.
Yeah definitely most of my hobbies involve something physical so I run into trouble when I'm tired.
What do you play?
Mobas / broodwar / arpg's


My middle finger is permanently bent from repetitive actions its bullshit when I'm at the airport and have to do one of those hand scan things I cant lay it completely flat so I have to wait in line. Sorry for the picture size wont let me resize it on mobile.

A good online friend of mine claims the amount of rush he would get from going for the top ranks in something is as much as he gets from a hit of crack. That being said we would always be popping adderall dexedrine ritalin or whatever add meds on hand to get you in the zone.
Just end up booking my entire day with work so I only have time to cook dinner and sleep when I get home.

I love talking to people face to face picking up on their personalities and what they're about. End up selling a lot more work if I spend the extra 10-15 minutes chatting about how beautiful whatever project they have going on that I come across is.
Yeah definitely most of my hobbies involve something physical so I run into trouble when I'm tired.

Mobas / broodwar / arpg's


My middle finger is permanently bent from repetitive actions its bullshit when I'm at the airport and have to do one of those hand scan things I cant lay it completely flat so I have to wait in line. Sorry for the picture size wont let me resize it on mobile.

A good online friend of mine claims the amount of rush he would get from going for the top ranks in something is as much as he gets from a hit of crack. That being said we would always be popping adderall dexedrine ritalin or whatever add meds on hand to get you in the zone.
Ah, the high vis legs of a blue collar laborer.
Man we have very different experiences gaming though. I can barely quiet my brain enough to let myself choose to play them. I miss the days I could sit there and enjoy games.
now that I am working my 7/12s schedule I will slowly become unable to do anything during my off time. When I work that much I just don’t know what to do with myself anymore. Takes all winter to deal with that weird energy, then it’s the summer work season again!
Ah, the high vis legs of a blue collar laborer.
Man we have very different experiences gaming though. I can barely quiet my brain enough to let myself choose to play them. I miss the days I could sit there and enjoy games.
now that I am working my 7/12s schedule I will slowly become unable to do anything during my off time. When I work that much I just don’t know what to do with myself anymore. Takes all winter to deal with that weird energy, then it’s the summer work season again!
Who you callin a labourer them be fightin words
i use to heavily addicted to video games like WoW, Runescape and league of legends and alot of CSGO back in 2014, 2015. i played WoW Since the lich king expansion came out. but now i no longer played video games in a long time. LSD made video games really boring for me the more i was tripping the more i couldnt bring myself to play video games anymore or even watch movies or media.

But back in stimulant addiction i would be playing league of legends for 20 hours straight only taking time to go toilet. My flat mate at point was on such much ritalin aswell and addicted to league of legends he would no longer leave his room and made shit loads of milk bottles filled with piss while he would try to get to challenger wired as fuck.
@Cosmic Charlie sending you good vibes man. Read about your hospital trip last week in this thread. hope everything is okay.

Hospital for being so manic from dissos... then he got out and took a shit ton of dissos and at least some benzos from what he said in his posts. I am seriously worried, my worry is always that he will relapse on fentadope during a time like this, and being already on benzos/methadone... Charlie I hope you're okay bro, worried about you. Love you man, please check in.
Hospital for being so manic from dissos... then he got out and took a shit ton of dissos and at least some benzos from what he said in his posts. I am seriously worried, my worry is always that he will relapse on fentadope during a time like this, and being already on benzos/methadone... Charlie I hope you're okay bro, worried about you. Love you man, please check in.
Same.. he was at the hospital when he last checked in here I think, I don't think he could've killed himself there even though he would've if he could, as he said. Seeing someone openly talk like it's the last hours of their lives is chilling, there must've been a lot of pain, which hurt to read, I didn't process it at the time itself sadly. But like I said last time, it's Charlie, it could be anything, he has a gift for pushing on in the most unlikely situations. I had a terrible feeling about it on my 2C-E trip but it's not for me to judge his decisions. Wherever he is, I hope he knows he is appreciated here.
and alot of CSGO back in 2014, 2015
former csgo addict reporting also :cool:

A couple years ago something switched in me though and I don't really enjoy games anymore. I wish I did but I quickly get bored and I don't get the same satisfaction.
My old gaming pc is also broke, I think it's the cpu, and I have to replace so many parts that I don't bother anymore.
It's weird if I jump off a large mountain or high spot in world of warcraft I get the zero gravity feeling in my stomach like going down a hill fast in a car or a roller coaster.

Definitely changed some wiring in my brain.
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